Re: Archive of file lists

2001-03-09 Thread Richard Sims
e. I'm dismayed that the people directing development have left the command line clients as lame as they are. It's embarassing to the product. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Multi Session on same client.

2001-03-11 Thread Richard Sims
e a time-based facility in the client (e.g., Unix cron) perform multiple 'dsmc i ...' commands. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Unable to read and eject tape.

2001-03-11 Thread Richard Sims
use K cartridges in a 3590B drive? If this just started happening, look for media, microcode, hardware, device driver, or other changes in your environment to incite this. You may have to confer with your hardware support people. Richard Sims, BU

Re: ANS 1943E

2001-03-12 Thread Richard Sims
>We are using the TSM4.1 W2K client with an ADSM 3.1 server... ...which is an unsupported mix, hence you can expect problems. See

Re: Why do backups have two sessions?

2001-03-12 Thread Richard Sims
>The client now starts 2 sessions, the data flows on one, the control >information flows on the other. Perhaps inspired by the FTP protocol (RFC 959)?

Re: IBM 3494 Automated Tape Library Information needed

2001-03-13 Thread Richard Sims
e far more valuable. For perspective: I just got stats from the 3494 Service menu, View Usage... Gripper 1: 119711 Gripper 2: 4834 Richard Sims, BU

Re: Transfer rate in TSM 4.1 OS/390

2001-03-13 Thread Richard Sims
sh tape, and compare the numbers. Richard Sims, BU

Re: AIX client dumping core during backup

2001-03-14 Thread Richard Sims
reassign them. You might want to run the 'find' command with the -nouser option and see if there are any such files, to supplement the problem resolution with that info. Richard Sims, BU

Re: SQL BackTrack... Odd Problem with device files

2001-03-14 Thread Richard Sims
nds reflected. Make sure that /dev is writable only by user root and group system, which limits the culprits. Assure that your root file system is not running out of space. Look for unusual logins around that time: you could have someone maliciously deleting things. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Problems with retrieve in TSM v.4

2001-03-15 Thread Richard Sims
trieve accommodations in the upgrade, by all means report the problem to Tivoli Support. The clients should function properly, and that includes performance. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Backup Sets

2001-03-15 Thread Richard Sims
>Here is what I am typing to try to get one file restored from the >backup set: > >TSM>restore backupset bksettape.43448461 sourcefilespec c: > \winnt\cookies\mm2048.dat Notice in the manual that the word "sourcefilespec" is in italics. If you refer to the front of the manual, in Conventions Use

Re: Recoverylog

2001-03-15 Thread Richard Sims
situation indicates that your Recovery Log is either too small for the level of your current server activities, or some unusual load spike occurred. I'd recommend adding a volume to your Recovery Log, preferably TSM-mirrored. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Hard Disk Recovery

2001-03-16 Thread Richard Sims
lent of the disk starting to spin. Then, without delay, I copied off the viable data. Richard Sims, BU "Think different." - Apple

Re: Unique Problem

2001-03-16 Thread Richard Sims
>...the backup fails with "out-of-sequence" verb error. ... Raminder - I presume you mean message ANR0444W, which would identify the type of verb. Type Confirm has been seen when the client system is short on memory. Richard Sims, BU

Re: 3494 library / VOLSER problem

2001-03-18 Thread Richard Sims
you could use the 'dd' command. Whereas this label problem is probably pervasive in your library, you should attend to the rest of the tapes before they have detachment problems. Note that you can also do a database query at the 3494 Operator Station to determine the volsers of tapes curr

Re: deleting data of tape cartridges

2001-03-19 Thread Richard Sims
could do DELete FIlespace if you know that the tapes all contain the data for a filespace you no longer want, to avoid having to delete its volumes individually. Richard Sims, BU

Re: deleting data of tape cartridges

2001-03-19 Thread Richard Sims
he entirety of the media. I had to do this a while ago with 3480s we were surrendering. I used the tapeutil command's "erase" function, which took care of it nicely. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Priority

2001-03-19 Thread Richard Sims
option. If not, then I would report it. Richard Sims, BU

Re: no "delete volume" because of segment references

2001-03-19 Thread Richard Sims
d move both portions to a new volume. Richard Sims, BU

Re: TSM 3.7 assigns new filespace names?

