Hello Tony,

 I made the following SOAP request:

        <text>swimming exercise programme</text>

and the first item in the list of results I got back was

     <ns1:text>swimming exercise programme</ns1:text>

This all seems as expected to me. What leads you to believe that there
is an issue?

-Jeff Posnick, AdWords API Team

On May 29, 10:44 am, thetonyleone <thetonyle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am running into a strange problem. I created a keyword search tool
> using the sample php script provided and everything seems to be
> working perfect so far. But I had a user that did a search for a
> keyword "swimming exercise programme" and the adwords API returns
> using:
> $more_specific = $variation_lists['moreSpecific'];
> echo 'List of popular queries with given seed has ' . count
> ($more_specific) .
>   ' variation(s).' . "\n";
> foreach ($more_specific as $eachOne){
>         echo $eachOne['text'].' - '.$eachOne['lastMonthSearchVolume'].'<br>';
>         }
> List of popular queries with given seed has 5 variation(s).
> s - s
> -
> 0 - 0
> 2 - 2
> - - -
> I tried to do the search in Googles Adwords Keyword 
> Tool:https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal
> and it returns Not enough data.
> From what I could read in the API developers guide if there wasnt
> enough data it should return -1.
> I have tried it with different variations with just single words from
> that phrase and it works fine but not with that phrase. I was even
> looking at the debug information and it does have that keyword found:
> swimming exercise programme   0  28  -1
> but doesn't seem to know that it would be one of the choices of the
> variations.
> Please Help, Thanks in advance.
> Tony
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