Hi to all
I tried to run a LanFreeBackup on a Windows client version
On the Tsm server side:
1. Define server with lla=1502 (EXCHANGE_SA TCPIP
1502 <1 Yes No No)
2. Define path
Hi to all
I tried to run a LanFreeBackup on a Windows client version
On the Tsm server side:
1. Define server with lla=1502 (EXCHANGE_SA TCPIP
1502 <1 Yes No No)
2. Define path
m.opt, your lanfreetcpserveraddress must be the address of
storage agent, not TSM server.
So, what I can see is that the line on dsm.opt might be:
On 3/15/06, Robert Ouzen Ouzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi to all
> I tried t
Hi All
Im trying to config Journal Based backup for AIX in version 5.3.3
And there is no notification or option in the tsmjbbd.ini file for the
Does anyone manage to config it or to make it work?
Best Regards
Amos Hagay
I am too would love a copy !!!
Robert Ouzen
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Prather,
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: Configuring tape drives in TSM - Docume
Do a checkout with the option remove=no and after that do a checkin …
Regards Robert Ouzen
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Vats.Ashok
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: librar
Hello Jacquelin
Did you check the domain and inclexcl statement in your dsm.sys
Can you send the dsm.sys and the inclexcl command
Robert Ouzen
Haifa University
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jacquelin
Try to install the LVSA through the windows client setup wizards , but got this
following message on the screen and on my dsmerror.log
04/26/2006 14:12:15 ANS3010E The Logical Volume Snapshot Agent wizard operation
My Client backup version is and my Tsm server version
: Logical Volume Snapshot Agent error
Robert - Search via the TSM Support page:
On Apr 26, 2006, at 7:43 AM, Robert Ouzen Ouzen wrote:
> Hello
> Try to install the LVSA through the windows cli
Hi to all
I have a Netware server with sys: and vol1: local volumes and mounted a disk on
a clariion storage EV1:
Here the output of the command Q FILES
tsm> q files
# Last Incr Date TypeFile Space Name
Hi Troy
Here what I got running VOLUMES in the Netware server:
3 local FAT volumes mounted
Mounted Volumes Name Spaces Flags
I install TSA5UP19 and still I see in volume EV1: the filenames in Dos format
, by the way in SYS: and Vol1: volumes no problem I got long filename!
Thanks Robert
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew
Sent: Tue
I don't know I will ask the Novell administrator .
Regards Robert
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Troy Frank
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: Novell question !!
Did the volume get
Hi to all
First want to thanks all the people who answered ...
About the first problem: No volume in the backup GUI panel the solution was the
parameter "Disable Cluster" to set it to "Yes" in the Tsa.cfg file.
About the second problem: Dos format instead long filenames was to run anothe
Hi to all
Today I tried to restore a folder name "CDS" from a Windows client version with the gui panel with the option PointInTime with the date
12-04-2006 , from the GUI NO cds folder
I run a display active/inactive option of the folder "CDS":
I can see inactive f
"Folder not displayed in GUI?" is a frequently asked question.
See ADSM QuickFacts summary about it in topic "GUI vs. CLI"
and authoritative info in IBM Technotes 1162784 and 1225496.
Richard Sims
On May 14, 2006, at 5:44 AM, Robert Ouzen Ouzen wrote:
> Hi to all
Hi ,
Became a little bit confusing . So What the purpose of many management
class per node utility If can't use for this purpose describe ?
DomainNodename MgmInclude
Schedule Opt File
Domain_Exchange Exchange
Hi to all
Testing Windows PE utility (BARTPE software) , when restoring Windows XP client
on a same machine (same hardware) no problem at all ...
1. Boot from CD with network configuration
2. Restore image
3. Restore CatRoot
4. Reboot Pc
5. Restore systemObject
Everything O.K Bu
Hi All,
Im currently running win 2003 ent 64bit edition, and on top of it im running
Sql server 2000 32Bit edition
On top of that I m running also Veritas Cluster.
I installed the BA client for 64 Bit and manage to see all the Drives after I
Look at apar IC24190 use the option -NWPWFILE=YES
Robert Ouzen
Haifa University
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kathleen M
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 6:17 PM
Subject: [AD
Did you try dsmcad -optfile=/test/dsm1.opt and another one dsmcad
Robert Ouzen
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brian Ipsen
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:19 AM
Hi to all
Running a query event to pick exception status as: q event * * ex=yes
begind=-1 begint=17:00 endd=today endt=08:00 > c:\tsm\exception.txt
Sometimes I got for a long nodename two lines:
08/03/2006 22:45:00 SCHED3
Hi to all
Can anybody explain to me why is not an include.dir option ? To include
just a few directories with contents and to exlude all the others directories
and contents, it's a real pain ...
