Re: TSM Tech support not responding as quickly!

2002-06-01 Thread Justin Bleistein
>From what I understand unless your at TSM server: 5.1 they get a call back there trying to phase out 4.1 support as far as I know. I just think it's there plan that has the logic of if it's harder for them to get support then they'll goto 5. Just a theory but I experience the same thing. I'm sure

management class question?

2002-06-05 Thread Justin Bleistein
Does anyone know how to tell what management class a filespace belongs too from the server side? Is there a select or a query command? --Justin Richard Bleistein

Re: management class question?

2002-06-05 Thread Justin Bleistein
me/mysubdir/.../* some_special_mgmt_class include /home/someotherdirpath/.../* some_minimal_mgmt_class ... Dwight -Original Message- From: Justin Bleistein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 10:01 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: management class question? Does a

tsm internal design?

2002-06-06 Thread Justin Bleistein
I'm planning on taking over classes at a local community college teaching classes about Unix operating system design, teaching the super block design, inode assignment design, system calls, file descriptor table designs etc. I want to try to put together a TSM internals design curriculum as well a

server activity log errors found.

2002-06-10 Thread Justin Bleistein
Has anyone our there in TSM land, ever seen these server errors before? Can anyone give me any good analyses on what these could possibly mean. Keep in mind they both could be unrelated to one another: Activity log error 1: 06/10/02 03:14:42 ANR0538I A resource waiter has been aborted. 0

manual drive question!!!

2002-06-11 Thread Justin Bleistein
When I'm using manual drives and I label a tape it spits the tape out each time when it's done labelling, this sucks because I'm not a the location of where the hardware is. It's annoying calling someone all the time just to pop the tape back in. Does anyone know of a parameter which keeps the tap

Re: tsm internal design?

2002-06-12 Thread Justin Bleistein
but the dsmfmt command just writes "Eric" over and over again to create a file of the appropriate size. I wonder who Eric is. ./dsmfmt -m -db ./tempdbvol 5 cat tempdbvol Alex Paschal Storage Administrator Freightliner, LLC (503) 745-6850 phone/vmail -Original Message- Fro

restoration of backup copypool volumes?

2002-06-12 Thread Justin Bleistein
I noticed that the "restore volume" command will allow you to rebuild a primary volume from it's backup storagepool volumes. Is there a way to recreate backup storage pool volumes from primary volumes?. --Justin Richard Bleistein

Re: restoration of backup copypool volumes?

2002-06-12 Thread Justin Bleistein
Thank you to everyone for all of your responses to my question. I got some GREAT suggestions and I know they will help me in future productions issues. Thanks again for letting me pick ur minds. Talk to u again when I have my next brain fart. --Justin Richard Bleistein Sea

primary volumes to backup volumes.

2002-06-12 Thread Justin Bleistein
Is there an easy way to tell what backup volumes are backups of what primary volumes. For instance How can I tell whose whose mate if that makes any sense? --Justin Richard Bleistein

Re: TSM aix server code

2002-06-13 Thread Justin Bleistein
I have a call opened with Tivoli Support right now actually about that. We just put the "" patch on yesterday and we're still getting those "lock conflict" errors in the activity log. I'll keep everyone updated what TSM says. If anyone else has any updates or input into this please let me k

trace file reading.

2002-06-14 Thread Justin Bleistein
Does anyone know of any good documentation for reading client trace files. I was able to read a sample AIX core file before just a small software glitch and I would like to be able to read and understand the trace file. This would also be good for the TSM design course I plan to put together at a

Re: DB backups

2002-06-15 Thread Justin Bleistein
I don't think you can, I beleive "file" is an invalid devclass. --Justin Richard Bleistein "Jolliff, Dale"To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: DB backups Sent by:

tsm server show commands.

2002-06-18 Thread Justin Bleistein
Does anyone have a list of all TSM show commands? The only two I know are: "show library" and "show dev". Thanks!!! --Justin Richard Bleistein

useless tsm knowledge.