2001-03-19 Thread Richard Sims
t command line program does not get them; or enter the brace-encoded filespec under the interactive mode of the command line client. If that doesn't work, then it would seem like a client defect. Richard Sims, BU


2001-03-20 Thread Richard Sims
ccept them as being in Insert category. Again, there may be a very good reason for the current state of the tapes, so take your time in pursuing the mystery. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Root/Amin Privilege

2001-03-20 Thread Richard Sims
ser. Another method would be to use set-uid permissions on executable files; but that is fraught with security issues, and is better avoided. Richard Sims, BU

Re: File size limitation

2001-03-21 Thread Richard Sims
ing imposed by the operating system administrator. Richard Sims, BU

Re: FW: TSM data on tape

2001-03-22 Thread Richard Sims
>Any suggestions on where to look now or >what to change to ensure we use all of the 2.3 GB on the 3490E technology? Corrie - Please post your Devclass Format specification plus OS type and ADSM/TSM server level, to give us more perspective. thanks, Richard Sims, BU

Re: Cleaning Carts

2001-03-22 Thread Richard Sims
try it on, but I seem to recall from prior log inspection that the cleaning cartridges show up there.) Richard Sims, BU

Re: Backupset restore

2001-03-22 Thread Richard Sims
for the backup set to be used at the PC, though I don't have the experience to say exactly what must prevail. Richard Sims, BU

Re: MOVE DAAT from 3590 to 3590

2001-03-23 Thread Richard Sims
>Why does the TSM servers wants first the 20028 tape... Probably to deal with a file that spanned volumes. This is reflected in the Contents table where the Segment number is not 1/1. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Device config. worksheet for Qualstar 412300

2001-03-26 Thread Richard Sims
>Could anyone tell me where I can find the device configuration worksheet >with the drive element numbers for the Qualstar 412300 library ? You can get there from the software web page: which leads to:

Re: Win2K/NT restores taking too long...

2001-03-26 Thread Richard Sims
d from storage pools, rather than the TSM database as is the case with the AIX directories - and thus tape mounts. Richard Sims, BU

Re: WG: TSM Client for OS X

2001-03-27 Thread Richard Sims
nt one of the facets which would attract customers of all kinds to the TSM product. Limited thinking produces limited results. Richard Sims, BU

Re: WG: TSM Client for OS X

2001-03-27 Thread Richard Sims
n attest to it being exceptional. It makes Windows look sick.) Given the likelihood of OS X proliferating to platforms beyond the PowerPC, there is certainly a business case for Tivoli to treat this incarnation of the Mac operating system more seriously. Richard Sims, BU

Re: backup or archive files could not display...

2001-03-28 Thread Richard Sims
tore them; otherwise not. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Problem with log file

2001-03-28 Thread Richard Sims
est to disable sessions and processes in the mean time, to prevent a mass of data from going into the Recovery Log. Richard Sims, BU

Re: ANR2121W Server is NOT IN Compliance with license terms

2001-03-30 Thread Richard Sims
th your licenses. Richard Sims, BU

Re: A problem with a 3590 tape station

2001-03-30 Thread Richard Sims
the drive is configured for. You could adjust this yourself, I believe, in the CE Options Menu, under Drv Features; but you may want to have the CEs come back and correct the problem. In any case, you can compare the configuration of the one problem drive with the config of the others to see what

Re: TSM Client 4.1 TSM Server 3.1.

