> today again a question concerning Point-In-Time-Restore :
> Following situation :
> I did make backups of a node for more than half a year. Many files have
> prduced versions on the backup-server, a lot of files did not because they
> did not change since start of backup. My policy says it w
Exclusively assigned files can not be backed up.
On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Mahesh Babbar wrote:
> Hi Gurus,
> Just because I wanted to put all the queries on backup verions and
> deletion at rest, I have drafted following Statements.
> Would appreciate all yours commnents.
Do something like:
del volhist todate=-4 type=dbbackup
where the -4 is the number of days ago that you did the backup.
Warning: This will release >ALL< database backup volumes prior to then.
However, it this volume is your only backup, it will not be released.
On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Jon Millire
Back in November you described this implementation, which makes a major
reduction in the time required to do a DIRMC offsite copy reclamation:
Would you mind posting the output from a:
Did you install the first 4.x level from a cdrom? If not, you don't have
the correct keys.
On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, [iso-8859-2] Hrouda Tomá¹ wrote:
> I tried it and file was created again with the same result not register
> any license :-((
> > -Pùvodní zpráva-
> > Od: Davidson,
add the -inactive option to you command.
On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, [BIG5] 321 880053 ®}¸Î¹F wrote:
> My policy is :
> Versions Data Exists 4
> Versions Data Deleted4
> Retain Extra Versions30
> Retain Only Version 60
> I have a test for this case.
> I modify the file : test.txt be
Has anybody encountered these errors and did you find a solution to the
Since moving to TSM windows client level, I'm encountering this
error when backing up to AIX running TSM Server
ANS0106E: ReadIndex 1497 message index not found for message 1497
A backup o
Is there a way to interrupt a multi-command scripts?
I've tried updating the script to ACTIVE=NO and then cancelling the current
process. Unfortunately, the next command in the script was still run.
I would search the activity log for all references to the stgpool of
interest. You should see the command that does the update. Hopefully with
the time stamp you can find the culprit.
Ex: query act begind=today-1 search=some_stgpool_name
On Thu, 31 May 2001, Steve de Souza wrote:
> Hi,
I'm glad you posted this as I have the same problem with this idiotic
repetative backup of unchanged objects. It has driven my TSM server to its
knees. Since I hadn't seen other postings, I thought I had a unique problem
with my database.
On Fri, 1 Jun 2001, Prather, Wanda wrote:
> I have run i
There is one benefit to backing up the system objects every night. Should
you ever need to do a bare metal restore, the system objects will be cached
on disk. Of course, all the other user files has been pushed out of the
cache; but who cares if user restores require tape mounts.
I did a snap shot database backup to see what impact, if any, it would have
on the logfile. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that it is not possible to
delete this backup using normal commands. I don't want a volume containing
useless data in my library from now until TSM doomsday.
Does anybody
Unfortunately, the works for all but the last/only volume. In the output
from the TSM server command 'help del volh', it reads "The latest snapshot
database backup will not be deleted.".
On Mon, 4 Jun 2001, Mark Stapleton wrote:
> Joel Fuhrman wrote:
> > I did a
Your sample command is probably used to minimizing the number of dbs copies.
However, I want to get rid of >ALL< copies. The suggestion made by Wanda
and Richard will at least allow me to free up the tape.
On Tue, 5 Jun 2001, Gill, Geoffrey L. wrote:
> >-Original Message-
> >From: Prath
I have 2 Windows 2000 servers each running MS SQL7. The old machine,
Host-A, is running TDP for MS SQL version while the new machine,
Host-B, is running version 2.2.
I want to restore a database that was backed up on Host-A to Host-B. When I
attempt to view the backup tree for Host-A o
Dave, what the level of the TSM server that caused this problem?
On Tue, 12 Jun 2001, Frost, Dave wrote:
> Richard,
> We are running tsm using san attached emc for all disk storage. On initial
> setup of the emc, we decided to stop using log/db mirroring, and use the emc
> mirr
I've observed, that once the TSM starts to copy a file, it completes the
copy before stopping. A huge file can take a long time. Just for this
reason, I encourage the DBA's to break their dumps into smaller chunks
On Wed, 20 Jun 2001, Lindsay Morris wrote:
> Thanks Richard, Eric, all--
Reclaim is the process of recovering unused portions of tapes by copying the
good stuff to a new tape.
