I want data for search and display network in single query in AWQL

2017-04-05 Thread Jaydeep More
I used following query SELECT CampaignName, Cost FROM CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT WHERE AdNetworkType1 = 'CONTENT' OR AdNetworkType1 = 'SEARCH' DURING 20170405, 20170405 but it shows exception pls suggest me some of query changes to get both display netw

Re: Python SDK, Test Account: No campaigns were found

2017-04-05 Thread smt . adwords . manager
Shwetha, I'm experiencing the same issue with get_campaigns.py. I can confirm that I'm using: 1. The developer_token from the Production MCC account 2. The client_id, client_secret, and refresh_token relating to the Test MCC account. 3. The client_customer_id from the client test account create

Re: Api V201702 catch upload offline conversion error

2017-04-05 Thread Michael Taggart
Hi Vishal, We're currently in the process of uploading every conversion action with their accurate values through the API to take advantage of all the machine learning that tCPA and tROAS has to offer. We have a significant number of offline conversions that we would like to upload as soon as w

Re: Api V201702 catch upload offline conversion error

2017-04-05 Thread Michael Taggart
Hi Vishal, We're currently in the process of uploading every conversion action with their accurate values through the API to take advantage of all the machine learning that tCPA and tROAS has to offer. We have a significant number of offline conversions that we would like to upload as soon as w

Re: How can I pull cost by campaign that INCLUDES invalid data via the API?

2017-04-05 Thread Evan Chad
Hey Shwetha - Let's say we are pulling the cost field for a campaign which was $7,050.17 per my last screenshot. Let's say I have $50.17 credited due to invalid activity. Is the $7,050.17 include the invalid cost, or would this new cost be $7,000? Thanks! On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 4:11:4

Re: How can I pull cost by campaign that INCLUDES invalid data via the API?

2017-04-05 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Evan, You need to request the Cost field, which is the sum of the cost-per-click (CPC) spend and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) spend during the selected time period. Other costs, such

Re: Can ConversionTrackerId change?

2017-04-05 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Zweitze, The post you are referring to was related to "Store Visits" ConversionTracker, which is a system-default conversion tracker. System-default conversion trackers cannot be modified. You would need to create a copy with the originalConversionTypeId specified. In this case, the ID of

Re: API Access to Billing Transaction History reports

2017-04-05 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Chris, Thanks for your feedback. The team is already aware of this feature request. Unfortunately, we cannot comment on the ETA for this feature to be available via the API. Please follow the Ads Developer blog for updates a

Re: Topic exclusions via API

2017-04-05 Thread 'Tim Tsai' via AdWords API Forum
Yep I've found it. Thanks! On Tuesday, 4 April 2017 15:52:10 UTC-4, Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi Tim, > > You need to use CampaignCriterionService > > to > add negative Vertical >

Re: How can I pull cost by campaign that INCLUDES invalid data via the API?

2017-04-05 Thread Evan Chad
Hey Shwetha - Thanks for the follow-up, but I have another question. Let's say I have cost below for two campaigns. How do I get the total cost and how do I get the valid cost per campaign? On Monday, April 3, 2017 at 9:47:15 AM UTC-5, Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi Evan,

Re: The AdWords API does not support report at MCC level?

2017-04-05 Thread 'Vishal Vinayak (Adwords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, As an alternative, you can check out our AwReporting framework (written in Java) that can be used to sync AdWords API reports to your local database. Structure reports

Re: Getting inconsistent data back from Ad_Performance_Report compared to UI view.

2017-04-05 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Connor, Could you provide the complete report definition used to download the Ad Performance Report along with your clientCustomerId so I can take a look? The Ad Performance Report is mapped to the dat

Re: API Access to Billing Transaction History reports

2017-04-05 Thread seo
Hi, Still not able to have Billing Transaction History or payment information? It's seriously missing now because you don't give access to invoices pdf. Thx in advance. Chris. Le vendredi 10 février 2017 20:09:05 UTC+1, Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team) a écrit : > > Hello, > > The bi

Re: Can't seem to connect to the sutoloader

2017-04-05 Thread blair
Hmmm... that's not really what I am looking for. I'm looking to create a webpage that is directly accessed from a browser using a url that we already have established. I think I figured it out though... thanks. On Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 3:58:17 PM UTC-5, Vishal Vinayak (Adwords API Team) wro

Re: Retrieve Google Code for Remarketing Tag

2017-04-05 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Sandeep, You need to use CustomerService and perform a getCustomers() request to retrieve the details of the

Re: Can ConversionTrackerId change?