2002-06-18 Thread Justin Bleistein
Type in: show dev from the dsmadmc command line and you'll see the developers names of the TSM server. --Justin Richard Bleistein

Re: tsm server show commands.

2002-06-18 Thread Justin Bleistein
date it is, but may help. Gene (See attached file: showcommand.doc) Justin Bleistein cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: tsm server show commands. Dist Stor Manager"

Re: redirecting node backup

2002-07-01 Thread Justin Bleistein
Have you tired re-validating the policyset then reactivating it? I have found that after some management class or copy group changes you should re-validate and reactive the policy set to which they reside, then restart the TSM client daemon on your client system(s). --Justin Richard Bleistein


2002-07-01 Thread Justin Bleistein
As of: "06/30/2002" TSM server: "4.1" is no longer supported by IBM/TIVOLI it's only "4.2" and "5" right now. --Justin Richard Bleistein

Re: AIX restore from one client to another

2002-07-10 Thread Justin Bleistein
or -virtualnode= works if you know node-a's password of course. --Justin Richard Bleistein "Haskins, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OM> cc: Sent by: "ADSM

Re: sun equivilent of rmdev/mkdev

2002-07-16 Thread Justin Bleistein
I believe it's "tapes" Jim Healy cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: sun equivilent of rmdev/mkdev Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

dsmserv restore db of a database backup file.

2002-07-16 Thread Justin Bleistein
Could someone please send me the syntax of the "dsmserv restore db" command to restore a backup of a database which was written to a file, in a file devclass? Thanks!.

Re: NIC Settings

2002-07-16 Thread Justin Bleistein
Now do you need help determining your speed? If so hopefully this procedure will help it was written for Solaris. I hope I read that right and I hope this answers your question, in our environment we had the same issue then we changed our network settings on the Solaris client NIC side as we

Re: RTFM question, asking your forgiveness in advance

2002-07-17 Thread Justin Bleistein
dsmc restore "/pathname/*" -subdir=yes -replace=yes thanks!. --Justin Richard Bleistein Nancy Ames cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: RTFM question, asking your forgiveness in advance

Re: Backup throughput

2002-08-28 Thread Justin Bleistein
Don't mean to be a smartass but yeah upgrade to tsm 4.2 or 5.1 :o) --Justin "Lai, Kathy KL" cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: Backup throughput Dist Stor Manage

dlt problem with tsm

2002-09-17 Thread Justin Bleistein
I'm trying to export a node to a manual dlt drive and I get the following message: Date/Time Message -- 09/17/02 08:34:56 ANR0796E EXPORT NODE: Error encountered in accessing data

tsm solaris client error

2002-09-19 Thread Justin Bleistein
Has anyone ever seen these errors before our could elaborate on what they could be or how they could be fixed? Thanks: I logged into the client system and found the following error in the client error log: 09/16/02 23:36:42 TcpRead(): recv(): errno = 131 09/17/02 00:36:42 sessRecvVerb: Error

Re: Query client connectivity

2002-09-20 Thread Justin Bleistein
What I do is jsut put it in "/etc/inittab" as respawn. I'm not sure if there are Unix clients but that's what I do and I always know the scheduler is up and running unless there's some weird network glitch. --Justin Jim Qualls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Time for IMPORT with TSM 4.2.2 ???

2002-09-22 Thread Justin Bleistein
import will usually take significantly longer then an export, because with an import it's constantly opening database indexes and creating rows. Plus the tape drive maybe a huge bottleneck as well as the disk attributes of your destination storage pool for the import (if it's disk). --Justin

Re: info on download

2002-09-22 Thread Justin Bleistein anonymous ur_email_address cd storage/tivoli-sttorage-management/maintenance --Justin "Chetan H. Ravnikar" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: info on download

Re: archiving with different management classes

2002-09-26 Thread Justin Bleistein
In unix you use the "archmc=" paramter not sure in Windows though. --Justin "kurt.beyers@pand" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/26/2002 08:29 AM

volume management in tsm

2002-09-26 Thread Justin Bleistein
We are in a bit of a pickle or soon will be anyway We have an IBM/3494 atl in our TSM environment. Which has about 1,000 slots in it. These slots are filling and fast. We're trying to make room for more scratch tapes. Now I've tried everything from "move data" to weird "reclaimation" sin

