No, email and password are those of your normal login. You have to set the 
CustomerId of the AdwordsUser object before downloading the report, for 
example (in Visual Basic .NET): TryCast(AdWordsUser.Config, 
AdWordsAppConfig).ClientCustomerId = GCustomerId, where AdWordsUser would 
be your user object and GCustomerId is a long variable with the CustomerId 
of the client. And by any means, don't make a new log in for each client, 
just set the CustomerId as described - otherwise you will run into the 
dreaded captcha problem.
Best wishes
Am Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2012 15:37:26 UTC+1 schrieb Reinhold Maurus:
> Dear Alexander, thanks for the answer. Is there a code example covering 
> this? Does it mean the Download function needs the email and password of 
> each client?

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