Re: TSM 4.2

2001-07-23 Thread David McClelland
hearing of others experiences. Rgds, David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Management Team IBM EMEA Technical Centre Mail Point SGJ3, IBM, North Harbour, Portsmouth PO6 3AU, England Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Joe Cascanette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on

Re: Licenses and 4.1

2001-07-24 Thread David McClelland
self in to a 'licenses' subdir. Then a 'register license file=10mgsyslan.lic' (or file=licenses/10mgsyslan.lic if you moved them into the licenses dir) should license you for 10 normal LAN clients. This is how things work for the UNIX server (well, AIX anyho

Re: Several WebSessions killing the Server

2001-07-26 Thread David McClelland
your client machines. Rgds, David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Management Team IBM EMEA Technical Centre, Mail Point SGJ3, IBM, North Harbour, Portsmouth PO6 3AU, England Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Richard Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 26-07-2001 13

Re: AIX-Tape-Messages

2001-08-06 Thread David McClelland
Hi, We assumed this was as a result of mis-matched drive microcode and Atape drivers. Upgrading the drive microcode and atape lpp's to the latest levels fixed this instantly and gave us meaningful messages once again. Rgds, David McClelland --- Tivoli St

Re: TSM 4.2 (AIX), licensing..

2001-08-15 Thread David McClelland
re to this? Rgds, David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Management Team IBM EMEA Technical Centre, Mail Point SGJ3, IBM, North Harbour, Portsmouth PO6 3AU, England Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tom Tann{s <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 15-08-2001 14:46:22

Re: ANS4031E error - TSM Client 4.2 and RH 7

2001-08-23 Thread David McClelland
environment at Red Hat 6.2 with the Kernel at v2.2.14-5.0 (i.e. meeting the above requirements) and so far they seem to function fine with TSM Client 4.2. Is this combo stable to run, or is there something I'm missing here? Thanks for your help! Rgds, David McClelland --- T

Re: TSM not backing up file systems in AIX

2001-08-24 Thread David McClelland
David, Might be worth checking that there are no DOMAIN statements in the clients' dsm.opt explicitly stating which filesystems to back up, and not including those excluded filesystems. Does the user that you run the backup as (presumably root...?) have access to those filesystems?

Re: Archive recovery

2001-08-28 Thread David McClelland
fortunate, the tape that the server will request the restore from, although 'expired' in the current database, will not have been written over with fresh data since then, and you'll be able to satisfy your restore. It helps if you have a large number of scratchtapes and not too hi

TSM 4.1.3 Server - ExpQuiet Yes problems?

2001-08-29 Thread David McClelland
her a nuisance as some of our servers have an awful lof of clients filespaces. Has anyone else come accross this? David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Management Team IBM EMEA Technical Centre, Mail Point SGJ3, IBM, North Harbour, Portsmouth PO6 3AU, England Tel: 0239

Re: Archive recovery

2001-08-29 Thread David McClelland
ill >> be infeasible for the organization because of the costs involved - which they >> hopefully won't associate with your salary and thus reduce it to make the >> feat feasible. Kinda sounds like a Simpsons episode. :-$ Simpsons episode? Now that sounds more like the

Re: locate files in the tsm database

2001-08-30 Thread David McClelland
r, but the bare bones are there :o) Anyone else with any advances on the above? Rgds, David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Management Team IBM EMEA Technical Centre, Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Henrik Ursin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 30-08-2001 09:21

Re: locate files in the tsm database

2001-08-30 Thread David McClelland
Hi, Depends how many clients you have I guess - if you're backing up one or two clients then I couldn't agree more, but if you're looking after SP's then the gui approach might not be so appropriate. But hey, each to their own!!! Rgds, David McClelland --

Re: TSM & AIX 5L

2001-09-10 Thread David McClelland
rver code itself for 64bit platforms, as well as device support for both 32 and 64bit. Rgds, David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Management Team IBM EMEA Technical Centre, Mail Point SGJ3, IBM, North Harbour, Portsmouth PO6 3AU, England Tel: 02392-56 0218 Mob: 07711 120

Re: Ask again.

