>does anybody know a method of deleting data on tape cartridges (3590) >without rewriting and destroying them? We need to wipe out round about 200 >tape cartridges an looking for a efficient method to do this. Uwe - There is DELete Volume for such a task. At a higher level, you could do DELete FIlespace if you know that the tapes all contain the data for a filespace you no longer want, to avoid having to delete its volumes individually. Richard Sims, BU
- deleting data of tape cartridges "Schönacher, Uwe"
- Re: deleting data of tape cartridges Mogamat Gertse
- Re: deleting data of tape cartridges Richard Sims
- Re: deleting data of tape cartridges Mary Manthata
- Re: deleting data of tape cartridges "Schönacher, Uwe"
- Re: deleting data of tape cartridges Richard Sims
- Re: deleting data of tape cartridges Nicholas Cassimatis
- Re: deleting data of tape cartridges Shawn Drew
- Re: deleting data of tape cartridges "Schönacher, Uwe"