AdWords API Re: Problem with KeywordToolService retuning bad data

2009-06-01 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hello Tony, swimming exercise programme Broad false en US leads to the same first response from the SOAP service swimming exercise programme 0 28 -1 and a number (greater than five) additionalTo

AdWords API Re: Problem with KeywordToolService retuning bad data

2009-06-01 Thread thetonyleone
I was using false 'en' . 'US' . for the request and when I try to view the list it comes out with s - s - 0 - 0 2 - 2 - - - saying that there is 5 variations but none of them are those keywords. The aditional to consider works fine but when you try to go for more speicfic it

AdWords API Re: Problem with KeywordToolService retuning bad data

2009-05-29 Thread AdWords API Advisor
Hello Tony, I made the following SOAP request: swimming exercise programme Broad true en GB and the first item in the list of results I got back was swimming exercise programme 0 28 -1 This al