2001-10-03 Thread David McClelland
Sean, Sounds like you'll be wanting to include the: passwordaccess generate into your dsm.sys file - this 'remembers' your password and automatically generates a new one when required, thus removing the necesity for the client to prompt you for a password. Is this what yo

Re: Ask again.

2001-10-04 Thread David McClelland
each one of your scripts or on your server. It all comes down to how stringent your security regulations are I guess... With 'passwordaccess generate' in your dsm.sys you'll never have to faff about again! Rgds, David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Mana

Re: ibm3493(4)

2001-10-05 Thread David McClelland
gs applet with about all the tweakable TCP/IP settings you'll be needing to change. I don't recall which settings you need to change in the Library Manager application though ... Hope this helps some... David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Management Team IBM E

re - TSM Secure Web Admin Proxy

2001-10-18 Thread David McClelland
other admin clients to the same server without problems, and 2. This > isn't a 'normal' 'session xx for adminstrator yy refused - invalid password > submitted' refused access error. > I have also checked that the 'proxy' administrator is set up and fu

Re: TDS v2.1.1 installation

2001-11-14 Thread David McClelland
what you're looking for... There's also some Redbooks - Tivoli Storage Manager Reporting - SG24-6109-00, and lots of installation documentation on the CD. Hope this helps, Rgds, David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Management Team IBM EMEA Technical Centre, Inter

Hanging client + 'Destroy Mutex failed: 16' on AIX ba client

2001-11-15 Thread David McClelland
27;mutex destroy' which is failing (I've had a quick check through and seen it mentioned in confusing despatches), and how can I fix it? Rgds, David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Management Team IBM EMEA Technical Centre, Mail Point SGJ3, IBM, North Harbour, Portsmouth PO6 3AU, England Tel: 02392-56 0218 Mob: 07711 120 931 Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Script to cancel certain sessions

2001-11-29 Thread David McClelland
y_script NT_CLIENTS would kill off all of your naughty NT client sessions which were left hanging around - not a bad thing at all! Any offers? Rgds, David McClelland --- Tivoli Storage Management Team IBM EMEA Technical Centre, Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Cook, Dw

Re: TSM on Linux RedHat 6.2

2003-07-01 Thread David McClelland
Janeth, I remember Andy Raibeck and I covering exactly this about TSM and Redhat 6.2 in the list a couple of years ago - here's the link: Unless anything has changed since then - Andy? Hope this helps! David McClelland Global Manag

Forcing backup clients to disk...

2003-07-03 Thread David McClelland
pool, and force them into a media wait state on the disk storage pool, so that they will only continue when the migration processes have freed sufficient space for them to carry on backing up to the disk storage pool. Any ideas? Am I indeed forgetting something really basic...? Rgds, David

Re: LTO throughput - real world experiences

2003-07-09 Thread David McClelland
a in a chart if necessary. That being said, I'm sure there are dozens of other SAN management tools out there which perform similar performance/stat/event gathering functions - it's just a question of how complex they are, and how much you'd want to pay for them! Rgds, David McClel

MSCS Win2K, TSM Journal Backups and SAN attached disks!!!

2003-07-11 Thread David McClelland
ly received, as always! Rgds, David McClelland Global Management Systems Reuters Ltd --- - Visit our Internet site at Get closer to the financial markets with Reuters Messaging - for more information

Re: Error in deleting filespace

2003-07-23 Thread David McClelland
Hi Zosi, Two quick questions which might help here: O - what level is your TSM server at the moment? O - have you upgraded your TSM server from an earlier version recently? Rgds, David McClelland Global Management Systems Reuters Ltd -Original Message- From: Zosimo Noriega [mailto

Re: Lotus Notes Non-TDP backups

2003-07-29 Thread David McClelland
dditional Notes partition somewhere on a backup server which you can use as a 'recovery server' - a Notes server which is *always* up, regardless of whether a backup is taking place. Users can connect to this directly and pull back any recovered .nsf databases, or even just documents

FW: Lotus Notes Non-TDP backups

2003-07-29 Thread David McClelland
s (configurable) for seconds for inactivity there should not occur a cut through a write operation. I'm sure there are better and more saver ways doing backups of Domino, but most need more efforts or resources. Kind regards, Stefan Holzwarth -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: David McCl

Re: Accidentally issued delete volume ...

