Some context on why it was drafted this way:
We're aware of players teaming up.
We intentionally set it up "slow": 5 players playing is 20 weeks of play
for 50 moves, however we thought it likely players will team before then.
It is an experiment, so we took wins out of the equation.
I do agree th
I'm very excited about new kinds of gameplay, especially in the vein that
you seem to be going for. Some things I have doubts about:
- I'm not sure about regular-sized chess, because of how long the games
could be. Maybe a miniature version of chess? Or something else with short
- It seems
On 3/22/23 13:39, Forest Sweeney via agora-discussion wrote:
Besides changing score to radiance,
I'm unsure of the scoring/gameplay of this,
and would like some feedback.
I am still interested in officerless gameplay,
and this, along with ritual numbers,
is good testing ground I believe...
søn. 5. feb. 2023 kl. 09:11 skrev Forest Sweeney via agora-business <>:
> I submit the following proposal:
> {
> Title: Agorachess V2
> Adoption Index: 1.0
> Author: 4st
> Coauthor: Janet, nix, snail, G., Murphy
> Enact "Agorachess Definition" with Power=1.0 and the
4 matches
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