looking for api suggestion to get rid from manual process to fetch report and

2017-12-04 Thread Naresh Kumar
Hello Adwords API Team, I have some question listed below, These steps we are doing manually to fetch analytics reports and keywords from adwords/analytics api. I am looking for your suggestion on this, if we can do these all steps with Google APIs 1. Can we direct link Google Adwords with

Geotargeting Redland City, Queensland

2017-12-04 Thread Cath Koch
Google Geotargeting does not recognise our city. How can I make Google aware of this? One suburb within our city is targetable, but the remainder of the suburbs within the city and the city itself does not appear in the Geotarget table. This is hampering Google Adwords targeting for my clien

Replace IP Exclusion List (PHP)

2017-12-04 Thread Jeff C
Does anyone know where there is example code for replacing the entire IP Exclusion list for a campaign with a new list? -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com/ https://plus.google.com/+GoogleAdsDevelop

Re: What are the correct values for bridgeMapVersionId and partnerId for OfflineDataUpload ThirdPartyUploadMetadata

2017-12-04 Thread Steve Wilhelm
Michael, You state: "The third party options are for Google data provider partners who have the bridge map and partner values for their integrations.If you are a merchant who wants to upload your own offline data, then first party fields are the ones to use, which do not require these fields."

Re: change version and con not connect

2017-12-04 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, Could you confirm if you face this issue for all services and reporting? If you are using an older version of PHP library, could you please try to upgrade to the v32.0.0 version and see if the issue persists? If it does,

Re: How to ad Product Ad using API in PHP ? For product ad which type of AdGroup & campaign required ?

2017-12-04 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Umesh, Are you trying to create a Shopping campaign? If so, please follow this guide which explains about creating a shopping campaign, ad group and the ads. You can refer to AddShoppingCampaign

Re: Several different escape-characters in CSV report

2017-12-04 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello Alex, Could you provide us the complete report definition for the Ad Performance Report and details about client library used, so I can take a look at the issue you're facing? Please use *Reply privately to author* option to provide the details. Regards, Bharani, AdWords API Team On M

Re: Querying AdGroupCriterion Service for age range

2017-12-04 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello, You could use the AdGroupCriterionService.get() or CampaignCriterionService.get() and look for

Re: Campaign Performance Report don't return one campaign

2017-12-04 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
ype1 from CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT where > CampaignId = 598878691 during 20170101, 20171204 > > Can someone help me, please? > > Thanks. > -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com/ h

Re: Can You Use The AdWords API To Access The Ad Preview & Diagnosis Tool?

2017-12-04 Thread 'Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Anupam, Neither of these features are supported by AdWords API, and unfortunately I can't think of a way to automate this monitoring process either. Anash P. Oommen, AdWords API Advisor. On Wednesday, November 29, 2017 at 4:46:24 AM UTC-5, Anupam Sringeri wrote: > > Hi Anash, > > We would li

Re: Tiemout for ReportDownloader using Python library

2017-12-04 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, Could you try the suggestion by Mark on this thread? If you have more questions about the python client library, you could create a new issue on the issue tracker

Re: OAuth with Javascript + AdWords API PHP library?

2017-12-04 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Johnny, Once the account owner provides the authorization, your application will be able to generate the OAuth tokens which is required to make API calls against their accounts. However, you will still need an approved developer token to make the API calls. You can create a production MCC a

Re: I just posted a question and it disappeared

2017-12-04 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, I believe that you are referring to this post . If not, could you please let me know what your question was? Thanks, Sreelakshmi, AdWords API Team -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=

Re: is it possible for Ad Group Bid increase and decrease to a specific criteria like gender and age range?

2017-12-04 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Kendan, As Matt explained, to apply bid adjustments to the age/gender, you can use AdGroupCriterionService and set the bidModifier

Re: How can i create Ads in Ads Group and attached product Using Google Adword API?

2017-12-04 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello, You may refer to this guide on how to create Ads in an Ad group through the API. You can use the AdGroupAdService.mutate()

Re: Can I programmatically remove a closed CrmBasedUserList from AdWords

2017-12-04 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Roger, Thanks for your feedback, it does seem confusing since it is listed in the operator field. I will let the team know about this and see if we can get the documentation

Re: Do AdGroupCriteria support temporary IDs?

2017-12-04 Thread 'Thanet Knack Praneenararat (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello Bryan, Temporary IDs do not work in both AdGroupCriterionLabelOperation and AdGroupCriterionOperation now. Engineering is fixing this issue currently but we don't have ETAs yet. Best, Thanet, AdWords API Team On Monday, December 4, 2017 at 12:39:36 AM UTC-5, Bryan wrote: > > Hi Thanet,

Re: SEARCH_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT is returning wrong data

2017-12-04 Thread 'Bharani Cherukuri (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello, Could you provide us the complete report definition along with the clientCustomerId, so I can take a look and assist you further? Please use *Reply privately to author* option to provide the de

change version and con not connect

2017-12-04 Thread Joaquim Rossell
Hello, we adapt the library and the new auth method, from version 201609 to the last (201710). I defined the adsapi_php.ini using the the same credentials. I even asked for a new refresh token but didnt work. When I try to use the GetCampaigns example: *Fatal error*: Uncaught SoapFault except

Re: is it possible for Ad Group Bid increase and decrease to a specific criteria like gender and age range?

