Costs from CampaignService

2012-06-06 Thread Stanis Shramko
Hello, I am trying to get the first date when the cost of any campaign of the customer is not zero. For this purpose I am doing the following $campaignService = $user->GetService('CampaignService', 'v201109_1'); $selector = new Selector(); $selector->fields = array('Id', 'Cost', 'StartDate

Re: AdWords API for private use?

2012-06-06 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello JanAR, The tokens review process is handled by a dedicated team and I am not fully aware of all policies. I believe you can describe your tool as internal and provide the link to the website that will be advertised. As for examples, please make sure to use our client libraries: https:

Re: Incorrect response returned for Search Query Performance report

2012-06-06 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello SEM, There was a temporary issue on our side. It was fixed within a few hours. -Danial, AdWords API Team. On Monday, June 4, 2012 8:45:03 PM UTC+4, SEM wrote: > > Thanks Danial. > > Can you please let us know as to what went wrong? Our customers are asking > us for a confirmation of th

Re: Error while creating batch adgroups

2012-06-06 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello Prashant, Can you please send us full XML code of the response? -Danial, AdWords API Team. On Monday, June 4, 2012 9:21:30 PM UTC+4, Prashant Nagar wrote: > > Hi, > I am getting this error while creating adgroups in batch. This error is > intermittent. : > Should explicitly create inst

Re: Sandbox not generating 5 new accounts

2012-06-06 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello mwunit11, Please send me the full XML responses for getCampaign and getAccountHierarchy over email. Also, please attach auth.ini (make sure to remove password). -Danial, AdWords API Team. On Tuesday, June 5, 2012 6:43:28 PM UTC+4, mwunit11 wrote: > > Hi Danial, > > I created a new Goo

Re: Sandbox not generating 5 new accounts

2012-06-06 Thread mwunit11
Thanks Danial. What is the preferred support email? I was unable to find it on the website. On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 1:42:10 PM UTC+3, Danial Klimkin wrote: > > Hello mwunit11, > > > Please send me the full XML responses for getCampaign and > getAccountHierarchy over email. Also, please attach

Re: Api error while adding batch keywords

2012-06-06 Thread Jim McCabe
We have encountered the same error in both AdGroupAdService (creating new ads) as well as AdGroupCriterionService (creating new keywords). The error hasn't occurred since June 3 (three days ago). Was there a change to the Adwords API back-end which temporarily caused this problem (and then got


2012-06-06 Thread Sean
Hi, I'm using the .NET libraries. v14.5 dll. I get this error when trying to call the new report. The code works on all other report types. The fields included are: AdGroupId,AdGroupName,CallDuration,CallEndTime,CallerNationalDesignatedCode,CallStartTime,CallStatus,CampaignId,CampaignName !!!2||

What Combination of API Reports Equals the Web GUI's MCC Accounts View?

2012-06-06 Thread Jonathan Shaltz
Good afternoon. I'd like to use the API to pull exactly the same data that users are used to seeing in the AdWords web GUI (e.g., By pulling a SEARCH_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT, an AUTOMATIC_PLACEMENTS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT, and a MANAGED_PLA

Re: AdWords API Developer Token Still Pending Approval?

2012-06-06 Thread Jonathan Shaltz
It took us five months, and we spend literally millions of dollars a month on AdWords. On Monday, June 4, 2012 7:58:58 PM UTC-5, Leo Wong wrote: > > Me too! > > On Friday, May 4, 2012 11:17:15 PM UTC+8, James wrote: >> >> Our company applied for the AdWords API Developer Token way back in >> Jan

Re: API developer token taking crazy long

2012-06-06 Thread Michael Orefice
Hi Kevin, I need your help... I applied in January and have sent weekly emails for the past 2 months Customer ID 822-050-1834 Your help would be greatly appreciated. Michael Orefice On Friday, June 1, 2012 10:21:50 AM UTC-7, Kevin Winter wrote: > > Hi Stefan, > I apolog