On 2014-10-01 11:30, omd wrote:
> ais523 mentioned e already tried to contact Sprocklem, but I'll send
> an email just in case it helps.
Sorry. I haven't spent as much time recently as I probably should have
looking at/doing things with Agora. I also have a CFJ that I haven't
resolved (I'll get on it right now).

On 2014-10-01 10:50, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> I announce intent to assign the following case, called by omd, to a judge:
>> CFJ: Rule 2437 contains the text "omd CAN cause this rule to amend
>> itself by announcement."
Do you want this office, or just want the job completed? If you want the
office then I'll just resign it, otherwise I'll (re)assign the
appropriate CFJs.


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