Needs so much lines in the dsm.opt like :
exclude.dir c:\[a-su-z0-9]*
So if I understand when you change the OS lanfree backup with
LANFREECOMMMETHOD of SharedMem the backup was FASTER , did you do the same with
Robert Ouzen
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROT
Hi to all
I have an exchange server Windows2003 (not in cluster) with TDP version 5.2.1 I
backup it at Sunday Tuesday Thursday full (at 23:00) and between 3 times a day
incremental (at 9 , 15 , 20).
The 3 incrementals after the full are running correctly but the second day I
got the followin
Hi Del
I will continue to investigate . By the way I install the TDP version and when I loaded the restore panel in the gui (show all objects) I see
the same information twice of my last backup ??
Strange !
Regards Robert
-Original Message-
Hi to all
Can anybody tell me the correct syntax to trace a backup on an Netware client
5.1 , Tsm client version 5.1.6
I triedI -su=yes -tracefile=sys:\tmp\trace.out -traceflags=service
But got this error message:
09/03/2006 13:05:29 ANS1108E Invalid option (-TRACEFI
Hi to all
I implant a LanFreeBackup of my Exchange server 2003 of 169 GB database, by lan
took 04:30 hours to backup on LTO2 tape by San I decrease to 02:20 hours.
I wonder if they are some tips to decrease the time any more !
My TSM server is on a AIX machine , tsm version
What is your suggestion of the size for the buffpoolsize parameter on a 2 GB
memory server and LTO2 TAPES
Robert Ouzen
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Francisco
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 8:28 PM
Hi to all
I am testing the backup Image + incremental of a Windows 2003 client system
disk, here what I plan to do:
1. A full image at Saturday : dsmc ba
image C: -mode=selective -imagetype=snapshot
Hi to all
When trying to backup a Sql server 2000 Sp4 with TDP for Microsoft Sql server
(version 5.2.1.) on a Windows Server 2003 Entreprise Edition SP1, I got the
following error:
Backup of SPS01_Config_db failed.
ACO5400E The Virtual Device Interface is not registered with the Common
Hi to all
Just install on a test machine Windows Vista + Office 2007 …. When trying to
connect the clients via the browser (now is IE7) I got this following message
Runtime error!
Program: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
Abnormal program termination
I know it’
Hi to all
First a thank’s to Del Hoobler with my previous question about the ACO5400E
error , the suggestion help ……
I tried today to restore an inactive full backup Sql database to another
location in the same server with the Gui panel , I right click on the inactive
full DB to restore
Hi to all
I have an Old Tsm server on AIX and want to upgrade him to a Linux system, will
be enough to export only configuration (export server FILEData=None) , to plug
the library and continue to backup / restore , or I need to export the data too
My Tsm server version is
Hi to all
When trying to backup with the image feature a windows 2003 client online I got
the following error:
01/31/2007 11:20:44 ANS1259E The image snapshot operation failed. Diagnostic
text: SnapshotCallback: snapStatus = 1, snapRc = 6.
01/31/2007 11:20:44 ANS1425E The image operation
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Robert Ouzen Ouzen
Sent: 31 January 2007 09:36
Subject: [SPAM: 12.500] [ADSM-L] Error running Image Backup online
Hi to all
When trying to backup with the image feature a windows 2003 client
online I got the following error:
Try q occ ...
Regards Robert ouzen
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Avy Wong
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 7:30 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] size of each node on TSM
I understand q node f=
Hi Wira
Maybe this script will help you:
select node_name , volume_name, stgpool_name, filespace_name from volumeusage
where node_name=upper('$1')
Say you name it: Restore_vol
Run restore_vol nodename
Robert Ouzen
Haifa University
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist S
Hi to all
Want to load the TSAFS module on Netware client version 6.5 with the options
NoCache and Nocluster did the correct syntax will be:
Load TSAFS /Nocache /Nocluster
It is a way to do a query to check if the option are loaded correctly When
I run a query tsa I don’t see th
Hi to all
After a crash of a EMC storage disk for an Exchange Client windows2003 with a
TDP for Microsoft Exchange version due to an electric problem,
after resolving the connection to the Emc disk when trying to load the Exchange
database we got a corrupt error.
The first st
Hi to all
After receiving for a Windows client 2003 Tsm version client an output
of Failed 12, I checked the error log and saw this: (a lot of them ..)