Re: volume management in tsm

2002-09-26 Thread Justin Bleistein
Ray & Shoup, Inc. Tivoli Specialist - LRS IT Solutions (217) 793-3800 x1704 -Original Message- From: Justin Bleistein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 10:52 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: volume management in tsm We are in a bit of a pickle or soon w

Re: dsmc Manual

2002-09-27 Thread Justin Bleistein - look under documentation and it's not listed under "dsmc" it's under "tsm backup and archive client" or something like that. --Justin

Re: offsite tape destroyed

2002-10-04 Thread Justin Bleistein
To recover a destroyed volume, delete it from the server's inventory with a "discard=yes" and what will happen is the next time your backup storage pool runs since it's an incremental process, it should recreate it for you at that point. Which at that point you can send it offsite once again. --J

Re: Does TSM lock files when backup/archiving?

2002-10-04 Thread Justin Bleistein
yes it's true it doesn't lock them. --Justin Etienne Brodeur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OM> cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: Does TSM lock files when b

basic solaris questions

2002-10-06 Thread Justin Bleistein
I'm sory guys!!!. I know this is an AIX forum and I'm an AIX guru myself but I have a few really basic and perhaps inept Solaris questions for any Solaris admins out there: 1.) I'm reading this Solaris beginners admin guide, here are I'm reading about partitioning a new disk with this for

Re: basic solaris questions

2002-10-06 Thread Justin Bleistein
757-688-8180 -----Original Message- From: Justin Bleistein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 8:28 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: basic solaris questions I'm sory guys!!!. I know this is an AIX forum and I'm an AIX guru myself but I have a few really

Re: basic solaris questions

2002-10-06 Thread Justin Bleistein
systems can't span multiple hard disks.You have to take the back up of old filesystems, partition the disk again with the sizes you want and restore back the old file systems Regards Raghu S Nivas Consultant - TSM DCM Data Systems Ltd New Delhi India. e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED],[EMAIL PROTE

Re: Management Class Setup

2002-02-05 Thread Justin Bleistein
In the "inclexcl" file you can specify what management classes belong to what file, or filesystems/directories if you want logs to be kept for a certain time period and so forthAs far as setting them up typically if you have different retention periods for different things each one of those re

Re: Moving TSM to new Server and OS

2002-02-05 Thread Justin Bleistein
Running two is possible and easy from what the book says I'm about to test that on our test environment I'll let you know how we make out. --Justin Richard Bleistein Bruce Lowrie cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject:

Re: Deleting invalid data

2002-02-05 Thread Justin Bleistein
I restored two files via TSM which restored at 0 bytes...When I looked at the tsm database in "dsmc q backup" I noticed that they're both 300 meg, when I tried to restore them the second time they then successfully restored at: 300 megs, and I used the same exact syntax. Does anyone know what may

Re: Deleting invalid data

2002-02-05 Thread Justin Bleistein
Does anyone know how to backup oracle exports piped by fifo (file in, file out) I don't think it's supported I tried this: dsmc i < piped_file and it said it backed up 300 meg but I don't know where it went on tsm and if it backed up at all Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. --J

Re: AIX startup script location?

