Hi *TSM'ers !
Like lots of TSM administrators backing up informix DB's thru onbar
utility, I'm facing an expiration problem for the logical logs created
in my storage pools (each log has an unique identifier, what disables
TSM expiration capability). I therefore was looking for a solution to
Hi Stuart,
Just a question (could sound stupid, but never mind) : did you re-import
your db on the new server ?
If yes what was the command you used ?
-Original Message-
From: Stuart Pitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Donnerstag, 16. August 2001 10:19
Hi *SM'ers
I already posted a mail on this topic, but with no results, so I try my
chance again ...
I 'm looking for anybody having a working version of either logexpire.c
or expire.c that works with TSM api version 4.1.2, and some explanation
how to use it (what user, wich special entries in ds
Hi *SM'ers !
Could someone give me an explanation on following topic : I had a storage pool called
stgpoolA, wich had copy made daily on a copy storage pool called CopypoolA. For
technical reasons I moved all data from stgpoolA to a new primary stgpool called
stgpoolB, wich is having daily cop
Hi Gurus,
I would like to know if it is possible to share directly attached FC Ultrium drives in
a 3584 library, between multiple TSM servers, without using the 3584 library sharing
feature. This would mean a dynamic drive allocation, same style as DDS feature in
Legato's Networker.
Thanks in
Hi *SM'ers !
I'm having trouble trying to backup an Informix database (Informix server 9.30 fc2x5
64 bits) which is installed on an AIX machine (aix 5.1 64 bits) : I cannot find a TDP
for Informix client that works on such a system. On Tivoli's web page there is no
information about an eventua
Hi Denis,
Just for information : I tested your query on my system ( and
it worked like a charm (except I had to modify "Node Name" to
Did you apply the latest PTF's to get ? Maybe it could help ...
Good luck anyway !
Hi David,
You should get a rid of this problem by adding "remove=untileefull" in
your "move drm" statement !
Hope it helped !
| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Ba
rporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX
-Original Message-
From: PAC Brion Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, August 16, 2002 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: LTO Bulk Reader filled
Hi David,
You sh
Hi List,
I already sent a post on that topic, with no valuable response, so I re-post !
Does anyone out here (from IBM or Tivoli) have information on release date for the
AIX 5.1 64 bits TDP for Informix client ?
I find it rather boring that people working hand in hand (IBM, Informix, Tivoli)
I'm a bit astonished by your question : by default TSM client only
handles local drives, except if you included all drives letters in your
domain statement in dsm.opt. So normally those mapped drives should not
be backuped ! Try eventually domain=all-local to force it !
Hi Gurus !
I have a question concerning security : we currently have one TSM server
(H80 AIX server) connected to a 3584 library. As our library reaches
it's capacity limit, we plan to buy a new one, and possibly another
server, to build a double server and library solution. I'm looking for
an i
Hi thomas,
I would advise you to do an "audit vol x fix=yes" to check if it is
ok, and eventually repair it. If not, you can still do a "move data" to
copy usable data on another tape, and therefore not loose precious
backup data. (the original tape will then return to scratch, if
originally c
of the database. Because you
know that the opposite server will be running during a disaster, you can
add other functions as you add link speed.
Bill Smoldt
STORServer, Inc.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
PAC Brion Arnaud
Sent: Wedn
Use -virtualnodename=x in your restore command
| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerland |
| Phone: +41 61 226 19 78 / Fax: +41 61 226 17 01 |
Hi Mr Loon,
I could be false, be I believe I remember we had the same problem, until
we updated values in the SDG, as said before :
1) disableCC
2) setHost 0, "aix" or setHost 0 AIX
3) setHost 1, "aix" or setHost 1 AIX
4) and reboot the device.
5) remove the tape drives (rmdev -dl rm
y, 07 February, 2002 16:01
Subject: Re: How to restore x server s data to Y server .