2001-04-01 Thread Richard Sims
> Can I backup NT Machines with TSM client version 4.1 on a ADSM Server > version 3.1 ? With luck. Check the front of the 4.1 client manual: that combination of levels is not supported. It's Spring, and the ice is thin... Richard Sims, BU

Re: 3590-B1A to 3590-E1A

2001-04-04 Thread Richard Sims
I also understand the E1A drives will work the best if we go to the >newer "K" tapes, however you can't have "J" and "K" tapes in the library at >the same time for some reason. Yes, you can, and many of us do. Refer to the server README file for particulars on upgrading your drives in a TSM environment. Richard Sims, BU

Re: MediaW problem

2001-04-04 Thread Richard Sims
into the next storage pool in the hierarchy. This is the awkwardness of having a disk storage pool as the entry point for backups, as they tend to overflow anyway and get into the tape dependency we seek to avoid. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Backup Policies - Kind of FAQs

2001-04-05 Thread Richard Sims
the next backup will cause any prior Active backup file to become Inactive, and no new Active backup file to exist. Richard Sims, BU

Re: preventing backup of large files

2001-04-05 Thread Richard Sims
options were more sophisticated, to allow selection by attributes other than name, such as size (including avoiding backing up empty files), owner, etc. Richard Sims, BU

Re: MSCS and firewalls

2001-04-06 Thread Richard Sims
>... ADSM didn't used to be supported through a firewall even though it >would work in many situations. I don't know in this day and age if that >non-support is still official. ... See the client README file topic: "Using Tivoli Storage Manager in a firewall environment"

Re: Long Term Archive for Databases

2001-04-06 Thread Richard Sims
erm archiving usually calls for storage to be in "neutral" form, so that there is certainty of retrievability and usability. Richard Sims, BU

Re: ANR9999D afmigr.c(2683): Reconstruction of aggregates

2001-04-07 Thread Richard Sims
>I'm lookking in other places currently but can anyone shed any light on this >one ? > >04/05/01 09:17:31 ANRD afmigr.c(2683): Reconstruction of aggregates >is > disabled. Run audit reclaim utilities to re-enable > reconstruction of aggregates. Dwi

Re: Long Term Archive for Databases

2001-04-09 Thread Richard Sims
>Richard Sims ... > >How do YOU perceive implementing a "neutral" archive format >given that most storage formats vary from platform to platform >anyway (e.g., MVS to AIX), and sometimes from one drive architecture >to another, because of changes in recording densit

Re: IBM 3995 A63

2001-04-09 Thread Richard Sims
d cause the adapter to lapse into narrow mode via detection, but it's pot-luck with older devices.) I'd recommend getting the specs from your 3996 manual and try making the adapter suit its needs. I don't know if the 3996 needs any special device driver software beyond that, which would

Re: running 3494 in MANUAL mode - URGENT!! (Please?)

2001-04-09 Thread Richard Sims
ight and a Radio Shack fuse might get you back into operation quickly if you find it to be something like this (as in the case of a dropped tape blocking movement). Richard Sims, BU

Re: cloptset broken for Windows 4.1.2.X client

2001-04-10 Thread Richard Sims
>Suad, did you specify force=yes (to override the options in the dsm.opt >file)? Note that INCLEXCL and DOMAIN are additive options such that Force has no effect. That is, Force pertains only to singular options.

Re: cloptset broken for Windows 4.1.2.X client

2001-04-10 Thread Richard Sims
the standard product reference, the Admin Guide, treats the topic superficially and the Client manual ignores it. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Unmodified files being backed up - Netware 4.11

2001-04-12 Thread Richard Sims
>I am doing incremental backups of a Netware 4.11 server with client code > Tivoli is backing up files that are not changing. Any thoughts?. You need to be very specific about "not changing". Chapter 3 of the client manual specifies the criteria which govern backup candidacy, including

Re: Tape Library errors

2001-04-17 Thread Richard Sims
>Has anyone ran across these errors??? The errors re-generate when a process >tries to access it. > >04/16/01 07:47:08 ANR8300E I/O error on library AUTOLIB (OP=C0106C03, >CC=315, KEY=05, ASC=3B, ASCQ=0D, >SENSE= > .00.3B.0D.00., Des