Colocation is an option reduces the number of tapes occupied by the backups
for a system. This will make restores faster since it reduces the number of
tape mounts at the expense of additi
What's VGA. Is that something like a typewriter.
On Fri, 22 Jun 2001, Lori Simcox wrote:
> Just a quick survery - how many people run TSM on machines using VGA
> monitors?
> Thanks,
> Lori
> ---
> Lori Simcox
> TSM Clie
tpdsql version 2.2 was working but now the gui window opens and then
immediately closes.
The tdpsql.log file show the request QUERY SQL but there is no connection to
the TSM Server running on AIX 4.3.3 ML06 and there is no entry in
the dsierror.log file. A command line tdpsqlc QUERY SQL
A long time back there was a discussion as to whether it's better to have
one or multiple tsm volumes per physical disk. As I remember, the answer
was: assuming the entire physical disk volume was being used by one storage
pool, it was best to create one large tsm volume rather than several small
Get the Redbook whose title is something like Getting Started with Tivoli
Storage Manager. It will save you a lot of effort.
On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Mark Stapleton wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Jun 2001 12:43:00 -0400, you wrote:
> >Does anyone have a
Please call IBM/Tivoli support.
> Thanks,
> Del
> ----
> Del Hoobler
> IBM Corporation
> "It's a beautiful day. Don't let it get away." -- Bono
On Thu, 2 Aug 2001, David Nash wrote:
> Is there any way to change the mount retention
> period for a drive in an automated library? If
> so, how?
> Thanks,
> --David Nash
> Systems Administrator
> The GSI Group
Is the windows 2000 version available yet?
On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Ray Schafer wrote:
> The Bare Metal Restore product from The Kernel Group
> (http://www.tkg.com/products/bmr/tsm) has the ability to use the backup
> data in TSM to recover your server. The "prepare to restore" operation
> can be i
I have a Windows system running TSM client from which I want to
backup just the directory 'C:\Users' and all of its subdirectories and
files. I don't want to backup any other directories or files from that
system. I tried these dsm.opt specifications:
exclude.dir "C:\*"
look in the dsmierror log
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Amini, Mehdi wrote:
> We ran Oracle backup for the first time last night and it failed with the
> following message:
> "ANS1512E Scheduled Event 'backup" Failed. Return Code = 3
> I looked at dsmcsched & dsmerror and nothing. Any idea where I can
Try press either or after 'keyboard' is displayed.
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Gill, Geoffrey L. wrote:
> This a little off topic since it's an AIX question but I'm sure with the
> knowledge out there it can be answered. How do I get an M80 to boot from the
> AIX CD instead of the disk. Inserting th
Someone reported in the last couple of weeks that this was a bug. The server
will run but it will generate a lot of log entries.
On Wed, 15 Aug 2001, Tom Tann{s wrote:
> Hello!
> I upgraded a server from 4.1 to 4.2 today.
> I've only managed to register one 50mgsyslan.lic whith the command
Maybe its a false error. Do you have enough tapes available to the tape
pool? Do a "query f=d" and look for Maximum Scratch Volumes
Allowed: and see how that compares to the number of tapes in use.
Also try a "query drive" to make sure all the drives are available and
defined to the correct de
The delete filespace is a great command for getting rid of old data and
freeing up lots of tape space. I know, as I wiped out the archives for 5 or
6 servers before realizing that it wasn't just deleting backups.
This command should require an entry in the TYPE= field instead of
defaulting to al
Go get the redbook whose title is something like "getting started with
ADSM". It will save you a lot of false starts.
I use something like this:
/* Base Option Set */
define cloptset base description='Base Set'
define clientopt base dirmc dir
define clientopt base schedmode prompted
define cl
Is anyone backing up an AIX node using ADSM client level to a 4.1.x
TSM Server? If yes, have you done a restore.
As I read the web page
the ADSM client is "not supported"; but it doesn't say that it won't work.
I prefer to be on current levels. However, I have some old AIX boxes that
have to stay on AIX 4.2.1 because of other software and/or they are not
worth the cost of the upgrade. Since Tivoli choice to require 4.3.x, I now
have an unresolvable conflict between to software packages.
On Tue, 10 Oct
If the list administrator could add a Precedence=bulk header, then most Unix
vacation programs will suppress the automatic reply. That would reduce some
of the traffic and not require any action by the receivers.