-Original Message-
From: PAC Brion Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 8:53 AM
type is set to AIX, so that
shouldn't be the cause... Kindest regards, Eric van Loon KLM Royal Dutch
-Original Message-----
From: PAC Brion Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2002 16:07
Subject: Re: 3494 through SAN Data Gateway
Hi Erick,
I saw your last mail, and I'm wondering how you can check if you're
using HVD or LVD interfaces. Is it related to the SDG's hardware, or
just a question of microcode ? Could you please give us some
informations ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Kurt,
The response is "NO", you don't have to register 3 drives. You only have
to declare 1 library, no matter if there is one or 12 drives in the
library. Just issue "reg lic file=1library.lic", it will be in
compliance with licensing terms !
Hi again,
In addition to my previous response, I would add that if you only do an
upgrade of your library, you should'nt even declare a new licence,
because it should already be licensed in your TSM server !
Hope it helped ...
| A
Hi Keith,
You should add missing lines like "nodename x", "tcpserveraddress
x" and an eventual incle-excl list in your dsm.opt file, before
moving it to baclient directory. This would avoid you to go thru wizard.
Hi burak,
Before to do a "q auditocc" you need to do an "audit licences", that is
going to update to auditocc values !
| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switzerl
Hi *SMer's
Would like to know if anybody of you has any information about pricing
of BMR solution provided by The Kernel Group.
I would also apreciate any comments about the possible future of this
product : it seems TKG has been ingested by IBM, and Veritas, a former
competitor of TSM will now c
Hi Gurus,
I noticed a strange behavior of our server, while trying to delete a
node. Problem looks like : the node is deleted, but when looking in the
activity log, I have the following message :
02/21/02 14:40:21 ANR2061I Node PACNT150 removed from policy domain NT.
02/21/02 14:40:21 << Message
I had the same issue as you, and the only solution I found was to unpack
the installation program directly on the node itself. If I tried to copy
TSM_Images folder on the node, and perform the install from this copy,
it was not working !
My 2 cents ...
Hi Gurus !
We plan to upgrade our Unix box (H80 aix 4.3.3) from TSM version 4.1.3
to the latest available version. I already have the V 4.2.1 CD, and
corresponding manual, but the explanations provided for upgrading are
not very clear to me. Could anyone post a step by step procedure, that
Hi Gurus !
We plan to upgrade our Unix box (H80 aix 4.3.3) from TSM version 4.1.3
to the latest available version. I already have the V 4.2.1 CD, and
corresponding manual, but the explanations provided for upgrading are
not very clear to me. Could anyone post a step by step procedure, that
Hi Gurus !
Could anyone explain me how to use the archsyml option when building a client schedule
thru web interface ? I defined a schedule that looks like this :
Action --> command
Objects --> /home/tivoli/toto.sh
Options --> -archsyml=no
Toto.sh looks like : dsmc archive -subdir=yes -archmc=
Hi gurus !
I'm facing the following problem : we have a client node which IP address has been
modified yesterday morning, the machine has then been rebooted, and of course, TSM
client restarted. But this morning TSM showed me the scheduled nightly backup for this
node as "missed".
I have a te
Hi Gurus !
I noticed a strange behaviour of our TSM server (v, on AIX 4.3.3) : I defined
a client schedule loking like this
Policy Domain Name: SP
Description: server move 4 og. to 1 ug.
Action: Command
Objects: /home/tsm/dsmc_archive.sh
Hi *SM'ers !
I try to use onsmsync utilitily to delete some old logical logs in our
informix DB, and obtain an XBSA error 98 as a result in bar_act_log
When looking into dsierror.log file, I found lots of this message :
08/24/01 09:38:40 ANS4993E TDP Infmx AIX42 ANSO663 Invalid copy type
Hi *SM'ers !
This is a quite unfrequent request, but I'm looking for any link where I
could find TDP for Informix v 4.1.3 software. I already tried on
Informix, Ibm and Tivoli web sites, but whent unsuccessfull (latest
dowloadable version is 4.1.0 on Tivoli site). We also asked our Tivoli
Hi *SM'ers,
We recently intalled a new version of an informix server (XPS 8.31) on
our AIX system (4.3.3), and are planing to use TDP for informix V 4.1.3
to backup this system, in conjunction with our TSM 4.1.3 server.