Re: 3590E1A Vs LTO

2001-04-17 Thread Richard Sims
ing the old J's to external and offsite duties. Richard Sims, BU

Re: TSM 4.1.3 on AIX and LTO 3583 Library problem

2001-04-18 Thread Richard Sims
driver level with that in the IBM FTP site, as yours may be too downlevel for TSM 4.1.3. I'd also recommend re-checking the element number. Richard Sims, BU

Re: ANR8774W

2001-04-18 Thread Richard Sims
your Private (storage pool) category tapes. (Do 'Query LIBRary' to verify.) Search back in your Activity Log to review the history of that volume and how it got into that state, and what data it may contain. If appropriate, do a CHECKIn LIBVolume to return it to storage pool usage. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Tape Library errors

2001-04-18 Thread Richard Sims
ves that the drive/slot is occupied, as though something irregular recently happened in the library. If the library supports a "reinventory" operation, try that to see if it will cause the library to reacquaint itself with the reality of what's occupied and what isn't. Richard Sims, BU

Re: AW: finding unused mgmt classes - why didn't this work?

2001-04-18 Thread Richard Sims
_NAME; and if you specify -ARCHmc=default, CLASS_NAME will be "DEFAULT". Life would be too dull without things like this. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Performance Problem TSM 3.7.40 on Win NT

2001-04-20 Thread Richard Sims
> the Performance of my TSM-Server is very bad. > System: Compaq Proliant 3000 / PIII 600 MHz / 1GB RAM / WinNT=20 > 4.0 (SP5) In addition to the other excellent suggestions, you may want to upgrade your Service Pack level to something more modern, unless you have a specific reason to hold back.

Re: Backup Set generation

2001-04-20 Thread Richard Sims
cable lengths, number of devices on a loop, speed, and hot-plugability. (Technology note: The industry convention is that the spelling is "disk" for magnetic disks, and "disc" for optical platters, to immediately distinguish them.) Richard Sims, BU

Re: Presentations

2001-04-20 Thread Richard Sims
tp:// Past presentations can be found at: Richard Sims, BU

Re: Total Active bytes for client

2001-04-20 Thread Richard Sims
>Does an export include all files or just active versions. It's governed by what you ask for, via FILEData, as in requesting BACKUPActive. Richard Sims, BU

Re: LTO Performance

2001-04-20 Thread Richard Sims
now what you are able to determine. thanks, Richard Sims, BU

Re: LTO performance

2001-04-20 Thread Richard Sims
he analysis to find out what's wrong. Richard Sims, BU

Re: mount failed

2001-04-23 Thread Richard Sims
>since few days I've got messages: >ANR1401W Mount request denied for volume E003 - mount failed. Wojciech - ANR1401W should be a summary message: preceding messages should tell what the actual problem is. Might be a problem in communicating with the tape library, or the inability

Re: ANR8359E ANR8830E

2001-04-23 Thread Richard Sims
, and that either upgrading or dropping back to get away from that level can fix problems. Richard Sims, BU

Re: TSM/HSM problem writing to filesystem

2001-04-24 Thread Richard Sims
Mary - Your backup server is not necessarily your HSM server. Given your recent migration, you may have, or need, a MIgrateserver option in your client options file to point to the proper HSM server. Richard Sims, BU


2001-04-24 Thread Richard Sims
might be that migration stops when the amount drops to the decimal value 0.something, as opposed to integer 0. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Help ! server not starting any more

2001-04-24 Thread Richard Sims
ations. Get your operating system and hardware people involved, and have them look for error log indications of problems. They can use utilities or diagnostics to verify the voracity of the disk subsystem. Switch to a different type of disk if possible, if nothing else turns up, and try the restoral to that. Richard Sims, BU /

Re: Second set of tapes

2001-04-24 Thread Richard Sims
> Ok, I have successfully configured an auto-tape library and schedules. >My problem now is I filled the first set of tapes and went to use another >set. I remove the tapes and put in the new ones. The machine has a barcode ^^ >reader and I labeled