On Tue, 10 Oct 2000, Gerhard Rentschler wrote:
> Hello,
> are all these automatic
We had several occurances over many months that required bouncing the server
because a non-existant transaction had a high numbered log page locked.
This occurred after a problem with our ACSLS systems or a tape drive; but
not after every problem. You have the problem when the percent utilization
One other comment. If you modify the contents of the inclexcl file, you
must restart the scheduler service because it only reads this file on
On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, Richard Sims wrote:
> >I have inherited TSM totally on my own now and have to learn real fast.
> >I need to know where the i
I have this statement in the server name stanza in the file dsm.sys
Inclexcl /var/tsm/backup.exclude
Naturally the directory and file name can be anything you like. This
applies to Unix. NT/Windows does not use the include/exclude file.
On Sun, 5 Nov 2000, Richard Sims wrote:
> >I have inhe
Look for the subject "Informix ONBAR logical logs" in the January 1999 time
frame. One of those messages contained the code.
On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Roger C Cook wrote:
> I have seen references to this program for expiring Informix logs backed up
> to adsm. I would really appreciate it if someone c
The closest thing to an FAQ, is Richard Sims' web page
http://people.bu.edu/rbs/. A great book for a newbie is the Redbook
SG24-5416-01 Getting Started with Tivoli Storage Manager.
On Tue, 7 Nov 2000, Joshua S. Bassi wrote:
> Read the manuals, go to class, and monitor this list...
> --
> Jo
I'm trying to install the TSM Server patches to a
installation running on AIX My problem is that smit does not list
the tivoli.tsm.msg.en_US.server in the installable filesets. Any
suggestions as to what would cause this?
"You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF ADSM-L" command
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]" The command goes in the body of the message, not
the subject line.
On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, manjunath krishna wrote:
> Hello,
> I am no longer in to ADSM, can anyone tell me how to
> unsuscribe, sorry
Sorry - the "SIGNOFF ADSM-L" response was for another question.
"You may leave the list at any time by sending a "SIGNOFF ADSM-L" command
to [EMAIL PROTECTED]" The command goes in the body of the message, not
the subject line.
On Fri, 10 Nov 2000, MC Matt Cooper (2838) wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am looking at running some CLIENTACTION scripts from our
the exclude.fs should be just the name of the mount point, i.e.
EXCLUDE.FS /ofa1/* < this is wrong
EXCLUDE.FS /ofa1< I think this will work
On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Jeannine Walter wrote:
> All,
> I am having problems with the inclexcl list on this machine. I hav
the scheduler must be
> stopped/restarted to take the new list into account.
> Ruddy
> --
> From: Joel Fuhrman
> Sent: 11/15/2000 10:52:02 PM
> Subject: Re: FWD: inclexcl problems
> the exclude.fs should be just the name of t
Do you have "tivoli.tsm.devices.acsls" installed? If yes, did you define
the drives using "smit adsmtape"?
On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Shekhar Dhotre wrote:
> Hi Richard ,
> yes the drives are not available to both AIX and tivoli ,
> when i am trying to reconfigure them
> by cfgmgr com
On DIRPOOL, what is the setting for "Cache Migrated Files"?
On Tue, 28 Nov 2000, William Boyer wrote:
> Another disadvantage is reclamation of the copypool for the DIRMC disk pool.
> If the primary pool is a disk pool, then TSM server only reads 1
> file/directory at a time during reclamation of
Wanda published the W2k version on September 13th.
On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, Kelly J. Lipp wrote:
> Yes, the procedure remains the same: build an OS in a directory other than
> c:\winnt. Install the client, restore c:, restore the registry and reboot
> to c:\winnt.
> I've way oversimplified this.
You need to specify the level and the type of hardware (aix, nt, etc) of
your TSM/ADSM server. There was an older ADSM level that failed to expire
files properly. Maybe you are running that level.
On Sun, 12 Nov 2000, Saad Al-Sakran wrote:
> Hi ever one
> My database size is increasing sharply
TSM client on AIX; TSM server on AIX
The command
dsmc q arch '/*' -subdir=yes
shows the archives for all but one filesystem. To see the missing
filesystem requires
dsmc q arch '/advscratch2/*' -subdir=yes
Any thoughts as to why the /advscratch2 archive would not be listed
ght E wrote:
> To see information you need to be as specific as at least the file system...