2003-08-14 Thread David McClelland
then be able to get hold of the data on the tape, and if nothing else restore it to a temporary staging area... There's been mention of this on the list a few times before - this process is also useful for getting back expired data, depending upon how dynamic your tape pool usage is... Rgd

Re: Recover TSM Database with ERROR

2003-08-22 Thread David McClelland
t.out DEVCONFIG devconfig.out These will all you to dump the volume history and device configuration files in the TSM server directory. This should get you on your way for now - all of this info is in the TSM Server Admin guide though David McClelland Global Management Systems Reuters Ltd -Ori

Re: *Real* admin interface (Was: q vol f=g ??!?)

2003-08-22 Thread David McClelland
more than adequately. To be frank, performing most of the operations that feature in server versions > 3.1, I would really only want to do from the command line anyway. All the same, I would *love* to see an updated version... Rgds, David McClelland Global Management Systems Reuters Ltd

Re: TSM & SQL databases

2004-11-18 Thread David McClelland
lots in the docs, including a whole redbook entitled "Using Tivoli Data Protection for Microsoft SQL Server.pdf" which you will find by a quick search on Rgds, David McClelland Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Consultan

TDP SQL - 'set backups' / out of sync TDP backups

2004-11-19 Thread David McClelland
cle backups, we've managed to overcome this by customising the RMAN backup piece tags, and expiring manually from RMAN based upon these to identify logs, weekly and monthly backup pieces etc - works very smoothly indeed. Your thoughts, especially on a Friday afternoon, are always much appreci

Re: Remote Backups....

2004-11-25 Thread David McClelland
ooking at a maximum of 80MB/hour restore rate. If your 40GB server happens to be at the end of this one, you have a little over 20 days to get back your 40GB! Or perhaps my maths is a little skewed here... Rgds, David McClelland Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Consultant Operati

Successes with Solaris/Veritas disk performance with TSM

2005-02-04 Thread David McClelland
eaks they'd like to share with the list? I'd like to try going with raw volumes next. Rgds, David McClelland Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Consultant Infrastructure Backup and Recovery Development Shared Infrastructure Development Reut

Re: TDP for Oracle Error !!!!!!

2005-03-16 Thread David McClelland
` still work for you? Can you locate your 'tdpoerror.log' and publish this to us? Do a 'find / -name tdpoerror.log -print' for it if you don't know where it normally resides, as it's not always obvious... Rgds, _______

TSM 5.3, AES-128 encryption and API/TDP backups

2005-04-22 Thread David McClelland
find out how to get this working, only how to get the BA client to encrypt via encryptiontype, include.encrypt etc. As ever, any help or pointers gratefully received. Many thanks, David McClelland IBM Certified Deployment Professional TSM 5.2 Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Consultant Infrastru

FW: TSM 5.3, AES-128 encryption and API/TDP backups

2005-04-25 Thread David McClelland
k security might pick up on when we run this past them... Rgds, David McClelland Reuters -----Original Message- From: David McClelland Sent: 22 April 2005 14:38 To: 'ADSM: Dist Stor Manager' Subject: TSM 5.3, AES-128 encryption and API/TDP backups Hi Guys, Just a quicky - is any

Re: TDP for SQL restore seems to hang

2005-04-28 Thread David McClelland
If you've a big database, and slow disks, this might take a while... Up your timeout, monitor activity on your SQL server and try again... Rgds, David McClelland Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Consultant Infrastructure Backup and Recovery Development Shared Infrastructure Development Reu

Re: [spam] Excluding "Command Line" verbiage

2005-05-11 Thread David McClelland
Dave, With the '-dataonly=yes' directive - eg. dsmadmc -dataonly=yes -id=id -passw=passw "q proc" If I recall, you'll need to be at client level 5.2 or above for this to work. David McClelland Shared Infrastructure Development Reuters 85 Fleet Street London EC4P 4

