I would like to use Adparams services in order to update the ads
I have done a test on l’adgroupID [1397558686] and on
criterion[(6638144635],[6638144725],[6638202055],[6638203405]) but
this doesn’t seem to work properly.

I have finally configured the match as follow: "Séjour tout compris en
Thalasso en Belgique dès {param1:140€} !"

Then I started my script (SetAdparams) by using the examples given by
php. This last one returns no error and showes me that adgroup has
been updated properly.
$adParam1 = new AdParam($adGroupId, $keywordId, 100€, 1);

I have also started  a script with “GetAllAdPrams” function to check
if I had a return and I do have one : adgroupID,  criterionId,
l'insertionText and the paramIndex ” .

But, when I enter the request on Google with the matching keywords,
it’s only showing the value by default (140€) on the ad.

I just would like to know if I forgot something, or if there is a
special configuration, or if I am wrong somewhere.

Thank you for your help.



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