My first question is : does anybody knows if this version of TDP is
Hi *SM'ers,
We recently intalled a new version of an informix server (XPS 8.31) on
our AIX system (4.3.3), and are planing to use TDP for informix V 4.1.3
to backup this system, in conjunction with our TSM 4.1.3 server.
My first question is : does anybody knows if this version of TDP is
Hi John,
why don't you just do it the easyest way : q act begint=-xx(hours)
This will tell you immediately when your migration processes are
occuring !
-Original Message-
From: Doherty, John (ANFIS) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Freitag, 26. Oktober 2001 13:
Hi Rene,
IMHO the easyest way is not to use nohup (this command has a strange
behaviour under aix 4.3.3), but an "at" command, which will look like :
echo "/usr/bin/dsmc sched > /dev/null 2>&1" | at now
This works perfectly !
-Original Message-
From: Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GL
Hi *'SM Gurus !
A probably easy question for anybody involved in this kind of
installation : we are planing to install HACMP between two AIX boxes,
let's call them A and B.
The A box is hosting an informix db, wich is doing it's online backups
thru onbar, using it's own dsm.sys with hostname A.
Hi *SM'ers,
A still unresolved question : is there any way modyfiying onbar to have
it restoring files created on a different node ? As far as I understood
it, it seems onbar looks in dsm.sys file for finding the hostname it's
going to use. I need a trick to bypass this, without having to modify
under the wrong node
is most likely not retrievable by onbar though or very difficult.
We do this all the time, with HACMP and Service Guard systems.
this does not help, please specify concerns.
Jeff Bach
> -Original Message-
> From: PAC Brion Arnaud [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTE
Hi folks !
Here is a case that seems really strange to me.
The picture : we have a node called pacrs170, that hosts a filespace
named /fsdbexp. We used to backup this filespace daily, until we found
it was useless keeping that data. I then decided do delete this
filespace from TSM db, what worke
subdirectories and their files are excluded from backup services.
Hope this helps
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dis
Hi *SM'ers
Using TSM on an AIX 4.3.3 system, I'm facing a little license
problem : I recently found that our server was not in compliance with
licensing terms, and then decided to remove some nodes that where not
in use anymore. I deleted the filespaces that where associated with this
Hi Sreekumar,
I did the same as you, and asked the same question to Jan Mortensen (the
guy who made this product, I believe) : it seems the collector part of
his software has to be installed on a Windows system, but then it can
virtually monitor any type of TSM server (inclusive AIX boxes). I had
Hi Eric,
I re-read "TSM implementation guide" Redbook a couple of minutes ago,
and they don't speek about any overhead space for a data volume, what
they specify is that if you want to format a db volume, then the
allocated file size is always a multiple of 4 MB plus an additional 1 MB
for overh
Hi *SM'ers
Using TSM on an AIX 4.3.3 system, I'm facing a little license
problem : I recently found that our server was not in compliance with
licensing terms, and then decided to remove some nodes that where not
in use anymore. I deleted the filespaces that where associated with this
Hi TSM'ers !
I already saw this in a thread, but can't find it again : I'm looking
for a convenient way to stop some reclamation processes in an automated
way (script).
As those reclamation processes are made on an offsite stg pool, no way
stopping them by increasing the reclamation threshold to
-id=xxx -password=xxx -tab "cancel proc $proc"
Mit freundlichen Grüßen - With best regards
Serdeczne pozdrowienia - Slan agus beannacht
Paul Baines
TSM/ADSM Consultant
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: PAC Brion Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 22. Nove
Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of PAC Brion Arnaud
> Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 11:01 AM
> Subject: transmitting the result of an sql query to a script ? +
> loop struture ?
> Hi TSM'ers !