2002-02-13 Thread Justin Bleistein
/rc.adsmserv /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin --Justin Richard Bleistein Cheryl Miller cc: Sent by: Subject: AIX startup script location? "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"

backupset questions

2002-02-19 Thread Justin Bleistein
Do backupsets ignore include exclude lists on the client? --Justin Richard Bleistein

Re: TSM scheduler dies

2002-02-26 Thread Justin Bleistein
Just use "respawn" in init, that's what we did to correct this problem. --Justin Richard Bleistein George Lesho cc: Sent by: Subject: Re: TSM scheduler dies "ADSM: Dist

Re: y+two dots

2003-02-19 Thread Justin Bleistein
try backing them up separately with double quotes around them. --Justin Richard Bleistein Torsten Strecke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] G> cc: Sent by: "ADSM:

Re: incremental restore

2003-02-20 Thread Justin Bleistein
perhaps: dsmc restore "/path/*" -subdir=yes replace=no --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 866 - 4017 Cell:(856) 912 - 0861 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Xavier Merlin cc:

tsm unix client internal request

2003-03-18 Thread Justin Bleistein
unusual request: I'm looking either for a c decompiler (if there is such a thing) because I heard once the tsm was programmed in c. I would love to look at the source code of the unix tsm client and possibly the unix tsm server. If anyone has some documentation on the code of the unix tsm client

Re: tsm unix client internal request

2003-03-18 Thread Justin Bleistein
that's what I thought, just wanted to throw it out there thanks! --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 566 - 3600 Cell:(856) 912 - 0861 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: Entries missing from summary table

2003-03-19 Thread Justin Bleistein
can we say. tivoli breaks rather then fixes lol --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 566 - 3600 Cell:(856) 912 - 0861 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Diana Noble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:

Re: Migrating Veritas to TSM

2003-03-19 Thread Justin Bleistein
I would assume restore them all to a filesystem and then back them up using TSM?.. This is sort of a hack way of doing it but I don't see why it wouldn't work just restore one of each version starting with the oldest then backup each one deleting them one at a time in the same mount point thi

old adsm database salvage commands

2003-03-25 Thread Justin Bleistein
I've been reading and from what I read ADSM version 1 had some database salvaging commands for disaster recovery stuff... Does anyone have a list of these old commands and what they do? Thanks!. --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 566 - 3600 Cell:

Re: K-cartridges besides J-cartridges

2003-03-26 Thread Justin Bleistein
I have a shared library tsm environment any ideas???: 03/26/03 23:25:45 ANRD pvrmp.c(1800): ThreadId<48> Attempt to recover volume handle for open volume "VR6136". --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix/TSM Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 566 - 3600 Cel

Re: problem with a su script

2003-04-02 Thread Justin Bleistein
make sure ur not logged into the system in the same shell which started the tsm scheduler when the backup runs if it's started by the tsm scheduler of course. Setup the "COMMAND"s schedule to execute on the tsm server side, then goto the client system and restart the client scheduler (dsmc sched) o

Re: Clear text passwords. Was: Automating dsmserv

2003-05-27 Thread Justin Bleistein
any alternatives to running: "dsmserv" via batch mode with the: dsmadmc -id=login -pass=password syntax... I mean it's passwords in clear text so all someone has to do is cat that file and your exposed... Any ideas on how to automate the client-server interface (dsmadmc) without displaying the pa

Re: Clear text passwords. Was: Automating dsmserv

2003-05-27 Thread Justin Bleistein
hange the password? If you use this option the clear text password in the batch file would be unimportant... -Original Message- From: Justin Bleistein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 3:24 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Clear text passwords. Was: Automating d

Re: Clear text passwords. Was: Automating dsmserv

2003-05-27 Thread Justin Bleistein
I was just wondering if there was a capability from within TSM to provide an alternative to this or maybe a third party TSM product that's all? thanks!. --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix/TSM Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 566 - 3485 Cell:(856) 912 - 0861 Email: [EMAIL PROT

Re: ANR1401W Mount request denied

2003-05-30 Thread Justin Bleistein
do u have a shared library environment. If you do then I bet you restarted the tsm server application on the library manager tsm server and didn't restart the tsm server application on the other server. In a shared environment in 4, both tsm server applications have to be restarted if one is restar

Re: dsmc scheduler looping, uses 100% cpu - AIX

2003-06-20 Thread Justin Bleistein
use the dsmcad, client acceptor daemon (managed services). It stops the scheduler until the backup time is actually scheduled to happen then shuts it off again. We had the same problem but instead of going through client system performance analysis we just implemented cad, and the potential perform