16-04-2007 01:00:52 fioScanDirEntry(): *** Skipping corrupted file/directory:
Hi to all
Try to link the search.adsm.org for a search of old post but get “Page cannot
be found” ? Did the site change or just a temporary problem
Did another site to search
Regards Robert OuZen
Hi to all
A little question after changing a computer to a faster one (OS Windows) , keep
the same data on it . The only thing changed is the Filespace Name (for
inventor purpose part of the computer name is the inventor serial number).
Before doing an incremental backup I renamed my old
Hi to all
I read a paper called:
IBM - Modified Instructions for Complete Restores of Windows Systems with
the TSM Client Bare Metal Restore (BMR), System State Restore, Windows System
Object Restore.
On it the process to restore a complete system drive is:
1. Restore the
Hi to all
I tried the ASR procedure and made those setps:
1. Create an ASR diskette from gui client (Label TSMASR)
2. Create a CD with a client installation name TSMCLI.EXE (Label TSMCLI)
3. Run the process (F2 for ASR from a Windows XP+SP2 installation) an
follow the i
Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Robert Ouzen Ouzen
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 4:05 AM
Subject: ASR Procedure question
Hi to all
I tried the ASR procedure and made those setps:
1. Create an ASR diskette from gui client (Label TSMASR)
Did it a way to run a restore image of Windows client with the ASR procedure
when trying to do it got an error ANS1287E Volume could not be locked .
Robert Ouzen
Hi to all
I need to figure how to backup an Exchange server 2003 with TDP for Microsoft
Exchange (Version in multiple sessions , I have 3 storage groups .
I increased the maxnummp to 4 of the nodename , did I have to add some command
in the dsm.opt or tdpexc.cfg too ??
Hi to all
I just wondering if running a TDP for Microsoft Exchange (version on
windows server 2003 in SAN environment (Lanfree backup), if I need to change or
add in the default parameters on the Tdpexc.cfg to increase performance ?
Here the parameters:
Hi to all
I recently got an error message with the backup of a TDP for Exchange (TDP
version on Windows 2003. The backup is running with LanFree backup, I
have 3 storage group and for only the first one (the big one) I got this error
01/20/2008 23:37:45 ANR0530W Transa
Thanks for your reply , but just now after a lot of debugging I found that two
tapes was mismatch with serial number and the backup via Lanfree didn't
recognize the correct device and TSM automatically try to reconfigure the path .
I update the path with the correct number device (after m
The age maybe !!! I just needed to increase my Command window
Regards Robert
Hi to all
I wanted the output of this script in wide orientation (like table) but always
no matter what I tried I got as a list
select Distinct CHAR(p.source_n
Hi to all
I have a Tsm client on a Windows 2003 got a failed backup return
code=12 and on the dsmerror.log those errors:
08-03-2009 21:40:23 ANS5250E An unexpected error was encountered.
TSM function name : NTSecurityReadV2
TSM function : CreateFile() returned '1
I have a Netware server version 6.5 SP 06 with a TSM client when I
tried to run a backup on a volume named EV2: I got the following message:
03/29/2009 06:34:37 ANS1945E The long namespace has been removed from the local
filespace. If you wish to proceed with the backup/ar
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Novell Long namespace error
On Mar 29, 2009, at 1:29 AM, Robert Ouzen Ouzen wrote:
> 03/29/2009 06:34:37 ANS1945E The long namespace has been removed
> from the local filespace. If you wish to proceed with the backup/
> archive operation, re
Hi to all
Tried to load the TSM client version 6.1.0 on a Windows 2003 sp2 and got the
following error:
2009/04/22 10:24:25
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Build date: Tue Mar 17 18:57:27 2009
dsmc.exe caused exception C005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:00
-Mail: g.solonovi...@bkme.com
Please consider the environment before printing this Email
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of Robert
Ouzen Ouzen
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Error C00
HI to all
Try to improve my BARTPE CD for restoring an entire image with the new client
of TSM version 6.1 , anybody already dit it ??? Any suggestions or some links
will be appreciate
My concern will be about installing the client in the ram
T.I.A Robert
t.edu] för Robert Ouzen
Ouzen [rou...@univ.haifa.ac.il]
Skickat: den 10 maj 2009 07:28
Ämne: BARTPE question
HI to all
Try to improve my BARTPE CD for restoring an entire image with the new client
of TSM version 6.1 , anybody already dit it ??? Any suggestions or
Hi to all
Need to restore an image backup of a Windows 2000 server , my tsm Client is
5.5.1 . I need to know the correct steps:
The restore image is on the same machine (same hardware) I did the restore
image successfully (got the correct specification and no error on the log file).