> I already saw
Hi *SM'ers,
Just wondering if somebody encountered this problem : we are doing
informix backups on a TSM 4.1.1 server, using onbar utility. Informix
logical logs are written to a primary disk pool that has caching
enabled, and a next storage pool defined to allow migration on tape. It
seems that
Hi TSM'ers,
We are trying to build a solution where Veritas BackupExec would be
using TSM as a data repository, but are facing something very strange :
although we respected all recommendations while binding applications
together, it seems Veritas backups are filling up our library extremely
Hi TSM'ers,
A probably dumb question, but I never saw this before :
today we had a user that did an archive of his node using the web
client, and shortly following this operation, I saw the folowing entry
in activity log :
12/19/01 07:52:39 ANR0984I Process 394 for CONVERT ARCHIVE started in
- client level related action. What is the
clients level and on what level is the tsm server?
-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: PAC Brion Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Verzonden: woensdag 19 december 2001 13:47
Onderwerp: convert archive process ... what does it do ?
S 3278
Troy, MI 48098
* phone: 248-265-4596 (8-365)
-Original Message-
From: PAC Brion Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: convert archive process ... what does it do ?
Hi Karel,
*the same* mirroring scheme (both AIX and TSM use LVM which allows three
--> ... and won't be back before Monday
Happy Monday! You've got something to play with for the whole day :-)
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
P.S. I am charging my customers for such advices but hopefull
to play with for the whole day :-)
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
P.S. I am charging my customers for such advices but hopefully I can get
a beer (or Swiss chocolate) for this one :-)
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g
Hi list !
Could someone help me with that one : I get a client node (win2k) for
which TSM reports following message every night :
02/18/03 03:29:01 ANR2576W An attempt was made to update an event record
for a scheduled operation which has already been executed - multiple
client schedulers may be
Could you provide us a little bit more details on what you're willing to
do, and on your knowledge of TSM and AIX, that we have a better idea of
what you're trying to achive and the means to do it ?
| Arnaud Brion, Pa
Hi Mark,
You are probably suffering from so called "log pinning" symptom. To make
it short : log is working on a circular basis, and can only be freed if
all transactions that where written into it are commited to TSM DB. If
not done, you reach a point where the log bites it's own tail : older
Hi Xavier,
Why not to use "dsmc restore blah -pitdate=xx/xx/xx -pittime=xx:xx:xx"
for restoring your files ?
My 2 cents ...
| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group |
| Viaduktstrasse 42, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel - Switz
Hi Peter,
I sincerely empathize, as I've been living the same martyrdom as you
some months ago.
We had a brand new 3584 library, equiped with scsi lto drives, attached
to the server thru 2108 San data gateways and fiber channeling. After
months of investigation, upgrades of all kinds, drive exchan
Hi List,
I saw a (broken) link to this guide in a previous post, then tried to find this
masterpiece on the new IBM-Tivoli website, without luck :-(
Was somebody better than me in that hunt ?
Thanks in advance !
| Arnaud Brion, Pan
Hi list,
I would like to use the ODBC driver delivered with TSM Windows client, in conjunction
with an Access 2002 database, but when I try to issue following query : SELECT
[end_time]-[start_time] AS duratio
Hi List,
I had a call from one of our branches, telling me their TSM server crashed.
Unfortunately they had their log and db files sitted on the same unmirrored disk, so
basically everything is lost.
I'm now trying to initiate a DR scenario, but face a first problem : issuing "dsmserv
format 1
--Original Message-----
From: PAC Brion Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 10:23
Subject: Real DR situation : dsmserv format fails; errno = 2 !
Hi List,
I had a call from one of our branches, telling me their TSM server
crashed. Unfortunately they
Tel: +32 (0)10 48 75 10 - Fax: +32 (0)10 48 75 40
-Original Message-
From: PAC Brion Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: vendredi 28 février 2003 12:38
Subject: Re: Real DR situation : dsmserv format
> The figures I quote are from the IBM Tivoli Price Estimator tool.
Could you please provide a link to this tool, I would be very interested
in it !
