Re: Test Account and API Terms and Conditions

2015-04-09 Thread Guadalupe Estrada Flores
I created a MCC production account [717-493-2230] and requested a programmer token, and then created a MCC test account [571-682-5659], into this test account created 2 fake client adwords accounts [845-069-4504 and 949-902-1481], however when I try to use API to get Campaigns from adwords clie

Re: Retrieve campaign name and adgroup name for all keywords?

2015-04-09 Thread Aditya
Thanks so much, I completely missed the Reporting section! This definitely makes things easier. On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 1:57:32 PM UTC-7, Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team) wrote: > > Hi, > > For your use case, I'd highly recommend looking into using Structure > Reports >

Re: AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT vs Display Ads in "Ads in mobile apps" campaigns

2015-04-09 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Have you tried using *ImageCreativeName* and/or *ImageAdUrl*? The *Headline* field corresponds to the headline attribute of TextAd , so it won't be populated if the ad is not of type *TextAd

Re: Retrieve campaign name and adgroup name for all keywords?

2015-04-09 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, For your use case, I'd highly recommend looking into using Structure Reports instead. For example, you could run a KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT

Re: Getting All Keyword Statistics

2015-04-09 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, For all performance statistics and metrics, you now must use the reporting features of the API. Stats are no longer part of the objects returned by the SOAP services. Check out our Reporting Basics guide for more details. B

Re: Finals URLs in structure reports

2015-04-09 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, First of all, thanks for attending the API Workshops! Regarding final URLs (and final mobile and app URLs), I've got good news: we added these fields to several reports recently. Check out our Report Types page and look for

Re: using reports in v201502

2015-04-09 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, You can exclude various lines in the output by setting headers in your request. Please see our Reporting Basics guide for the list of available headers and options. Also, you may want to check out our aw-re

Re: LocationExtensionOperand with GeoTargetOperand causing connection to hang up.

2015-04-09 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, The API does not support targeting a proximity around your location extensions *with an additional limitation on the location*. The only location extension-related targeting that's supported is to target a proximity around your location extensions with no additional limitations. See lines

Retrieve campaign name and adgroup name for all keywords?

2015-04-09 Thread Aditya
So if I understand the examples and documentation correctly, the following bit of code should be a pretty efficient way to retrieve all the keywords (criterion? as the technical term I guess) within a campaign: Selector selector = builder.fields("Id", "AdGroupId", "KeywordMatchType", "KeywordTe

Re: INVALID_PROXIMITY_ADDRESS occurs for valid data episodically

2015-04-09 Thread Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Thanks for sending over more examples. I've passed these along to the team that's looking into this issue. Cheers, Josh, AdWords API Team On Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 2:02:57 AM UTC-4, Dzmitry Zahusta wrote: > > Hi, > > This happen again for > > 'Santa Rosa,California,United States' > 'Blu

Re: CAMPAIGN_NEGATIVE_KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT returns error with campaign status predicate

2015-04-09 Thread John Pickard
Got a response, in case anyone else runs into this: The *CampaignStatus* field is not available > in CAMPAIGN_NEGATIVE_KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT, which is why filtering by > that field on that report fails. Please see the list of report fields here >

Re: Lifetime of a refresh token

2015-04-09 Thread Hao Li
Thanks for replying. The reason I asked this question is we met the error "AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED" when using access tokens to pull reports from AW. It is weird, because it worked before. After we got and used a new refresh token, the error is gone. Hence, we suspect somehow

Re: Как установить отбор по группе объявлений для сервиса AdGroupFeedService?

2015-04-09 Thread Danial Klimkin
Добрый день, Используйте предикат AdGroupId (case-sensitive), или селектор со страницами (paging). -Даниил, команда AdWords API. On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 12:54:42 PM UTC+3, wrote: > > Добрый день! > У меня стоит задача выбора данных из AdGroupFeedService, но т.к. выбра

Re: Любые запросы к сервисам AdWords возвращают не более 10000 строк

2015-04-09 Thread Danial Klimkin
Дополню: 1 -- ограничение на одну страницу. Постранично, можно получить до 11 элементов. -Даниил. On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 7:46:44 PM UTC+3, Danial Klimkin wrote: > > Добрый день, > > > Да, это ограничение описано здесь: > >

Re: Любые запросы к сервисам AdWords возвращают не более 10000 строк

2015-04-09 Thread Danial Klimkin
Добрый день, Да, это ограничение описано здесь: Оно не относится к отчетам, отчеты возвращают все подходящие строки. -Даниил, команда AdWords API. On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 9:21:01 AM UTC+3, wrote


2015-04-09 Thread googleadwords2
Hi there, I have ads under adgroup having destination url something like this: I want to add value track parameters to each ads. so final url should be{creative}&keyword={keyword}. To accomplish it, i have Upgraded Url feature however its al

Error signing terms and conditions

2015-04-09 Thread admin
Good morning, I have experienced an error while signing the terms and conditions through the Google MCC account settings area. I filled in the information correctly and used a company card however on completion an error message was displayed simply telling me that there was an issue and that it

Re: Fetch all campaigns for all accounts w/o iterating thru accounts?

2015-04-09 Thread Danial Klimkin
Hello, Yes, you can use CustomerService to find out the effective clientCustomerId and then ManagedCustomerService to retrieve the accounts list. Please note this will pull data for the authenticated user, no the developer token MCC. You can't target an account with a dev token. -Danial, AdW

Getting All Keyword Statistics

2015-04-09 Thread Kurian George
I am trying to get the the keyword statistics for all the keywords in a campaign. I am trying to get for each keyword impressions, clicks and cost from Ad words per campaign. In old API version we could use AdGroupCriterionService for getting this information. But i was not able to get how to r

Re: Testing Upgraded URLs

2015-04-09 Thread HK
Hi, Anash Getting your ads to serve with a live account isn't always that easy when you are developing. It means you need a live account with everything set up correctly and you have to pay Google for every click you make while testing. I really hope Google will consider building a test UI soon

Re: Fetch all campaigns for all accounts w/o iterating thru accounts?