> So /sdvscratch2 is a file system (I would bet)
> Dwight
> -Original Message-
> From: Joel Fuhrman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 3:04 PM
> To
Reversing the options had no affect.
The problem is that the "client" can not find all occurrences of an archive
unless they remember every filesystem that ever existed.
The dba's dump the database to a file and then archive it, re-using the
description for a previous archives of this database.
When I had this problem, several times, stopping and restarting the server
freed the pinned transaction log record. The problem I had (on a older
level) was that the log file did not reduce after a database backup. Other
things to consider is reducing your activity log retention value and to tur
I'm trying to configure a new H80 AIX 4.3.3 host with TSM 4.1.1 using an
Emulex LP8000 host bus adapter connected to an STK 9840 fibre channel disk
drive. Per the installation instructions in the Quick Start Guidem I loaded
the fibre channel pre-req's for the fcrte fileset; but they seem to be fo
her it's a LP8000 (short of ripping off the lid)?
> Cheers, Suad
> --
> On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 12:25:17AM -0800, Joel Fuhrman wrote:
> > I'm trying to configure a new H80 AIX 4.3.3 host with TSM 4.1.1 using an
> > Emulex LP8000 host bus adapter connected
a fcs0 device instead of lpfc0
> device, you need to remove those two filesets and
> rerun cfgmgr. You of course will need to have the proper
> IBM AIX fibre channel filesets installed. Those filesets
> are dicussed in the TSM server readme.
> Have a great day !
> -
Thanks. I had already loaded and installed the file 'lpfc.'
for AIX from that site. It defines the adapter as 'lpfc0' but TSM expects
it to be "fcs0".
On Wed, 13 Dec 2000, Ed Finnell wrote:
> Perhaps???
> http://www.emulex.com/ts/fc/docs/frame8k.htm
> Edward(Ed) J. Fi
I sent a list of my problems to ADSM-L list when we did the upgrade; but I
don't have that list any more. The biggest item is to be sure you have the
cdrom. Its required for license server.
On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Thomas Denier wrote:
> > time is running to fast. The year will end in a few days an
What level is your customer on? They "modified" the interface slightly in
one of the 3.7 levels such that the free library won't work. Now you have
to pay an outlandish price for the TDP which is just a library almost
identical in size to the one that was free.
On Thu, 14 Dec 2000, Joshua S. Ba
Is there a command to create an activity log entry. I didn't see anything
in the manual; but sometimes are there are undocumented features. I have
this long running script from which I would like to log progress messages.
Box 6927 Data Management
> 1835 Dueber Ave. S.W. Phone: (330)-471-3390
> Canton, Ohio USA 44706-0927 Fax : (330)-471-4034
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.timken.com
> -Original Message-
> From: Joel Fuhrman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECT
> (1) If I change the include/exclude file, when are the changes "read"? Do I
> have to kill and then restart the daemon (dsmc)?
The include/exclude file is read when the program starts thus it must be
restarted after each change.
> (2) Is there any way to test my include/exclude statements usi
I have a powderhorn library but I believe the TSM setup is the same. Before
doing the TSM config, configure the drives via "smit tsm_devices"..
tsm> register license file=1library.lic
tsm> def libr acs0 libt=acsls acsid=0
tsm> define drive acs0 mt0 device=/dev/mt0 acsdrvid=0,2,3,0 online=yes
Is a client Optionset defined for this node on the server?
On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Kleynerman, Arthur wrote:
> Hello all:
> I am seeing the following error in my dsmerror.log:
> 01/02/2001 18:01:43 ANS1497W Duplicate include/exclude option 'EXCLUDE
> ?:\...\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\...\*' found
hat there are duplicate include/exclude
> statements, but there are none, as far as I can tell.
> -Original Message-
> From: Joel Fuhrman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 3:03 PM
> Subject: Re: TSM 4.1.2 for Wi
exclude ?:\...\*.vir
> INCLEXCL 4Yes exclude ?:\...\cache\...\*
> INCLEXCL 5Yes exclude ?:\...\*.tmp
> INCLEXCL 6Yes exclude ?:\...\*.mp3
> -
The TDP for Oracle Version 2.1 documentation says the PasswordAccess must be
set to Prompted. Usually you want "PasswordAccess Generate" which is
current setting for the Scheduler Service on this AIX host.