Thanks a lot.
| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group |
| Vi
Hi *Smers,
Could anybody explain me why I consistently see "backup stg" jobs "freezing" ? What
happens is that the job begins, but thereafter hangs for a while, doing nothing at
all, and suddenly starts copying data on tape. I saw this behavior on severall flavors
of TSM (actually on,
That would make sense, if the job was "freezing" in the middle of the
copies, but apparently, it just waits a while before starting to write
the first bit of data to tape, and then goes fine till the end !
Thanks anyway ;-)
Richard, Paul,
Thanks for the tips, I'll kep an eye on my tape drives, and on DB disk
activity !
> For big storage pools that can take quite some time, and especially if
running at the same time as expiration or other DB heavy activity.
In my case, the storage pool size is approximatively
Hi Bert,
>But how do I get a list of old tapes to take out?
I assume you mean copypool tapes that went checked out and stored
offsite ...
I don't know if you're using TSM's DRM feature, but case of an
affirmative response, you should be in a position to issue "q drm
wherestate=vaultretrive", t
Did you try to modify dsm.opt, and specify each drive in a "domain"
statement, like :
Domain c:
Domain d:
Domain x:
I had the same problem, and solved it that way !
| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT G
Hi list,
Using a TSM server v on AIX 4.3.3, I'm sometimes getting following entry in
activity log :
30.05.2003 22:36:02 ANRD dfmigr.c(3224): ThreadId<56> Migration process 3464
unable to locate cluster element srvId=0, ck1=603
Should this error be considered as "dangerous", a
Hi Joni,
I'm living the same kind of experience as yours. TSM version,
but on AIX platform ! I can use the web GUI, but if I have to push on
"stop" button in my favorite browser for any reason, before getting a
response from TSM server (sometimes have to do it for long SQL queries),
this l
Hi Klass,
I would advise you to try an "audit volume fix=no" on that tape to find
out if any file was damaged, then you have two possibilities :
1) no damaged file found : do a move data, to copy that data on another
volume, then checkout of defective tape and give it back to you IBM rep.
Those t
Hi Remco,
This message could also be the sign of a filled storage pool : on a disk
based pool, check if your migration thresholds are low enough to avoid
them beeing filled, and also check if caching is enabled : using cached
disks with application like TDP for informix leads to this kind of
Hi list,
W have a problem here, while trying to backup a win2k system (v 5.00.2195 SP 3) using
a TSM client version : the backup consistently finishes with status "failed",
and following message can be found in dsmerror.log :
07/16/2003 00:50:49 ANS1183E An unknown error occurred while
Hi all,
Sorry to bother you with aforementioned product, but responsible person
seems to be away for some days, and I need urgent response ...
I just installed it on my machine and find it very helpful for certain
purposes, like automatic notification on failed events, detailed
reports, etc... (so
Hi list,
I'm currently using TSM ODBC (V interface with an Access 2002 database (V
10.4302.4219 sp-2), and built a query looking like :
SUMMARY.BYTES, DateDiff("w",[START_TIME],Now()) AS timediff
Hi list,
A quickie one : when migrating multiple nodes data from non-collocated disk pool to
collocated tape pool, using migproc=2, in which order will data be migrated ?
1) node 1 data on 2 different tapes, then node 2 data on 2 different tapes etc
2) node 1 data on one tape and node 2 data
ool is having collocation=yes, only one
process will be lauched and it will migrate all 300 GB. Only if there is
another node's data in diskpool, a second process can start to migrate
Zlatko Krastev
IT Consultant
Sent by: "A
Hi Farren,
Couldn't you use the "export node" functionality ? As the node doesn't
exist anymore, I believe there is no other solution but maybe
someone has a better trick !
| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT
Hi Bill,
Could it be possible that you defined a very low "maximum size
threshold" on your disk pool, that would force data migration to tape ?
My 2 cents ...
| Arnaud Brion, Panalpina Management Ltd., IT Group |
| Viad
its status.