Re: dsmc scheduler looping, uses 100% cpu - AIX

2003-06-22 Thread Justin Bleistein
implement dsmcad instead of dsmc sched, it doesn't take up any cpu utilization thanks!. --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix/TSM Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 566 - 3485 Cell:(856) 912 - 0861 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Lambelet,Rene,VE

Re: Fwd: When you get a chance

2003-06-24 Thread Justin Bleistein
If OEM uses RMAN yes it's called: "Tivoli Data Protection (TDP) for Oracle". thanks! --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix/TSM Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 566 - 3485 Cell:(856) 912 - 0861 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mark Hayden <[

Re: DSMC Exit Code Question

2003-06-26 Thread Justin Bleistein
it's still there in 5, if we're talking about the same thing here... On the server side there already is a return code for this it's return code: "4". If you type in: "q event * * node=node_name f=d" you will see it under RESUlT. Now if your kicking it off from dsmc which I think u are that maybe a

simple tsm reporting tool

2003-07-02 Thread Justin Bleistein
I'm looking for a simple tsm reporting tool to setup a report of how much data each client node respectively is backing up daily?. Anyone have any ideas? thanks!. --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix/TSM Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 566 - 3485 Cell:(856) 912 - 0861 Email: [

Re: Restore slows to a crawl

2003-07-07 Thread Justin Bleistein
These return codes sometimes I notice them in the actlog and I also notice them when I query a scheduled TSM backup event with the: "q event * * node=node_name f=d" command. Does anyone know where a list of THESE return codes are? A reference of some sort? Not server return codes or Unix scripting

select statement needed

2003-08-14 Thread Justin Bleistein
we recover our systems in dr via our backup storage pools obviously... Our backup storage pool is not collocated.. So the data is spread across more tapes. Now is there a report I can run like a select statement which will tell met how many tapes I would need during a point in time recovery (-pitd)

error message in tsm actlog while checking in scratch tape

2003-08-25 Thread Justin Bleistein
anyone ever see this before in the actlog while trying to checkin a scratch tape?: ANR2033E QUERY STGPOOL: Command failed - lock conflict. ANR0405I Session 107371 ended for administrator ADMIN (AIX). ANRD mmslib.c(7894): ThreadId<79> Test storage volume failed - rc = 142. ANRD mmslib.c(781

tsm ftp site client download whoes.

2003-09-02 Thread Justin Bleistein
alright they changed the ibm ftp site again!!!. So my hardcoded ftp script which goes out once a week to check for tsm updates failed once again. Now if I go under the "AIX" directory it shows aix32bit, and 64bit. They're use to be sub-folders for the tsm client under aix according to my hard coded

Re: How does AIX SysBack compare to AIX TSM?

2002-10-13 Thread Justin Bleistein
yeah, sysback is for bare metal restores of your system images, tsm is for user data. --Justin Ken Sedlacek cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: How does AIX SysBack compare to AIX TSM?

Re: Cancelling a restore session...

2002-10-15 Thread Justin Bleistein
goto the client if it's unix and type in "cancel restore" then select the number of the restore you want to cancel. Or you can just type in: "q restore" from the server command line and cancel it from there otherwise recycle dsmserv. --Justin "Thach, Kevin"

Re: Unknown System Error Encountered --Any Ideas?

2002-10-23 Thread Justin Bleistein
If it's an O/S error, which I'm not sure if it is or not you may want to look in the system header file. --Justin "Villegas, Beatrice"To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc:

Re: Internal server error detected ?????

2002-10-24 Thread Justin Bleistein
usually around the actlog it should tell you what the internal error is caused by look forward and backwards like 20 minutes in that log to see if it says anything which could relate to that. On the other hand I have noticed that in the past when I received such errors the best thing to do is to ju

Re: Backup question

2002-10-24 Thread Justin Bleistein
I think two points need to be made clear before these questions can be appropriately answered. There have been a few misconceptions about Tivoli. 1.) TSM should not be used as a BMR D/R product it's not sysback or a Veritas product, although there are new Tivoli enhancements currently out there fo

Re: Help!!!!!!