Re: ANR0481W and COMMTIMEOUT setting

2005-05-12 Thread David McClelland
can't have a 'global' COMMTIMEOUT setting which can be overridden by a node, group or domain level COMMTIMEOUT setting - that way I could have all of my 'TDPS_DOMAIN' nodes with a longer timeout that my normal BA client backups... Rgds, David McClelland Shared Infrastructu

Re: Re Windows 2000 client reconfiguration

2005-05-12 Thread David McClelland
this saga last year which did exactly what the name suggests... Hope that helps point you in the right direction... Rgds, David McClelland Shared Infrastructure Development Reuters 85 Fleet Street London EC4P 4AJ -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: Path from NAS to existing Library/Drives

2005-05-23 Thread David McClelland
and was unable to define any paths with the 'see previous error messages' error reported (after a 300 or so second wait). Once I'd got to the bottom of this and made sure the datamover had the correct IP address, the path definitions went through successfully almost immediately. Go

Re: [spam] Encryption

2005-05-25 Thread David McClelland
ckups at the API level as well (in other words, your TDP backups can be encrypted too) - these can be managed using 'Transparent Encryption' which means that you no longer have to manage keys at the client side as they're stored on the TSM server along with the data. Hope that help

TSM Server and DS43000 setup

2005-07-28 Thread David McClelland
one has implemented TSM with DS4300 (aka FastT600) before, and if so, what do you recommend to be the optimal DS4300 disk layout to fit in with TSM's requirements? Remember, I've two DS4300's, so I could split my two TSM servers between the two as necessary. Many thanks for your thoughts guys. David McClelland

ATL/Quantum L500 tape library - only supported on Linux???

2005-08-22 Thread David McClelland
been using this ATL on these platforms in the past... Cheers for any insight guys, David McClelland

Re: server rec log problem - multiple servers?

2005-08-23 Thread David McClelland
eaking the 13GB log size too - good luck, let us know how you get on. Rgds, David McClelland -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexander Lazarevich Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:54 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADS

Re: message numbers not available

2005-08-30 Thread David McClelland
Hi Goran, This might help - double-check with `lslpp -l "tivoli.tsm*"` or similar that your tivoli.tsm.msg message filesets are all at the same/correct level and not still at the old level... David goc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 30/08/2005 15:46 Please respond to

Re: message numbers not available

2005-08-31 Thread David McClelland
Goran, Did you rebuild the table of contents with an `inutoc .` in the directory in which you put the tsm messages fileset? David goc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 31/08/2005 09:19 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" To ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU cc Subject Re

Re: TSM client wildcard

2005-09-14 Thread David McClelland
you could even script that and make it generic/identical across hosts too). It's not pretty, but it'll work... David McClelland Andrew Raibeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 14/09/2005 15:08 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager&

Re: restore node

2005-09-20 Thread David McClelland
h explains this command: You won't be able to perform your restore from the server, only from the client via the local CLI, the local GUI or the TSM Web Client. Hope that helps, Dav

Re: Different Management Policy (Completed!)

2005-09-20 Thread David McClelland
/BACKUP/outgoing/.../* or take a look at the 'show versions' command on the TSM server ('SHow Versions NodeName FileSpace' should do for you it I think). Rgds, David McClelland Sam Rudland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 20/09/2005

Re: Which Tape Technology?

2005-09-22 Thread David McClelland
sonally haven't ever done a comparison between small/large file access times and 3590/LTO-based drives - but I'm sure someone out there will have... David McClelland Richard Rhodes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 22/09/2005 12:56 Please respond t


2005-09-22 Thread David McClelland
neral, and to IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, in particular." Rgds, David McClelland johnny cochran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 22/09/2005 15:38 Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor M

Re: Sun Clusters?