Hope that helps
Phillip Ford
Senior Software Specialist
Corporate Computer Center
Schering-Plough Corp.
(901) 320-4462
(901) 320-4856 FAX
-Original Message-----
From: PAC Brion Arnaud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 7:57 AM
Hi Geetha,
TSM scheduler on linux should be started as a service, and the better
way to achieve this is to build a little script that would be placed in
the inittab, so that when the system boots the service is started. I
attached the script we're using to this mail, feel free to use it !
If you i
Tél : 03 90 40 60 60
Fax : 03 90 40 60 61
Hi List,
Quick question : I accidentally issued "delete volume" on a false primary volume
(typing error), after I realised my mistake I cancelled the job, but some files where
already deleted. Is there a chance, using "restore volume", to get this data back, or
does TSM consider those files as
Hi list !
TSM server on AIX 4.3.3
Could someone explain following behaviour : TSM server insists reclaming an offsite
empty tape several times a day, sometimes restarting a new reclamation process seconds
after the first one ceased.
"Q act begint=-12 s=08" shows (snippet of it)
Hi list,
Anyone having seen such strange things, using TDP for informix ?
08/20/03 19:48:06 ANE4993E (Session: 109892, Node: X) TDP Infmx AIX42
ANS0302üÑ?Ü 2& /ñƒð -t€ - XÑ6£ÀÑ6´ ANS0302I (RC0) Successfully done.
08/20/03 19:48:06 ANE4993E (Session: 109892, Node: X) TDP Infmx AI
Hi Natthakriss,
Check in the activity log after having ben issuing your command, it was
probably refused because you didn't provide the full path to your
licenses ...
i.e. : file=/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/50mgsyslan.lic
Also check (h reg lic) if "number" variable is usable in V4.2 version, I
Hi Zoltan,
This may not be the most sophisticated way, but works perfectly on our
system, without having to play with ndmp, images backup etc ...
We defined a windows node (machine having good networking capability)
which will be the central "file ditributor" for NAS backups, granted
this machine
Hi Eric,
I'm seeing the same kind of things (double messages in one line), but
for informix backups !
I already posted on that topic on 21th of this month (search for
informix + hieroglyphs to find my post), without any answer :-(
I suppose this is a new "feature" from TSM, but is it due to server
Hi all,
I'm facing a problem with one of our TSM clients (v on AIX 4.3.3 , yes I know
it's not supported anymore), wich consistently issues the same error message while
trying to expire a file created by some IT beginner, using a wildcard character.
Message looks like this :
Hi Zoltan,
Just for info (and to avoid buying possibly weak hardware), what type of
library are you speaking about ? Is it your IBM 3583-L72 ?
Panalpina Management Ltd., Basle, Switzerland, CIT Depa
You wrote :
> I'm not sure if you were on the Technical Exchange this week on TSM
Disk Only solutions > but there are reasons not to use large disk pools
alone. There were also some tips on > how best to setup storage pools
using file device classes.
> I will send you a pdf of the Tech
Maybe this http://msgs.adsm.org/cgi-bin/get/adsm0109/730.html will help
you !
Panalpina Management Ltd., Basle, Switzerland, CIT Department
Viadukstrasse 42, P.O. Box 4002 Basel/CH
Phone: +41
ave to put the statement within single quotes?
Joni Moyer
Storage Systems
"PAC Brion
Hi list,
Could anyone tell me if the performance problem related to reclamation
of copypool data when primary copy resides on disk has been solved ?
I'm asking this because we migrated our TSM server (v on a
beefy p5 550 series, with disk pools large enough to keep one day data,
and recla
You could use the "expire" command on client side to have it removed
during next expire inventory. Off course, the file will be backed up
again during next incremental if not excluded by any mean.
Hi *SM'ers,
I recently found that one (surely others too) of our AIX clients was
getting part of it's directory structure backed up everyday although it
did not change, but can't find the reason why.
As Andy says it in his excellent web page : A normal Incremental Backup
will *not* back up direc
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