2015-04-09 Thread saif
I just wanted to clarify. Is it possible to get a list of accounts without including a customer ID..? Or rather get a list of customer IDs linked to a developer token? On Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 2:23:05 AM UTC-4, Oliver wrote: > > It's not possible to do it how you want it. You need to ite

Re: AdWords Reports Predicates API

2015-04-09 Thread Saif Mahamood
That clears it up. Thank you very much. On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:30 AM, Thanet Knack Praneenararat (AdWords API Team) wrote: > Hi, > > What do you mean by "get the specific parameters of each report"? > I cannot understand your meaning clearly. > > As for your more information, you can refer to

Re: GetKeywords printing each result 3 times

2015-04-09 Thread Thanet Knack Praneenararat (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Please try using *KeywordMatchType* instead of *MatchType *in line 80 of the example . I'll make a note to ensure we update our example

Finals URLs in structure reports

2015-04-09 Thread Zweitze
When I visited the AdWords API Workshop in Hamburg, the speaker mentioned that ads, keywords etc. not have just one final URL for desktop, and just one final URL for mobile, but they have in fact multiple URLs. Apparently they can be used for A/B testing. According to the speaker, reports (like

Re: ManagedCustomerService gives An AuthenticationError.CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID_IS_REQUIRED Error

2015-04-09 Thread Thanet Knack Praneenararat (AdWords API Team)
Hi, Sorry for my brief response. I did understand your situation but my response seemed not. :-) Actually, I intended to ask if you have tried filling in the clientCustomerId of* your MCC account *in App.config? If you do so and all child accounts are really linked to your MCC account, they sh

Re: LocationExtensionOperand with GeoTargetOperand causing connection to hang up.

2015-04-09 Thread Edward Grave
I am now getting this response having resolved the connection issue: Request:"; xmlns:xsi=""; xmlns:xsd="";>";> MyCustI

Re: AdWords Reports Predicates API

2015-04-09 Thread Thanet Knack Praneenararat (AdWords API Team)
Hi, What do you mean by "get the specific parameters of each report"? I cannot understand your meaning clearly. As for your more information, you can refer to the code example here

Re: AdWords Reports Predicates API

2015-04-09 Thread Saif Mahamood
This is useful. But is there a way to get the specific parameters of each report? On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 6:51 AM, Thanet Knack Praneenararat (AdWords API Team) wrote: > Hi Saif, > > Is this ReportDefinitionService >

using reports in v201502

2015-04-09 Thread Marcin Gdak
Hi, I would like to take data down from reports to my database. I'm download and I'm showing data in the CSV format and is converting on String. How to get rid of the header and the footer? How to create the object from this data? I'm using API version 201502 http://googleadsdeveloper.blogspot.

Re: ManagedCustomerService gives An AuthenticationError.CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID_IS_REQUIRED Error

2015-04-09 Thread Aswini
Could you please try to understand issue. Test Mcc account have multiple clients(around 60 ), We can't take each and every Client Id from Mcc account and store into Local DB. Solving this manual process we did automated with following code which was version *v201406 * *Code: * *Man

Re: ManagedCustomerService gives An AuthenticationError.CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID_IS_REQUIRED Error

2015-04-09 Thread Thanet Knack Praneenararat (AdWords API Team)
Hi Aswini, Have you set your clientCustomerId in App.config? Cheers, Thanet On Thursday, April 9, 2015 at 10:53:06 AM UTC+1, Aswini wrote: > > HI Marcin, > > *Actually i need to download Client id from MCC account. Is there any way > to download ?? version v201406 using of *ManagedCustomerServi

Re: AdWords Reports Predicates API

2015-04-09 Thread Thanet Knack Praneenararat (AdWords API Team)
Hi Saif, Is this ReportDefinitionService what you want? You can call getReportFields to get a

Как установить отбор по группе объявлений для сервиса AdGroupFeedService?

2015-04-09 Thread sneustroev
Добрый день! У меня стоит задача выбора данных из AdGroupFeedService, но т.к. выбрать больше 1 записей нельзя, нужно тогда как-то ограничить условием запрос на получение данных. Например можно получать по определенной группе объявлений, но как это сделать? пробую так: http://schemas.xmlsoa

Re: ManagedCustomerService gives An AuthenticationError.CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID_IS_REQUIRED Error

2015-04-09 Thread Aswini
HI Marcin, *Actually i need to download Client id from MCC account. Is there any way to download ?? version v201406 using of *ManagedCustomerService i downloaded Client Id's. after migrating into *v201409 i am facing these issue. Is there any way to download all client Id's from MCC account ??*

Как установить отбор выбоки данных для AdGroupFeedService ?

2015-04-09 Thread sneustroev
Добрый день! У меня стоит задача выбора данных из AdGroupFeedService, но т.к. выбрать больше 1 записей нельзя, нужно тогда как-то ограничить условием запрос на получение данных. Например можно получать по определенной группе объявлений, но как это сделать? пробую так: http://schemas.xmlsoa

Re: ManagedCustomerService gives An AuthenticationError.CLIENT_CUSTOMER_ID_IS_REQUIRED Error

2015-04-09 Thread Marcin Gdak
Hi Aswini, You must have CustomerId before the request to ManagedCustomerService. CustomerId you can charge from Customer Service . -- -- =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ Also find us on our bl