I'd like to briefly apologize for my tardiness on my open CFJs.
As far as I can tell, I currently have 3 CFJs (3496, 3506, 3512) open,
all of which are severely overdue. I intend to get all of these judged
by the end of tomorrow.
Sorry again for any inconvenience,
eset always
remains consistent with the rules.
On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Sprocklem S wrote:
> In the same message, there is also mention of a rejected thesis from
> ais523, but no address was given.
I found ais523's failed thesis:
The actual
On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Sprocklem S wrote:
> [a bunch of text]
Additionally, Thimblefox wrote:
However, G. suggested he resubmit it with adjustments given by
responders. I can't seem to find out if
In the same message, there is also mention of a rejected thesis from
ais523, but no address was given.
at least, I do have a
copy. I'm not sure what other theses are missing, but I can look into if
I have them when I have time.
On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 9:38 PM, Sprocklem S wrote:
> I judge CFJ 3479 FALSE.
> Judges arguments:
> I'm inclined to agree that “formatting errors” is not an objective
> criteria. Additionally, even if it weren't too ambiguous, it seems like
> it would se
On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 1:31 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> Okay. Also, who currently manages the website?
AFAIK, it's managed by omd.
On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 8:15 PM, Aris Merchant
> ID Author(s)AI TitlePender Pend fee (sh.)
> ---
> 7848^! ais523 1.0 Emergency Scam Fix ais523 6
On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 7:52 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> Players currently listed as "interested judges" are as follows, please let me
> know of changes.
I'm interested as well.
re any reason we don't have some sort of periodic tax on shinies,
to prevent long term accumulation?
et Cap, I meant Income Cap.
> -Aris
You seem to have forgotten barring Quazie this time.
On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 8:09 PM, Owen Jacobson wrote:
> I vote as follows:
>> ID Author(s) AI Title
>> -
>> 7838* o, nichdel, G., Ørjan 2.0 Simple Economics v2
> FOR.
hich I may still need to
check on regularly to see the actual discussion).
direction, it'd probably make sense to create a new one.
orward additional forum?
As a con, reddit's default is to sort by hotness, and (if there's enough
activity), new posts could be missed. This is especially relevant if
it's a public forum.
On 2016-02-04 21:06, Henri Bouchard wrote:
> current value plus N. N cannot be less than the credit balance of
> the transferer before the transfer occurs. A player can conduct a
Am I missing something, or should this be "N cannot be *more* than the
credit balance..."
> A person CAN (unless explicitly forbidden or prevented by the
> rules) register by publishing a message that indicates
> reasonably clearly and reasonably unambiguously that e intends
> to become a player at that time.
with a power of 2, change
> its power to 3.
> }
I'd be inclined to vote against this. It seems too scammable to save the
small effort of forwarding a message.
DIS/OFF afterward via the site. Categories
>> automatically Reply-To the same category.
> I strongly object to any forum which cannot be used solely by email.
I second this objection.
>> After Quaize chimed in, I posted this week's slr to bak, thought it would be
>> fun if it caught attention of any other alumni. Seems to have made it to
>> bak web archives but it didn't come back to
>> me: did anyone else get it? (Might be a size thing, I got the shorter
>> messages from bak just fine). -G.
Me too.
>> that typos in scam attempts matter; this wasn't technically a scam but
>> it's the same sort of thing).
> (3) if the action is to be performed with N Agoran Consent, then
> the ratio of supporters to objectors is greater than N, or
> the action has at least one supporter and no objectors.
ring Peace then the office changes
hands, can e enlist in the next war? Can the new Weird change people's
Faction so the old one doesn't know them?
sion (if possibly an unintentional one).
I, on the other hand, would consider it ambiguous. The "Proto:" caused
me to not even consider that it was an actual proposal submission (until
the point was raised).
ng, and implies that other instances
> are at their default value.
> --
Is it customary to start paragraphs with "of that switch."? I think you
missed the first line there.
On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 3:21 PM, Luis Ressel wrote:
> 7733* Murphy 1.0 Sincere flattery
AGAINST. I'm not sure this is how I want Agora to run.
> How many people are ready to restart right now?
I am, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
What happened with the discussion about economies from the "bring back
contracts" thread a few months ago? Was it just forgotten or did
everyone decide an economy wasn't worth pursuing at this point in time?
On 2014-11-09 01:16, Alex Smith wrote:
> araneaC W
> Sprocklem C
> 04/11/14 aranea+W (new to Ribbons)
> 04/11/14 aranea+C (deputizing for Tailor)
> 06/11/14 Sprocklem +W (new to Ribbons)
These two parts don't agree wi
points 1
>> 7718 Tiger 1.0 More points 2
>> 7719 Tiger 1.0 More points 3
>> 7720 omd2.0 Kill the zombie
> -scshunt
n time. The list was simply
> incorrect.
E did, however, fail to, "as part of eir weekly duties, distribute all
pending proposals", something that the rules say e SHALL do.
v 13
> Murphy emurphy42 at zoho.com 27 Oct 07
> nichdel nichdel at gmail.com 6 Oct 14
> omd c.ome.xk at gmail.com [2]3 Feb 11
> Roujo jonathan.rouillard at gmail.com 16 Dec
ult in certain
proposals never being distributed.
need to be payed for and, as G.
stated, without something of high value that people need to pay for,
many people will likely ignore the economy, or at least only use it
minimally, making it hard to get started.
hink of any in Agora that is really high value to back it. It
might be interesting to tie the economic system into The Province's
economy, where you would need to pay in order to accomplish certain
things in the sub-game.
I will track Florin totals and payouts.
> - Unbet Florins are lost each week.
