To use a test account, your developer token doesn't have to be approved.
You just need to have a credential for your MCC account.
What line in GetRefreshToken you see that error "Exception in thread "main"
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKI
Got it!
However I didn't get the developer token approved, I'm just using Eclipse+
Maven to get authenticate via oauth2, the account that available to me
right now is just a test account.
The issue I'm stuck in right now is every time when I want to
GetRefreshToken, Eclipse stopped me, notify
Hi Anash,
Thanks for replying me, I checked the site u send me. that one looks like a
.NET guide, the code I'm using is java. And I have other questions, can I
just use my "test account"
and the "client ID I create in API console" to authenticate via oauth2 and
also create campaign, etc in the
You don't need to turn on AdWords API on Google API Console. Google API
Console hosts all our REST APIs (Drive, Apps, etc.), whereas for AdWords
API, you signup from your AdWords API MCC account as mentioned on
https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/signingup. Once you have an
I got it to work,
I did not need to turn on adwords as a service in console, it doesn't
exist, all you need to do is authenticate via oauth2
I used web flow.
Also i authenticated/authorized as my mcc account and had access to the
individual accounts joined to it.
On Thursday, August 22,
Hi Michael,
I am stuck in a similar issue, u mentioned u want to turn on the google
adsense api service in https://code.google.com/apis/console, I want to turn
on my google adwords api service, however, I search the page, this is no
such service for me to turn on. Do u have any clue on this?
Thanks Ewan,
If it's just mcc then it saves me a bunch of pain.
It seems wierd that I don't have to switch on google adwords api in the
under services.
I use the adsense api, and I had to switch it on, but for adwords, I guess
I don't.
On Monday, August
Hi Michael,
Once you've authenticated an MCC account, you will have access to all of
the client accounts without needing additional tokens.
Also find us on our blog and discussion group:
I am trying to implement Oauth2 for google adwords api.
Currently the app has many mcc accounts, each of which has many google
adwords accounts connected to the mcc.
Am I supposed to create oauth2 with access and refresh tokens for the mcc
account, or the individual google adwords accounts?