Hi to all
I am testing now Data Deduplcation wit Data Domain , my TSM server version is . In my pilot environment I have node with the maxnummp option of 20
and still the backup open only 3 sessions.
The Device type of the device class is FILE with mountlimit of 20
Any ideas ?
to backup.
TSM can only stream 1 session per local partition on the client.
Best Regards
Christian Svensson
Cell: +46-70-325 1577
E-mail: christian.svens...@cristie.se
Skype: cristie.christian.svensson
Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [ads...@vm.marist.edu] för
Skype: cristie.christian.svensson
Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [ads...@vm.marist.edu] för Robert Ouzen
Ouzen [rou...@univ.haifa.ac.il]
Skickat: den 19 juli 2009 12:40
Ämne: Deduplication number of sessions
Hi t
Christian Svensson
Cell: +46-70-325 1577
E-mail: christian.svens...@cristie.se
Skype: cristie.christian.svensson
Från: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [ads...@vm.marist.edu] för Robert Ouzen
Ouzen [rou...@univ.haifa.ac.il]
Skickat: den 19 juli 2009 13:27
Till: A
Why not doing the FILE storage pool to the next storage pool of the DISK
storage pool and make a migration by changing LO and HI parameters to 0
Of course the migration move everything , didn't you need to move a specific
node only ??
Robert Ouzen
-Original Message--
Hi to all
During backup of systemstate on a server windows 2008 with TSM client version ( Tsm server version ) I got this error:
09/25/2009 00:15:18 ANS5279E Error processing
'\\mossql01\c$\Windows\System32\vnetinst.dll': file not found.
09/25/2009 00:15:21 ANS1999E Incre
uot; is the enemy of excellence.
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote on 09/29/2009
02:47:17 AM:
> [image removed]
> systemstate error
> Robert Ouzen Ouzen
> to:
> 09/29/2009 02:48 AM
> Sent by:
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
I'm looking for getting TSM configured in an OES2 Cluster environment. We
currently have a two node (NodeA NodeB) sharing a NSS volume , when one node
is active (NodeA).
Nodea and NodeB backup local volume , I created an another node (Node_cluster)
to backup the NSS volume.
I adde
Hi to all
I configure a new server to backup , Windows server 2008 with TSM version 64Bit . I notice that the folder c:\windows\assembly is EXCLUDE (red
I double check my dsm.opt and no sign of exclude or exclude.dir at all ???
How can I backup this folder , request
to get the compiled results, from
server client options and the Windows OS.
On Dec 3, 2009, at 6:12 AM, Robert Ouzen Ouzen wrote:
> Hi to all
> I configure a new server to backup , Windows server 2008 with TSM
> version 64Bit . I notice that
TSM/NetApp Storage Administrator
Legg Mason Technology Services
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ads...@vm.marist.edu] On Behalf Of Robert
Ouzen Ouzen
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 8:10 AM
Hi Del
About the stripes option I have Exchange 2003 with TDP , we have 3
storage groups and backup them with this following command:
start /B tdpexcc backup * full /tsmoptfile=dsm.opt /logfile=excsch.log >>
My question it is a way to backup them in parallel without doing
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote on 02/04/2010
03:18:21 AM:
> [image removed]
> Re: DP for SQL Server backup file size
> Robert Ouzen Ouzen
> to:
> 02/04/2010 03:19 AM
> Sent by:
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
Hi to all
I try to figure what will be the correct syntax to get the correct amount of
data store in TSm server in Terabytes
select cast(sum(physical_mb/1000/1000) as decimal(6,2)) as "Total TB Adsm" from
Did this correct or another division
T.I.A Regards
Hi to all
Did anyone already wrote a macro or script to calculate how much data is
expired after running "expire inv" and want to share it.
I already have a script giving me the reclaim pct of each volumes but need to
figure the global percent of data that can be reclaim.
Thanks in A
Hi to all
We implant Data Domain Deduplication in our organization with our TSM backup ,
I have a little question for people running this too about the configuration of
file and vtl capacity .
For now we configure device type for file as 50GB and for vtl as 100GB when we
use VTL only fo
I though this error was behind me … but not, I got an error message ANE4018E
(Session: 125660, Node: SCIF) Error processing
'/media/nss/DATA/Math/Mportnov/.. : file name too long
I double check that I had USEUNICODEFILENAMES NO in my dsm.opt but still got
the error.
Hi have the same approach as Leandro with this kind of error on Linux clients.
I create a script to automate the backup with those export commands :
export LANG=he_IL.utf8
export LC_CTYPE=he_IL.utf8
dsmc I -su=yes .
