How to set AdParams and save calls?

2015-03-24 Thread hluchy . jakub
Hi, i am developing AdWords API software to handle AdParams in TextAds which our company is using and I am running into a problem working with many keywords. We currently handle 70k AdGroups in our AdWords account divided in 4 Campaigns. Each AdGroup contains about 10 or more keywods and ever

Re: Set AdParams not working using the PHP client library

2011-08-01 Thread David Torres
Hi, Your account is currently in a conflicting state. To resume fetching ClientLogin tokens, you must resolve your conflicting accounts. You can invoke a wizard to help you resolve your conflicting accounts by signing into with your gtempaccount. For example, i

Set AdParams not working using the PHP client library

2011-07-28 Thread
Hi, I'm trying to use the PHP client library in order to change some ad parameters in my ads, but I can't make it work. The error message I receive is "INVALID_ADGROUP_CRITERION_SPECIFIED", but I know for a fact from running the "getAllAdGroupCriteria"-service that both the ad group Id and key

Re: Set AdParams

2010-05-24 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hi Marc, It sounds like you have everything set up correctly. Please ensure you are triggering the correct ad and doing so using a keyword (and match type) that has an ad parameter attached. Best, - Eric Koleda, AdWords API Team On May 21, 10:28 am, Marc Quamediagroup wrote: > Hello, > I would

Set AdParams

2010-05-21 Thread Marc Quamediagroup
Hello, I would like to use Adparams services in order to update the ads dynamically. I have done a test on l’adgroupID [1397558686] and on criterion[(6638144635],[6638144725],[6638202055],[6638203405]) but this doesn’t seem to work properly. I have finally configured the match as follow: "Séjour t