Is "PasswordAccess Prompted" a true requirement or a just case of bad
I've registered the server license for TDP for Oracle. Is there also a
client license?
The DBA's haven't been able to get the RMAN script to connect to the TSM
server. They called Oracle and Oracle said the TDP for Oracle must be
installed from the cdrom in order to get the license. I installe
Bouncing the TSM server should release the pinned log entry.
On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Van Ruler, Ruud R SSI-ISES-31 wrote:
> L&g
> I am running TSM3.7 server on S/390.
> Recovery log is in normal mode.
> I am running a FULL DB backup every day.
> At this moment the Recovery Log reached the maximu
I thought it always worked this way. At one time I was going to put in a
request to have two mount retention times. One for when there are no
pending request for a drive and the other for when there are pending
On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, Joe Faracchio wrote:
> I recently upgraded from 3.1.2.
I'm using ACSLS (STK). When I'm doing something like a simultaneous
migration of 3 storage pools to 2 tape drives, the behavior I observed, in
the past, is that when the first migration completes, it tape was not
unmounted until the mount retention period expires. Thus the third
migration has to
Also, the string in the where clause needs to be quoted.
dsmadmc select * from volumes WHERE STGPOOL_name='COPYPOOL'
On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Bernhard Unold wrote:
> 1) The poolnames in the output of dsmadmc are in CAPITAL letters. So you
> can try
> dsmcadmc q vol | grep COPYPOOL
> or
> dsmcad
No they are not the same. As I understand it, TDP take the Onbar commands
and translates them into API commands.
On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, Hagen Finley wrote:
> Is there a distinction between utilizing the ADSM/TSM API to run onbar for informix
>databases and the TSM Informix Data Protection produc
> 5. Can we "lock down" the option to restore files to any location other
> than their original location so that "first level" support can restore files
> from users' home directories, but not restore them to a location where they
> can view them? EXAMPLE: I'd like to off-load some of my le
Since you are using STK Libattach does that mean you did not have to license
the "Advanced Device Support" feature from Tivoli to control the powderhorn?
On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Ron Pavan wrote:
> Not all STK Libraries require acsls, but the powderhorn does. We have 2
> powderhorns in a SAN using
On what date and time was the file deleted.
On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, Marc Layne wrote:
> Hi All
> I posted a question yesterday about point in time restore but i wish to
> clarify my question. Basically i need to know why if a file was backed up on
> the 10 October 2000 and subsequently deleted, an
I agree with the concept. However I would like a distinct parameters say
"COMMASeparator [YES | NO]" which would effect the output for
process, session, and filesize values and DATESeparator [YES | NO] which
would effect the output for the date (and possible time).
On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Peter Dümpe
If your server level is 4.1.x or lower then "THE ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM SIZE OF A
LOG IS 5.3 gb".
On Thu, 16 May 2002, chris rees wrote:
> Hi ALL
> In a bit of a pickle. TSM server has crashed as the log filled up.
> The log size is 5196M.
> I have dsmfmt another log file of 1024Mb and tried t
search www.adsm.org and will find hundreds of SQL examples.
On Wed, 29 May 2002, Bernard Rosenbloom wrote:
> I have an immediate need to create a list of all my registered nodes and
> the storage pool(s) each node backs up to. I know almost nothing about
> creating an SQL statement so if anyone
Check the tape out and then back in with a status=scratch.
On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, Chuck Lam wrote:
> TSM 4.1.4 running in AIX 4.3.3
> After I came back from the Memorial weekend, I noticed
> a bunch of tapes with 'private' Status but blank
> Last_Use when I did a 'q libv'. 'q vol volume_name'
Get the redbook "Getting Started with Tivoli Storage Manager: Implementation
On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Rick W wrote:
> Hey all,
> I am a bit new to the list and am in a position to implement TSM 4.2 and
> would like to get some good reading material so that I can better
> understand TSM. Would
I have 2 sites each one contains an STK silo. Currently I write my offsite
storage tapes where the operators are located. The local copy is written at
the other site. Each site has a unique tape number range which makes it
easy to track the offsite volumes. However because the operator's site has
Someone on this list noted that this problem seems to occur on
multi-processor systems. I use the restart recover action to avoid the
On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Martinez, Matt wrote:
> Hi all,
> The TSM Scheduler Service on most of my Win2k and NT4.0 boxes will
> not start up after
and did it solve the problem and were you on
On Thu, 19 Sep 2002, Burton, Robert wrote:
> we are having the same problemand the auditdb for a 37 GB database took
> over 26 HRs...