> - Obvious attempts to pad the public fora by posts will lead to
> ODDS TABLE GNP for the Week of 2014-10-13
> 37+ 4 to 1
> 27-36 7 to 4
> 26 exact 5 to 1
> 16-25 3 to 1
> 15- 10 to 1
I bet 70 Florins in 27-36.
I bet 30 Florins on 26.
sm is therefore
> overruled by a higher-powered rule, and just plain old doesn't work.
Who are you?
can do any of the possible rule changes. Later, it clarifies that this
can't occur if it isn't done through a reasonably public process, adding
a limitation allowed by the generally above.
On 2014-10-06 21:23, Sprocklem wrote:
> On 2014-10-06 17:33, Sean Hunt wrote:
>> When interpreting and applying the rules, the text of the rules
>> takesprecedence.Wherethetextissilent,inconsistent,orunclear,itistobeaugmentedbygamecustom
On 2014-10-01 11:30, omd wrote:
> ais523 mentioned e already tried to contact Sprocklem, but I'll send
> an email just in case it helps.
Sorry. I haven't spent as much time recently as I probably should have
looking at/doing things with Agora. I also have a CFJ that I haven
On 2014-09-11 15:49, Luis Ressel wrote:
> NumAuthor(s) AI Title
> 7693 aranea, Warrigal1.1 Revised Province of Agora
ren't on the list, just say so. These people are:
On the subject of CFJs AFAICT there appears to be 1 that needs to be
reassigned, CFJ 3425. Whoever that case is assigned to may want to read
G.'s proto-judgement and the
is still free. Unless
someone else really wants it I'll see about taking it tomorrow when I
vote on the proposals.
On 2014-08-31 17:06, Luis Ressel wrote:
> On Sun, 31 Aug 2014 16:59:25 -0600
> Sprocklem wrote:
>> On 2014-08-31 16:53, Luis Ressel wrote:
>>> Remark: As I noted on the -discussion list, I think the replacement
>>> text represents the current situation anyw
When was the last FLR published?
ould then resign it
at the end if their intention was just to publish the report.
-proposal to the discussion forum to
get input on and to see what people think of it, but for a simple bug
fix like this there's not much point in discussing it beforehand.
> --
> aranea
If you feel the urge to sign your name like this, feel free to add a
space after the second dash. Several mail clients chose to strip out a
signature after (and including) the "-- ".
right that the word and the
> spirit of the rule mismatch here?
If you find what you think to be an error, feel free to post a proposal
fixing it (or exploit it). Someone will speak up if they feel it should
be how it is.
On a side note: intention and the spirit of the rule are not always the
same when it comes to nomics.
On 2014-08-31 12:53, Sprocklem wrote:
> On 2014-08-31 06:14, Tanner Swett wrote:
>> CoE: don't forget me!
> What's this in response to?
Nevermind, I found it on the archives but, for whatever reason, didn't
receive it.
On 2014-08-31 06:14, Tanner Swett wrote:
> CoE: don't forget me!
What's this in response to?
e entire publicly known
> state of the Province.
This sounds like a great idea. I haven't had the time to look closely at
the proto-proposal but will try to do that later tonight.
On 2014-05-18 01:27, Sean Hunt wrote:
NumAuthor AI Title
7649 omd 2 I always thought these already ratifie
"AGAINST", not a customary synonym for "FOR", despite its former
private usage with the latter meaning.]
after Rule 1950. Presumably this provides precedent for interpreting it
as FOR.
On 2014-05-01 01:13, Sean Hunt wrote:
score of all players:
omd 73
Murphy 20
scshunt 84
CoE: This is just the scores of players with non-0 score.
on new ones, but you wait till they're distributed.
On 2014-04-22 07:45, x1122334455 wrote:
I apologize, what's going on? I'm new.
You should probably register and read/skim the ruleset if you wish to
On 2014-04-22 14:16, Sean Hunt wrote:
Not I.
On Apr 22, 2014 3:56 PM, "Kerim Aydin" wrote:
In the interests of time, would anyone greatly object (or try to
jump into) me making this assignment in a week? If not, I'll
research/write a judgement this week.
Nor I
On 2014-04-06 20:56, Sean Hunt wrote:
Num Author AI Title
7631 scshunt 2 Missing Vote
On 2014-02-06 15:28, Kerim Aydin wrote:
Followup: here's my judicial list (combining people standing/sitting
in the old system who have posted since Jan 1 with people so far
expressing interest):
ais523, G., woggle, omd, Tiger, Shredder, Murphy.
(Sprocklem, Nichdel, Yally would be
this broke the game forever
I register.
CFJ: I am the only player.
If I'm not already registered, I register.
On 14-01-13 02:52 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
Anyone else want to sit up??
I change my posture to sitting.
igible voter* on a particular Agoran decision submits a
ballot to the vote collector by publishing a valid notice
indicating which one of the available options e selects.
This, to me at least, seems to say that for an attempted vote to be a ballot
it must be a vote for one of the available, valid options.
On 14-01-08 04:52 PM, Kerim Aydin wrote:
Num Author AI Ch Title
7617 G. 2 O A Complex Game 2
equal opportunities
to judge.
sage is a duplicate of the one you sent. In other
words it is sent to the mailing list but GMail won't place a copy in it's
inbox when it gets it back.
hat contains the beginning of Agora's Birthday,
together with the following week, are a Holiday.
If a person breaks a Rule by missing a deadline that occurs
during a Holiday, the most appropriate penalty is generally
On 2013-10-22 2:13 PM, Jonathan Rouillard wrote:
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Sprocklem wrote:
I nominate myself with the proposed salary of 1,000,001 Yaks.
I object. If I can, I do so. I change my proposed salary to 10^12 Yaks
minus the current highest proposed salary
69 matches
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