2017-12-04 Thread Matthew Wawrin
Hi, You can use the bidModifier value in the BiddableAdGroupCriterion service, with the criterion being the demographic you want to target and adjust bids on (gender/age range). There is example code for adding BiddableAdGroupCriterion to an adgroup: https://github.com/googleads/googleads-ph

Re: What are the correct values for bridgeMapVersionId and partnerId for OfflineDataUpload ThirdPartyUploadMetadata

2017-12-04 Thread 'Michael Cloonan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello, It sounds like you should probably be using FirstPartyUploadMetadata instead, along with setting the uploadType to STORE_SALES_UPLOAD_FIRST_PARTY. The third party option

Several different escape-characters in CSV report

2017-12-04 Thread Alex
We use a library to parse csv reports from AdWords API. The library takes an escape-character and a quote-character as parameters. Usually both are set to ". But some days ago we encountered an adwords report which contained different escape-chars: (Its an Ad-performance-report and the column is

Campaign Performance Report don't return one campaign

2017-12-04 Thread Spain Api
VideoQuartile75Rate, VideoQuartile100Rate, AdNetworkType1 from CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT where CampaignId = 598878691 during 20170101, 20171204 Can someone help me, please? Thanks. -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://googleadsdeveloper

How to ad Product Ad using API in PHP ? For product ad which type of AdGroup & campaign required ?

2017-12-04 Thread Umesh Shinde
How to ad Product Ad using API in PHP ? For product ad which type of AdGroup & campaign required ? -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.com/ https://plus.google.com/+GoogleAdsDevelopers/posts =~=~=~=~=~=


2017-12-04 Thread vananppcmanager
Hi Team, i am getting wrong data in SEARCH_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT. getting correct data in KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT . help me with this -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Al

Re: Can I programmatically remove a closed CrmBasedUserList from AdWords

2017-12-04 Thread Roger Webb
*I'll amend my previous comment to note I've seen the current version of the page you've linked to showing REMOVE is not supported, but the page I hopped to (w/o reading that sentence above, admittedly) was still misleading. Thanks, Roger* *https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/referen

OAuth with Javascript + AdWords API PHP library?

2017-12-04 Thread Johnny
Hi! I'm creating a web pp which lets visitors authenticate via Google OAuth 2 (Javascript API), and once authentication is complete, on the same page get the list of their AdWords accounts with some basic reports about each account (CPA in last month, etc.). I've already implemented client-sid

Age range set in the AdWords UI is not showing up when I request the AdGroup Criteria

2017-12-04 Thread C N
When I use the UI to exclude an age range (e.g. 18-24) for an ad group, I expected that when I query the AdGroupCriterionService requesting AgeRangeType, I'll get a criterion entry showing the age range that was excluded. However, instead I'm getting an entry for each age range. The query is:

How can i create Ads in Ads Group and attached product Using Google Adword API?

2017-12-04 Thread Pradeep Kumar
How can i create Ads in Ads Group and attached product Using Google Adwords API? as currently i am able to created campaign and Ads Group using Adwords API -- Privacy Policy: This email is confidential, for the intended addressee or addressees only and may be protected by legal privilege. I

Re: Can I programmatically remove a closed CrmBasedUserList from AdWords

2017-12-04 Thread Roger Webb
Hey Sreelakshmi, If the REMOVE operator is not supported for the AdWordsUserList service, as you describe, then perhaps this documentation page should be updated accordingly. I've spent a couple of hours trying to figure out why my mutate REMOVE operation isn't working, and this page in partic

Tiemout for ReportDownloader using Python library

2017-12-04 Thread manim via AdWords API Forum
Hi all, I am using the Python library to download reports and I am trying to set timeout to the requests I make to download the report. Is there any way to do this? Thanks ! -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our blog and Google+: https://googleadsdevelope

is it possible for Ad Group Bid increase and decrease to a specific criteria like gender and age range?

2017-12-04 Thread kendan
I have already implemented google adwords API. I am using Google Adwords API PHP library. Things that are possible that I have done: - Get list of Campaigns - Get list of Ad groups in a campaign - Remove a Campaign - Remove a Ad group - Increase or decrease bid on campaign with platform - Get li

Querying AdGroupCriterion Service for age range

2017-12-04 Thread C N
I'm trying to get a list of age range criterion that have been selected for an ad group. An age range (e.g. 18-24) was excluded in the UI, and I'm querying the AdGroupCriterion service, expecting that one of the criteria will show that the age range was excluded. However, instead I'm getting a

Re: I just posted a question and it disappeared

2017-12-04 Thread kendan
YOur right, mine too On Monday, November 27, 2017 at 6:27:34 PM UTC+8, orrb...@gmail.com wrote: > > I just posted a question and it disappeared, i just check what happen > again when you click POST and I will delete this message :) > -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also

Re: How can I deactivate a CRMBasedUserList using the API?

2017-12-04 Thread 'Peter Oliquino' via AdWords API Forum
Hi George, If you wish to terminate the CrmBasedUserList as your NegativeCampaignCriterion , then, you may do so by using the CampaignCriterionService.mutate() method. You may