i am developing AdWords API software to handle AdParams in TextAds which
our company is using and I am running into a problem working with many
We currently handle 70k AdGroups in our AdWords account divided in 4
Campaigns. Each AdGroup contains about 10 or more keywods and ever
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For example, i
I'm trying to use the PHP client library in order to change some ad
parameters in my ads, but I can't make it work. The error message I receive
is "INVALID_ADGROUP_CRITERION_SPECIFIED", but I know for a fact from running
the "getAllAdGroupCriteria"-service that both the ad group Id and key
Hi Marc,
It sounds like you have everything set up correctly. Please ensure
you are triggering the correct ad and doing so using a keyword (and
match type) that has an ad parameter attached.
- Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team
On May 21, 10:28 am, Marc Quamediagroup wrote:
> Hello,
> I would
I would like to use Adparams services in order to update the ads
I have done a test on l’adgroupID [1397558686] and on
criterion[(6638144635],[6638144725],[6638202055],[6638203405]) but
this doesn’t seem to work properly.
I have finally configured the match as follow: "Séjour t