Hi Josh -
thanks a lot for your detailed answer.
We'll give the synchronus alternative you outlined a try and decide from
When you said "changes of keywords and *URLs* in separate jobs", did you
mean to say "changes of keywords and *ads* in separate jobs"?
--> yes.
Thanks a lot!
Hi Dominic,
One important point about *MutateJobService* is that operations submitted
through that service will most likely take longer to complete than those
same operations submitted to the non-job service, e.g.,
*AdGroupCriterionService*. The reason for this is that jobs submitted
through *
Hi Josh - thanks for quick reply.
1. *Traffic estimation:*
- "Number of ads and keywords per ad group" --> ~50 ads and ~10-500+
keywords (per client)
- "the number of ad groups you're processing per account" --> ~3.000+
(per client)
*(clients 1-100 / day) *
- At the m
A couple of ideas/questions come to mind:
1. Could you give an estimate on a) the number of ads and keywords you
are updating per ad group, b) the number of ad groups you're processing per
account, and c) the number of accounts? I'd like to get an idea of the
order of magnitude
We are trying to change the target URLs of our clients ads through the
AdWords API.
Our process is steched like this:
- We pull via the AdWords API the existing and active AdGroups
- Per AdGroup we do the following:
1. Pause active text-ads
2. Clone paused text-ads
3. Chan