> thanks
> Robert Burton
> Enterprise Storage Network Analyst
> Royal Bank of Canada
> 315 Front S
To me is seems as though the worker sessions should be informing the control
session as to the amount of work they have done. Each time the worker
reports in, the control session would send a heart beat to the server thus
avoiding this annoying timeout.
On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Seay, Paul wrote:
Yes I have this problem. The reason I needed to delete the system objects
was because they were not being deleted by EXPIRE INVENTORY and they were
consuming 30% of my database space.
My suggestion to all TSM admins is to do a
to verify that you do not have e
select left(platform_name,13) as "PLATFORM_NAME" -
, left(node_name,13) as "NODE_NAME " -
, cast(client_version as CHAR(1)) || '.' -
|| cast(client_release as CHAR(1)) || '.' -
|| cast(client_levelas CHAR(1)) || '.' -
|| cast(client_sublevel as CHAR(2)) as "LEVEL " -
, le
I found that the SYSTEM OBJECT which were not unicode were never deleted
unless I did it manually. A QUERY OCC * "SYSTEM OBJECT" (without the
NAMETYPE=UNICODE option) will let you know if you have that problem. Also,
did you run the command CLEANUP BACKUPGROUPS? For me, on it ran but
My responses are within the text ...
On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Gerhard Rentschler wrote:
> Hello,
> in the meantime I upgraded to With this level I could delete the
> filespace without problem.
> However, I couldn't resist to try "cleanup backupgroup" again. Under
> it worked. It onl
> All system files are backed up every time regardless of whether they are
> changed.
This is thanks to the stupidity of Microsoft's inclusion of the event logs
as part of the system objects.
On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Rushforth, Tim wrote:
> Windows 2000 backs up the system files (a whole whack of d
You can find it documented in the back of the Admin. Reference. I did an
audit before upgrading from to and I had to do it again on So if you are going to do an audit, I would recommend waiting until
you are on
On Wed, 2 Oct 2002, Johnn D. Tan wrote:
> Paul:
There is a great Redbook which you should be able to find by searching
for: getting started with tsm
On Thu, 3 Oct 2002, Riaan Louwrens wrote:
> Hi There,
> Been monitoring the list the last couple of weeks. Seeing as we are
> relatively new to the "world of TSM".
> I havent come across this
You can also set up a CNAME in DNS to map the old name to the new name. Then
you can change the client files as time permits.
On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Pétur Eyþórsson wrote:
> Questions:
> Is this possible without damaging the DB ?
> What other steps should be added ?
> Has anyone done this
Read up on 'reclamation' which is controlled by a storage pool option. If
you are running the most current TSM server version, check the 'move data'
command options.
On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Nazir wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to delete the invalid data inside the tapes of my storage pool. How
> do i do
One windows 2000 server backup fails when trying to backup the system files.
The backup is being run under the administrator account. Nothing of
interest is logged in the TSM folders or in the TSM server application log.
The windows application log contains the following entry. Any suggestions
Or you can do a "query act msg=2565"
On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, mobeenm wrote:
> Sree Kumar,
> Its absolutely possiblem to do that. Try the following
> select * from actlog where message like 'ANR2565I%'
> I think this should do the trick. Hope the climate in Bangalore is good :-)
> Regards
> Mo
The password key which is located in the registry at
HKLM\software\ibm\adsm\backupclient\nodes\W7\adsm is removed
when the scheduler service is started. The scheduled log contains:
03/15/2002 18:11:11 Querying server for next scheduled event.
03/15/2002 18:11:11 Node Name: W7
03/15/2002 18:11:11
In our case, these occur when there is a problem mounting a database backup
tape. The TSM server request the mount and marks the volume private. When
the mount fails, TSM neither enters it as a dbbackup in the volhistory nor
does it return it to the scratch pool. I learned this when a faulty dr
I do _not_ run Citrix. However, I had the same problem on a server whose
systemdisk was D:. One of the 4 start up files (boot.ini, ntldr, etc.) was
missing. Installing the missing file allows the backup of the
I think the missing file is displayed by NT's backup utility.
On Wed
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