2002-10-24 Thread Justin Bleistein
/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv.opt --Justin "Murray, Jim" cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: Re: Help!! Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROT

Re: Restore db problem ...

2002-10-24 Thread Justin Bleistein
Try restoring the backup with a point in time restore off of a dbs (database snapshot) or full. I believe that's what the problem is. If you need to know what time and date to use because TSM is specific just look in you: "/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/volhist" file for the last database backup tape m

Re: restore without missing tape

2002-10-27 Thread Justin Bleistein
If there's a true problem with that tape, TSM should mark it as "unavailable" and pick up the backup storage pool tape copy. Make sure your backup storage pool tape copy is set to read only: "q vol vol_name f=d" on backup storage pool tape copy. --Justin Alexander

Re: backup database

2002-10-27 Thread Justin Bleistein
The devclass option is there to specify what sort of device you want the backup to goto. In our environment for example we have an IBM 3494 library so I state devclass: "3590dev" and it directs my backup to media belonging to that devclass. Below is the a procedure I typed up for backing it

Re: backup database

2002-10-27 Thread Justin Bleistein
DRM will also make those additional dumps for you, if you have it setup. --Justin "Seay, Paul" cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: Re: backup database Dist Stor M

Re: Journaling

2002-10-29 Thread Justin Bleistein
Does anyone know if Journaling is available to the newer Unix clients yet? --Justin "Gill, Geoffrey L." To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Journaling Sent by: "ADSM:

Re: 4mm - Database backup Failure - Insufficient # of mount points

2002-10-29 Thread Justin Bleistein
If it's an AIX system which I believe it is... You must go into smitty - devices - tivoli storage manager devices then define a manual tape drive which will link the /dev/rmt4 to a /dev/mt4 (TSM manual tape device drive instance). This will put a Tivoli Device driver on the manual tape drive. It's

Re: continue a restartable session

2002-10-29 Thread Justin Bleistein
Alex, With the level of TSM your at they're have been many issues with process and thread hangs but there is away around it. Oh yes my fine feathered friend!!!. Just go to the client enter the dsmc utility and type in cancel restore and select the restore number to cancel. Or do a cancel res

Re: VERITAS BMR (was CA - Brightstore Resource Manager for TSM)

2002-10-29 Thread Justin Bleistein
if it's true it's typical of competing software vendors. --Justin Joshua Bassi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: "ADSM: cc: Dist StorSubject: VERITAS B

Re: restore hangs

2002-10-29 Thread Justin Bleistein
Send me that info I requested in the earlier email and I'll take a look. Thanks!. --Justin Alexander Lazarevich To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: G.UIUC.EDU>

Re: Force Password Reset

2002-10-29 Thread Justin Bleistein
Well if I'm not mistaken, isn't passwordgenerate suppose to "generate" a new password anyway?. --Justin Mark Baker cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: Re: Force Password Reset Dist St

Re: restore hangs

2002-10-29 Thread Justin Bleistein
(tsm server activity log) from the tsm server type in: q actlog begind=today begint=half_hour_before_backup (ex: 03:00:00). endt=now endd=today > file then send me file in an attachement. Better yet get familar with it and do a "h q actlog" from TSM to see how to use it. It's a log of all TSM se

Re: TSM V5.1.5 Admin Client

2002-10-29 Thread Justin Bleistein
There was a problem similar to that in TSM 4.2.1 or 4.2.2 I can't remember which. THEY BROKE IT AGAIN?. --Justin Andrew Raibeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] OM> cc:

Re: Insufficient Recovery log space

2002-10-30 Thread Justin Bleistein
your tsm server is most likely currently down. Execute the procedure I typed up below and this should extend your space. Make sure you have enough space in the filesystem that the log resides in before you try as it will obviously fail. I hope it's AIX because that's what the procedures were create

Re: Tivoli TSM client on FreeBSD??

