No, email and password are those of your normal login. You have to set the
CustomerId of the AdwordsUser object before downloading the report, for
example (in Visual Basic .NET): TryCast(AdWordsUser.Config,
AdWordsAppConfig).ClientCustomerId = GCustomerId, where AdWordsUser would
be your user o
Dear Alexander, thanks for the answer. Is there a code example covering
this? Does it mean the Download function needs the email and password of
each client?
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I say you aren't specifying the client. Reporting for multiple clients
isn't possible anymore with the adhoc reports, so you have to get a report
for each client (and specify the client of course).
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I have converted a Keyword Performance Program in MS VS 2008 c# to API
v201209 and have an error when downloading a report. Error Code:
See attached code snippets. I checked all parameters and they look correct.
I´m using t