søn. 5. feb. 2023 kl. 09:11 skrev Forest Sweeney via agora-business <

> I submit the following proposal:
> {
> Title: Agorachess V2
> Adoption Index: 1.0
> Author: 4st
> Coauthor: Janet, nix, snail, G., Murphy
> Enact "Agorachess Definition" with Power=1.0 and the text:
> {
> The rules of chess are taken to be the ones from the following link:
> https://handbook.fide.com/chapter/E012023
> The rules of agorachess and agora take precedence over
> the rules of chess, especially when they are in conflict.
> The rules of agorachess are the rules of chess, with the following changes:
> - Discard article 4 of the rules of chess.
> - When the rules of chess refer to a player, they are referring to the
> mover of the corresponding color of pieces.
> A move follows algebraic chess notation, which is described by appendix C
> of the rules of chess.
> A record of moves is a format of a list of moves, alternating between
> being made by white and black, such that each white move is preceded by
> an incrementing integer beginning at 1.
> }
> Enact "Agorachess Play" with power=1.0 and the text:
> {
> If there is not currently an ongoing Agorachess game, any player CAN
> begin one by announcement.
> If a player has not done so in the past 6 days, e CAN, by announcement,
> make an Agorachess move, specifying a legal move for the side that has
> the move and including an updated record accurately reflecting that move
> and all previous moves.
> When a player makes a legal move that checkmates either side, any player
> increase that player's score by 5 and end the agorachess game by
> announcement.
> A player CAN end an ongoing Agorachess game with Agoran consent.
> }
> }
> --
> 4st

Besides changing score to radiance,
I'm unsure of the scoring/gameplay of this,
and would like some feedback.
I am still interested in officerless gameplay,
and this, along with ritual numbers,
is good testing ground I believe...
Plus, Agora has done everything BUT chess?
No wai!

I am also wondering if this system is good enough
to accept edits to gameplay somewhat gracefully, EG
pawns can move twice
or queens are kings
or you can reduce your radiance by 5
to remove an unoccupied square from the board
or you get 1 radiance by moving to b4
and such.

Deputy(AKA FAKE) referee, Deputy(AKA FAKE) webmastor
Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

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