2002-11-04 Thread Justin Bleistein
I would like the request that client as well. I don't know why TIVOLI/IBM hasn't developed that yet?. How about the RT is there a client for AIX 2.1. I really don't think so. We still use an IBM RT running AIX 2.1 at a Unix kernel design course at a local college and it would be nice to back it up.

Re: Any fixes for ????

2002-11-07 Thread Justin Bleistein
there's also one for p690 I think it's 5.1.2 or something. "MC Matt Cooper (2838)" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Any fixes for Sent by: "ADSM:

unix Journaling????

2002-11-07 Thread Justin Bleistein
Is journaling available on any unix clients yet, does anyone know? --Justin

Re: Garbeled output in dsmadmc

2002-11-25 Thread Justin Bleistein
I've seen it with the help pages in some later releases of TSM server 4 but not so much in 5. That could be a separate issue all together though. --Justin Gerhard Rentschler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] U

devices and location code question in aix

2002-11-27 Thread Justin Bleistein
Below is output of an "lsdev" command in AIX. Anyone have any good documentation or can someone sum up for me how to physically locate these disks/adapters physically in the system by these location codes in this output. Can anyone make sense out of this. I am mainly interested in PCI readings for

tsm server monitoring products

2002-12-11 Thread Justin Bleistein
Like "servergraph" does anyone have a list of anymore products for this purpose. I'm trying to compile a list of products so that I can review them for our environment?. Thanks!. --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 866 - 4017 Cell:(856) 912-086

Re: TSM in a MS Cluster environment

2002-12-12 Thread Justin Bleistein
Hey gang, I'm thinking about using the TSM web client for a customer of mine. I understand how to set up the "1581" port and what not. The only thing I'm confused about is the following. On this one server they have two oracle databases which we back up with two different server instances an

tsm web client setup clarification please.

2002-12-23 Thread Justin Bleistein
Hey gang, I'm thinking about using the TSM web client for a customer of mine. I understand how to set up the "1581" port and what not. The only thing I'm confused about is the following. On this one server they have two oracle databases which we back up with two different server instances an

Re: restore to different node

2003-01-03 Thread Justin Bleistein
A better option to use for this is: "-virtualnode" if your able to get the remote node's TSM password. Also try to put double quotes around any path specifications with wildcards. Thanks!. --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 866 - 4017 Cell:(85

web client question, any help would be appreciated :o).

2003-01-03 Thread Justin Bleistein
Hey gang, I'm thinking about using the TSM web client for a customer of mine. I understand how to set up the "1581" port and what not. The only thing I'm confused about is the following. On this one server they have two oracle databases which we back up with two different server instances an

Re: web client question, any help would be appreciated :o).

2003-01-03 Thread Justin Bleistein
DP client nodes. You can only get to 1581. :( -Original Message- From: Justin Bleistein [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 11:19 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: web client question, any help would be appreciated :o). Hey gang, I'm thinking about using the TSM web clie

Re: restore to different node

2003-01-03 Thread Justin Bleistein
Retrieving 2,560 /d90/oradata/approd/backup/log --> /d90/oradata/apuat 0/backup/backup/log [Done] Retrieving 512 /d90/oradata/approd/backup/temp --> /d90/oradata/apua t0/backup/backup/temp [Done] ** Interrupted ** ANS1114I Waiting for mount of offline media. <

Re: AIX question

2003-01-06 Thread Justin Bleistein
# rmdev -dl hdisk# if that doesn't work then make sure the fibre channel adapter that only has those two disks on it and remove that with the -R option: # rmdev -R fibre_channel_adapter This will remove all child devices attached to the specified fibre card adapter. --Justin Richard Bleistein U

Re: AIX question

2003-01-07 Thread Justin Bleistein
The ODM is your last resort. I agree. I would try taking the definitions out of all of the classes of the ODM for those disks and then run cfgmgr again or reboot even, to see what happens. --Justin Richard Bleistein Unix Systems Administrator (Sungard eSourcing) Desk: (856) 866 - 4017 Cell:(85

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