2005-09-26 Thread David McClelland
Hi Matthew, Take a look at the Redbook below from earlier this year - you don't say if you're using Veritas Cluster Services in your Sun environment, but this doc should be a help: Rgds, David McClelland Storage a

Re: LTO1, LTO2 & LTO3 tapes in 3584 library

2005-09-27 Thread David McClelland
tapes in, I saw 8 character volsers - after changing the setting on the library control panel, they became six characters instead (actually, I had to re-check them in though...). Shoot me down if I'm getting the wrong end of the stick here... Rgds, David McClelland Storage and

Re: busy rootvg during restarts

2005-09-30 Thread David McClelland
heck where your paging space is (lsps -a) etc. HTH, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Kingdom "Wheelock, Michael D" <

Re: Tivoli Continuous Data Protection for Files

2005-10-05 Thread David McClelland
a look here for more details: Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – I

Re: Tivoli Continuous Data Protection for Files

2005-10-05 Thread David McClelland
iling list I'm sure)... :o) David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Kingdom Andrew Raibeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: &q

Re: Backing up VMware

2005-10-21 Thread David McClelland
Hi Joni, Take a quick look at this .pdf on the subject, as presented at the Oxford Symposium last month. Rgds, David McClelland Storage and

Re: TSM Performance with 3584 LTO-2 Drives

2005-10-21 Thread David McClelland
ue, TSM migration  or tape mount issue). HTH, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Kingdom John Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> S

Re: EXPORT TO SERVER differences in sizes of moved data ?

2005-10-24 Thread David McClelland
t seems like a reasonable explanation to me - anyone with a more intricate knowledge of TSM aggregation internals able to offer a more detailed reasoning? Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Deliver

Re: Cleint connet via Firewall

2005-10-24 Thread David McClelland
TSM client to the TSM server). It's a common configuration issue I've witnessed before where firewalls don't let 'outside' hosts initiate connections with a host on the 'inside', only the other way around. Can cause problems in 'prompted' environ

Re: HELP:windows schedule question

2005-10-31 Thread David McClelland
de "d:\*" exclude "d:\...\*" include "d:\d270.jpg" Hope that helps, Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Ki

Re: HELP:windows schedule question

2005-11-01 Thread David McClelland
M server pls?  Might also be worth mentioning the TSM client level etc as well. Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Kingdom

Re: Include/Exclude list and missed files

2005-11-01 Thread David McClelland
about this share as it appears to the client? Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Kingdom "John E. Vincent" <[

Re: TDP for ORACLE question

2005-11-09 Thread David McClelland
Hi Marty, What's the level of TSM API client code on your test and production system? Any output from any other logs (dsierror.log etc). Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Del

Re: TDP for Exchange problem

2005-11-09 Thread David McClelland
hange Administrator privs noted down as well). Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Kingdom Nicolas Muurmans <[EMAIL P

Re: Windows 2000 backup problem

2005-12-05 Thread David McClelland
nk below): >>> Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global

Re: TDP for Mail / EXCH

2005-12-06 Thread David McClelland
doc/ab5ex00160.htm Hope that helps, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Kingdom goc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADS

Re: Can't get Data path Failover working ...

2005-12-06 Thread David McClelland
/instAtape -a". Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Kingdom PAC Brion Arnaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: &qu

Re: Restore very slow

2005-12-07 Thread David McClelland
m Also, check Richard Sims' TSM QuickFacts for "No Query Restore" for more practical info. I've been here before too - I'm afraid it was just a case of being patient (only after my initial "nothing's happening" panic though!). Good luck. Rgds, David McCl

Re: File Device Class and File System Fragmentation with JFS2

2005-12-09 Thread David McClelland
omatically deleted and the filesystem emptied daily or more frequently. Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Kingdom Andrew Carlso

Re: TDPO and different Management Class

2005-12-16 Thread David McClelland
h, for example, 'daily' or 'weekly' in their name. This setup does require a little bit of logic and working out, but can work very well. Hope that helps, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (I

Re: VTL experiences?

2006-01-05 Thread David McClelland
ng hardware/in-line compression at the moment - is/has anyone used these and can offer a benchmark/judgement/experiences on how/whether compression affects throughput when off-loaded in hardware? David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Profess

Re: IBM 3581 Autoloader question

2006-01-09 Thread David McClelland
Driver Installation & User's Guide - Hope this helps, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Se

Re: ANR1639I

2006-01-11 Thread David McClelland   Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM

Re: Pre-fetching a restore?

