>>>>> "Kang-Che" == Kang-Che Sung <explore...@gmail.com> writes:
Kang-Che> And I really wonder one thing: Why these obscure name had been Kang-Che> chosen, instead of having a name like "myprog", "foo" or Kang-Che> "fooprog" that is more obvious as a placeholder? It's easily distinguished from any ordinary text and I have a dislike of "foo" as an example. Also Maude was the name of my dog. Kang-Che> This had troubled me when I need to look up the meanings of Kang-Che> Automake variables frequently in order to write a debug an Kang-Che> Automake file. And I hope the keywords can be indexed in a Kang-Che> better way. IMO the index should refer to definitions of primaries but not the names used in examples. Tom