And run a scheduler client with the option "command"
Regards Robert
Hi Rick
Can you sent the script to the forum , like to see .
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] migration vs
Hi to all
On a Client Windows 2003 with a Tsm client version what will be the
best choice to backup files Client (including open files) and Image of this
client on line.
On the Image options: with snapshot provider Image I got LVSA or VSS
(what to choose)
On the Snapsho
HI to all
I install the new client version for Windows on a server Windows 2003
and after testing a backup I remarked that under the folder adsm.sys I got a
lot of files like:
Hi to all
On windows 2003 , Tsm version client under the directory adsm.sys I
have a lot of files as:SystemExcludecache_5558904 TsmcacheDB
Cannot delete those files ….. Tsm Journal Engine is not install and Open file
Support is not install
I figure what service is lock th
Hi to all
I have a Linux client Tsm version in my dsm.opt with the option Domain
I have:domain"/" "/boot" "/media/nss/VOL1"
I added on my dsm.sys an include exclude statement : inclexcl
On the mnhl.excl f
Hi to all
I have a TDP for Oracle version 5.3.3-0 on a linux machine RHEL3 u8 with Oracle
10g , I backup the database with LanFree backup with a HBA Emulex Lp9002-L .
During the backup I got the following messages: (the TSM server version is on a AIX machine)
06/05/2008 02:05:1
In the domain statement add -systemstate
Regards Robert
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 4:43 PM
Subject: [ADSM-L] Stop Systemstate backup
Hi *,
I am
Hi to all
I just upgrade my Tsm server Version 5, Release 5, Level 0.3 on an AIX-RS/6000
and got few problems that never occur before:
1. I got this message trying to delete a tape with the data on it
ANR2229W Discard data process terminated for volume
Hi to all
I have a request to backup a file server with just compressed files (as zip
files) created with a backup utility of windows. I want to test the subfile
option in TSM and any advice will be appreciate.
My purpose is of course to backup only the delta in the zip file, the regular
Tried to delete a volume with the command: del vol 72L2
It began to delete but after a few seconds is stuck:
Process Process Description Status
Hi to all
Please help me I tried to exclude files or directories on a Linux Client
version 5.5.03 without any success and it makes me crazy.
I want to backup "/" and "/boot"
Under"/" I have several directories as "/var/tmp"or "/var/log"
or "/tmp" I don
Hi Richard and others
I left only the /var/tmp/.../* on the inclexcl file to test , I do a q
inclexcl as Richard suggest but I still see the files under /var/tmp ???
tsm> q inclexcl
Mode Function Pattern (match from top down) Source File
- --
Hi to all
Eureka I just needed to kill the dsmcad , to load it back and I got what
I need. ( I was loading the backup/restore from a browser)
I exclude those directories with exclude.dir /var/tmp and it worked fine.
Thanks to all
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor
Hi to all
I again got on my Exchange server this error:
ACN5798E MS Exchange API HRESEBACKUPSETUP() failed with HRESULT: 0xc80001f9
-Backup is already active.
I remember that once I got it , I double check that nothing is running and to
be sure ask the administrator of this server
Hi to all
Tried to backup an image on a Windows Vista , Tsm client . I didn't
use the VSS or LSVA option on my dsm.opt and used the static option:
INCLUDE.IMAGE "C:" mgimage imagetype=static
I run from the command line: backup image C: -mode
The service Virtual Disk Service must be set to Manual
Hi to all
Tried to backup an image on a Windows Vista , Tsm client . I didn't
use the VSS or LSVA option on my dsm.opt and used the static option:
Hi to all
I have a new issue now baking the systemstate with the error ANS5280E
enumeration from a file set or file listed failed ?
My TSM client is on a Windows 2003 SP2 system.
I search the web for the error ANS5280E and found a paper with instructions as:
Hi to all
In a sever Windows 2003 with SQL database I saw that a log increase very much
( to +26 GB) , it was programmed with the option Recovery Model: Full
I run every day a full backup (not any log backup) with the command:
tdpsqlc backup * full /tsmoptfile=%sql_dir%\dsm.opt
First thanks to all for my last question about TDP Sql as usual Del Hoobler
for is great help ….. Now another question this time for loading a service on a
Windows client.
I managed to install a Windows client silently with the correct command in the
msiexec utility and to load all
The solution is very simple in fact … silly me . The feature “Online Image
Support” with the option Volume ShadowCopy Services (VSS) just add a line in
So need to add it to my generic dm.opt by default ! No need to do a reboot
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