2017-04-05 Thread Zweitze
So that topic was about importing conversion trackers? Like, I import Analytics goals in AdWords and find out that this conversiontracker has a different ID than the goal ID in Analytics? That's a relief! But do tell me if I understood this wrong. Thanks! Zweitze On Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at

Re: Retrieve Responsive Ad Images

2017-04-05 Thread 'Sreelakshmi Sasidharan (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Lior, Using the ImageAdUrl field in the AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT, you will be able to prepare the url to the specific image after appending "https://tpc.googlesyndication.com/pageadimg/imgad?id

Re: I have a unexpected response from AdWords API. How can I fix the problem?

2017-04-05 Thread 'Vishal Vinayak (Adwords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Tomohiro, Could you please provide me with your 10 digit AdWords account ID and a sample report that contains records for conversions >=1 (downloaded using the report definition provided by you)? Please click on *Reply privately to author *when responding. Regards, Vishal, AdWords API Team

Re: Can ConversionTrackerId change?

2017-04-05 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Zweitze, Once a ConversionTracker is created, its ID doesn't change. However, if you have created a ConversionTracker by forking a system-defined conversion tracker, its ID will b


2017-04-05 Thread 'Nadine Sundquist (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hello Robert, There aren't any known issues right now with those particular errors. If those errors are persisting, please start a new forum thread, and we can take a look to see what's going on. It could be something specific that you're passing in that is causing the error. Thanks, Nadine, A

Getting inconsistent data back from Ad_Performance_Report compared to UI view.

2017-04-05 Thread Connor McManus
I am trying to pull the top performing search ads from the Ad_Performance_Report. I am easily able to see what they are on the AdWords UI side, but when I make the API call, I am getting back ad performance data that does not match the UI data. I will attach the referenced examples - on the UI

Re: Remarketing audience user lists via API

2017-04-05 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Anil, You need to use AdwordsUserListService in AdWords API to create user lists and upload email addresses to populate the user lists. This guide

Re: API call request rate limit reached

2017-04-05 Thread 'Vishal Vinayak (Adwords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, The expected response time for a Standard Access application is about two weeks . If you do not hear back after 2 weeks, please feel free to get in touch with our compliance team here .

Re: Python SDK, Test Account: No campaigns were found

2017-04-05 Thread 'Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Adamos, We don't have an estimate on when Video Campaigns will be supported in AdWords API services. Please keep an eye on our blog for announcements or updates about this feature. Regards, Shwetha, AdWords API Team. -- -

I have a unexpected response from AdWords API. How can I fix the problem?

2017-04-05 Thread Tomohiro NAKAMURA
Hi, My name is Tomohiro NAKAMURA. I have a unexpected response from AdWords API. I use KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT reportType API. When I specified Conversions LESS_THAN 1 on query, I get some data which contains Conversion >= 1. Soap Details is below: https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm


2017-04-05 Thread Robert Dorsey II
Hello Nadine, We are seeing the same errors in the last 5 days intermittently, on our end, do you know if there is an internal Google issue going on with the API? We are trying to identify if it is a problem on our end or the API itself. Thank you! On Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 9:18:13 AM U

Re: API call request rate limit reached

2017-04-05 Thread Paul Newbury
Cheers for the response Vishal, What is the usually waiting time to hear back about Standard Access? On Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 8:36:55 PM UTC+1, Vishal Vinayak (Adwords API Team) wrote: > > Hi, > > That is correct. Your Basic Access token has a limit of 1,000 daily > report downloads >

Re: Shopping Performance Report returns same product twice

2017-04-05 Thread Marc P
Hi Thanet, thank you for your reply. The date range solves it if you get the date range right, i.e. you request a range where the product was not changed in that date range. However, I do not know when and if products were changed and thus my fix right now is to always filter out all duplicate

Retrieve Google Code for Remarketing Tag

2017-04-05 Thread cvit sandeep
Hi Team We want to retrieve the snippet of View AdWords tag for websites. ( Google Code for Remarketing Tag ). Any API method is available for this. Please help me to resolve the issue Thanks & Regards Sandeep cv -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our bl

Remarketing audience user lists via API

2017-04-05 Thread Anil
Hello, Is there a way to upload users (customer emails) to audience user list via API if yes using which service? We have a audience user list with customers email ids and want to update that list periodically via API Thanks -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find

Re: Проблема с COUNTDOWN

2017-04-05 Thread 'Ivan Bautista' via AdWords API Forum
Hi, I'm afraid I can respond in English only. Being that your concern is more related to the preview mode of the AdWords UI than with the AdWords API, it would be best if you raise your concern to the AdWords Community forum

Re: data difference - aggregated vs breakdown reports

2017-04-05 Thread Zweitze
I know this is the case when clicktype is included in the breakdown - in that case impressions and average position will have different values. It's easy to understand how that can happen: With clicktype you can get separate values for sitelink impressions. So, for instance a report may state th

Can ConversionTrackerId change?