Re: Second set of tapes

2001-04-24 Thread Richard Sims
ligible for processing. Read about the various methods of removing tapes to choose the one most appropriate to your needs. Depending upon library type, you might use the Remove=No keyword to logically do what you have already physically done. Or possibly do 'UPDate Volume ... ACCess=OFfsite&#

Re: Archive retention adjustment

2001-04-24 Thread Richard Sims
could be a long-running and quite thorough expiration run. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Archive retention

2001-04-24 Thread Richard Sims
onform to whatever the prevailing management class retention rules are at the time. So if you extend your retention policy, it pertains to all archive files, old and new. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Error after upgrading to Tsm3.7.2

2001-04-25 Thread Richard Sims
3.7 you installed is probably there in addition to the old ADSM code. When installing a TSM client, always be careful to pick the components you really want - don't automatically install everything just because it's there. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Anyone have any SQL ideas for these stats?

2001-04-25 Thread Richard Sims
..yV] Refer to the 3590 Hardware Reference manual for codes and byte positions. Here, we requested 40, being Drive Lifetime Mounts. That returned the 32-bit value 066A, or 1642 decimal. The parameter 41 Drive Lifetime Megabytes Written happens to be returned as well: 001563E3, or 1,401,827 MB. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Clean Archdirectories

2001-04-26 Thread Richard Sims
>When I enter the command on the server; >CLEAN ARCHDIR nodename >then I get ONE OR MORE PARAMATERS ARE MISSING. > >What is the right syntax Wow, you're late to this party: that goes back to 3.1. See

Re: Archiving Primary pool

2001-04-26 Thread Richard Sims
>Is it possible to do archive on server level and not client level? >I want to archive the whole primary pool. Just do a Backup Stgpool to a copy storage pool that you designate for long-term holding.

Re: Archiving Primary pool

2001-04-26 Thread Richard Sims
ke a portable image of your current Active backup files. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Archiving Primary pool

2001-04-26 Thread Richard Sims
>What is Backup set? I heard that form someone else too. I'm using ADSM >Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.40, dose this version supports Backupset? See "Backup Set" in, where I keep a lot of factoids arranged alphabetically for handy lookup and pointers to w

Re: Archiving Primary pool

2001-04-26 Thread Richard Sims
upgrade anyway; so consider doing it sooner rather than later, and make all those new features available to your site, to give you plenty of flexibility and choices. Richard Sims, BU

Re: puzzling volume

2001-04-26 Thread Richard Sims
Larry - A frequently reported problem. Try Audit Volume Fix=Yes, which usually takes care of it.

Re: 500GB Backup

2001-04-30 Thread Richard Sims
>I can't get anywhere close to that on 9840. I am happy when I get 11 MB/sec >on them. Are you sure numbers are right? The STK site specifies a maximum 10 MB/sec head-to-tape data transfer rate for the 9840. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Upgrading space management client

2001-04-30 Thread Richard Sims
t command, or reboot with the entry removed from /etc/inittab. I would recommend doing a deinstall of ADSM before an install of TSM, as the TSM install is unlikely to do the deinstall you might expect it to. Richard Sims, BU

Re: DB buffer question

2001-04-30 Thread Richard Sims
nters of sufficient capacity to keep this from occurring in ordinary operations. Consider doing periodic 'RESet BUFPool's. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Can I send one file to two pools?

2001-05-01 Thread Richard Sims
>Anybody know a clever way to do this? One sorta way: Caching, in a storage pool hierarchy. Otherwise: Backup Stgpool. But I think we'd like to hear what your requirements are to better advise. Richard Sims, BU

Re: version 3 to version 4 help

2001-05-02 Thread Richard Sims
in chapter 1 of the client manuals, and on the Tivoli web page . Richard Sims, BU

Re: AW: Ramifications of Delete Volume as pertains to next backup cyc le.

