Hi to all


Tried to load the TSM client version 6.1.0 on a Windows 2003 sp2 and got the 
following error:


2009/04/22 10:24:25

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager


Build date:  Tue Mar 17 18:57:27 2009


dsmc.exe caused exception C0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:00534E74


Register dump:

EAX=015A2230  EBX=785B7448  ECX=F9D7FF21  EDX=000A0166  ESI=015A2238

EDI=015A2238  EBP=00000001  ESP=0010F64C  EIP=00534E74  FLG=00010246

CS=001B   DS=0023  SS=0023  ES=0023   FS=003B  GS=0000


Crash dump successfully written to file 'c:\Program 


Stack Trace:

001B:00534E74 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) dsmc.exe


I look too on event viewer and got this error:


Faulting application dsmc.exe, version, faulting module dsmc.exe , 
fault address 0x00134e74


Any ideas what to look for ????




Robert Ouzen

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