2017-04-05 Thread Zweitze
In an afterthought of another topic in this forum Marc mentioned a value of ConversionTrackerID was changed. No reaction was given on that particular remark so here I go: Is that true?? Can ConversionTrackerID change? Our s

Re: Python SDK, Test Account: No campaigns were found

2017-04-05 Thread adamos . loizou
Hi Shwetha, Thanks for the reply, I will try it with a non-video campaign. As for supporting video campaigns on the API, do you know if there is a plan for that to happen? If so, what is the ETA? Thanks, Adamos On Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at 7:36:24 PM UTC+1, Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team) w

Retrieve Responsive Ad Images

2017-04-05 Thread lior
Hello, I am downloading from the ad performance report the following fields: EnhancedDisplayCreativeLogoImageMediaId EnhancedDisplayCreativeMarketingImageMediaId Is it possible to download the images of those ID's? Thanks, Lior -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find

Проблема с COUNTDOWN

2017-04-05 Thread tileexpert . ad
Добрый день! Столкнулись с такой проблемой: указываем описание объявления в виде: "Home delivery to USA by 06/12/17 if order paid {=COUNTDOWN("2017/04/27 00:00:00","en-US",1)} and tiles in stock" Но в предпросмотре в любом случае отображается 3дня, что мы делаем не так? Или в режиме предпросмотра

Re: How to download campaign wise cost using AWQL

2017-04-05 Thread 'Ivan Bautista' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Jaydeep, Could you check the Campaigns report in your AdWords UI and see if the results are the same with the Campaign Performance Report

how to download campaign wise cost in adwords adwords api

2017-04-05 Thread Jaydeep More
I used below awql to get campaign wise cost in adwords but data is totaly wrong how to get correct data SELECT CampaignName, Cost FROM CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT WHERE AdNetworkType1 = 'CONTENT' DURING 20170404, 20170404 thanks, Jaydeep More -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~

How to download campaign wise cost using AWQL

2017-04-05 Thread Jaydeep More
I used following AWQL but data was totally wrong pls tell me where i am wrong SELECT CampaignName, Cost FROM CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT WHERE AdNetworkType1 = 'CONTENT' DURING 20170404, 20170404 thanks Jaydeep More -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on

Re: Audience Performance Negative Exlcude Report

2017-04-05 Thread 'Peter Oliquino' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Sandeep, As of v201609, the Audience Performance Report's behavior has been changed to no longer return exclusions and as of the latest v201702 version, the isNegative field has now been entirely removed . You may still be

Re: Shopping Performance Report returns same product twice

2017-04-05 Thread 'Thanet Knack Praneenararat (AdWords API Team)' via AdWords API Forum
Hi Marc, Thanks very much for reporting. Your previous example then shows that *CategoryL5* really behaves like a segment. If it's a key column, even if you don't request for it, there should be two rows returned. I'll talk with engineering to see how we fix this. As for your other questions:

Re: Shopping Performance Report returns same product twice

2017-04-05 Thread Marc P
Hi Thanet, thank you for your help. Two more questions to clarify: 1) How do I know what are the "key fields" in a report? 2) You wrote "Have a look at OfferId and CategoryL5, you can tell that those two rows are different" - you mean combined, correct? Because the OfferId here is the same My

Re: Shopping Performance Report returns same product twice

2017-04-05 Thread Marc P
Hi Thanet, another request confirmed my confusion and my assumption that CategoryL5 behaves as a segment in this case. When I do the same request without requestion the CategoryLX fields, I get just one result with the OfferId. SELECT OfferId, AdGroupId, AdGroupStatus, AdGroup

Audience Performance Negative Exlcude Report

2017-04-05 Thread cvit sandeep
Hi Team In* AUDIENCE_PERFORMANCE_REPORT* how to download the negative audience report(Exclusion level at the campaign and ad group ). In previous versions we have an option to filter the field value like *IsNegative = false. Now we are using the version *v201702, and this field is not supporte