2001-05-02 Thread Richard Sims
t true: deletion of a primary storage pool volume causes the database entries to be removed. See "Deleting Storage Pool Volumes" in the Admin Guide. Richard Sims, BU

Re: 1 client 2 servers 1 PROBLEM - ANS1079E [URGENT]

2001-05-02 Thread Richard Sims
files, you may have forgotten to specify the files to be Archived in the OBJects parameter of the DEFine SCHedule command? Richard Sims, BU

Re: TXNBytelimit increased (was Re: LTO Tape Drive Performance)

2001-05-02 Thread Richard Sims
the competitive advantages in the new release. What's the story with Development management that so many things are being missed? Less golf - more management. ;-) Richard Sims, BU

Re: recreate bitvectors

2001-05-04 Thread Richard Sims
still no effective measures have been instituted to prevent such nonsense from occurring. Is anyone there minding the store? Richard Sims, BU

Re: block level backups

2001-05-04 Thread Richard Sims
>Does anyone know if TSM does, or will in the future do, block level >backups? See subfile backups in the Windows client manual, and the TSM Technical Guide redbook.

Re: off-topic: adding *external* disks to RS6K-H50 not LVD

2001-05-04 Thread Richard Sims
/discmodelinter.html for Seagate model numbering, to decypher that stuff. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Please comfirm...

2001-05-05 Thread Richard Sims
Zosi - See my notes on VCR Data problems in The Move Data you did was fine, and you do not have to Checkout the volume. But you probably need to update your drive(s) to improved microcode to eliminate the cause of the problem. Richard Sims, BU

Re: How database volume s and log gets backedup.

2001-05-07 Thread Richard Sims
longer list of tapes, plus rotation ('DELete VOLHistory'). Richard Sims, BU

Re: User exit usage

2001-05-07 Thread Richard Sims
in the technologies involved in this stuff. Richard Sims, BU

Re: restore a NT file on UNIX box

2001-05-07 Thread Richard Sims
for a limited repertoire of file systems, customary on each platform (as for example an earlier posting from the Linux README file). Richard Sims, BU

Re: performance considerations

2001-05-08 Thread Richard Sims
test where you back up one or more very large (1 GB or more) files. >Does anyone know of a new tivoli performance tuning guide? I have a (not >up to date) SP performance tuning guide. The assemblage has been awaiting such a modern version of the product performance guide. Richard Sims, BU

Re: TSM Database Question

2001-05-08 Thread Richard Sims
April 30th, topic "DB buffer question". You need to do periodic 'RESet BUFPool's to reset the counter, which overflows and goes negative. Look back on your Cache Hit Pct. some time after you have done the reset, to assure meaningful numbers. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Newbie Concern on Restore Times

2001-05-08 Thread Richard Sims
ving (subfile backup et al) to meaningfully compare with that competing vendor's offering. Make sure that your business has firmly defined objectives when it goes to compare storage management products: don't simply look at packages and compare them. You want a solution which will fulfill defined needs, not a vendor's sale objectives. Richard Sims, BU

Re: Error on auditing library

2001-05-09 Thread Richard Sims
nstalled in your operating system or the cabling is not attached or the drive is turned off - something like that. Take a step-by-step look at your implementation. Richard Sims, BU

Re: TSM and TCP/IP Communication

2001-05-09 Thread Richard Sims
>"When TSM uses TCP/IP to communicate between the server and the clients, >what kind of communication is it using?" TCP, as opposed to UDP. You can verify this with the 'netstat' opsys command, or the 'lsof' public domain command for Unix. Richard Sims, BU

Re: How are you guys doing bare metal restores on TSM 4.x clients ???!

2001-05-09 Thread Richard Sims
ng number of digits for the year, or omitting the seconds value, could foul it up. Richard Sims, BU

Re: reclaim spoy stgpool volumes

2001-05-09 Thread Richard Sims
>If filling tapes are not candidates for reclamation... Filling and Offsite is a special case. See the Admin Guide section on Reclamation, subsection Controlling When Reclamation Occurs for Offsite Volumes. Richard Sims, BU

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