2006-01-12 Thread David McClelland
this might be of some help depending upon the amount of data/size of your disk storagepool etc. Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United Kin

Re: tape encryption and TSM

2006-01-13 Thread David McClelland
list. Has/is anyone else using these? Experiences? Does it add an additional bottleneck to the tape throughput on higher end (e.g. LTO3) drives? Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery

Re: Upgrade mystery

2006-01-18 Thread David McClelland
Hi Robert, You're running client according to the below - I believe that 'DISKBUFFSIZE' only came in with TSM Client version 5.3. Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK S

Re: 3584 installation instructions

2006-02-06 Thread David McClelland
u'll see one or more /dev/smcx devices signifying your library arm/manager connection... Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist IBM Tivoli Certified Deployment Professional (ITSM 5.2) SSO UK Service Delivery – Storage Services IBM Global Services – IBM United

Re: LAN FREE Backup

2006-03-08 Thread David McClelland
cts/fc/1dc/ds.html). You'll be able to run both disk and tape from a single card as long as you've zoned the individual ports appropriately. Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist Shared Infrastructure Development Reuters Ltd -Original Message- From:

Re: Netview and/or TEC integration ???

2006-03-22 Thread David McClelland
including some rules correllation of which you speak) - see this link: Hope that helps. Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist Shared Infrastructure Development Reuters Ltd -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist

Re: Netview and/or TEC integration ???

2006-03-22 Thread David McClelland
p for testing purposes quite happily) or co-host it upon another storage management server (a web server is favourite as it makes shipping the TSM Operational Report HTML pages a little fussy). Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist Shared Infrastructure Development Reuters L

Re: TSM Journal Based Backup for AIX

2006-03-26 Thread David McClelland
Steve, Check again - Journal Backups are now available (as of 5.3.3) for AIX clients as well... Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist Shared Infrastructure Development Reuters Ltd 30 South Colonnade London E14 5EP REUTERS.KNOW.NOW.

Re: [spam] Re: [ADSM-L] TSM Journal Based Backup for AIX

2006-03-27 Thread David McClelland
uot;JBB is supported for non-HSM AIX clients." Now, I haven't tried it yet - is the README lying to us? Rgds, David McClelland Storage and Systems Management Specialist Shared Infrastructure Development Reuters Ltd 30 South Colonnade London E14 5EP REUTERS.KNOW.NOW. www.reuters

Using TDP for SQL to reapply transaction logs against a BCV/Snapshot database recoverable image

2006-07-14 Thread David McClelland
to TDP to action the restore of the transaction logs to the BCV copy, but appreciate that what I'm asking might not be 'native' functionality. I'm happy to expand if any of the above is unclear! Any thoughts much appreciated. Thanks and Rgds, David McClelland IBM Ti

Re: Using TDP for SQL to reapply transaction logs against a BCV/Snapshot database recoverable image

2006-07-14 Thread David McClelland
ot sure if I'd be able to apply my TDPS-backed-up transaction logs to the BCV image. Rgds, David McClelland Reuters Ltd -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hooft, Jeroen Sent: 14 July 2006 15:34 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject:

Re: Log prune on non-standard log names?

2006-09-12 Thread David McClelland
on/Windows Scheduler etc). There's certainly nothing in the docs that I've found to suggest that changing the schedlogname will prevent pruning (it would be a travesty if it did). As an off-the-wall suggestion, have you tried switching the order in which the two options appear in the dsm

Re: Newbie question 2!

2006-09-22 Thread David McClelland
s my terminal display is wide enough (for example, easy to resize in PuTTY) the output from queries will make use of the whole terminal width. Hope that helps, Rgds, David McClelland Data Protection Specialist IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Certified Consultant Reuters, London -Original Messa

Re: Scheduling TDP Oracle agents

2007-01-11 Thread David McClelland
ript' GUI tools, scheduling and monitoring capabilities (and the DBAs like as they feel in control). David McClelland Data Protection Specialist London -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aravind Kurapati Sent: 11 January 2

ANR7837S Internal error TBUNDO012 and ANR9999D tbundo.c(256): Error1 on insert from table Backup.Objects for undo

2003-09-17 Thread David McClelland
as for how to get the TSM server back up again? Rgds, David McClelland Global Management Systems Reuters Ltd --- - Visit our Internet site at Get closer to the financial markets with Reuters Messaging -

Re: Slow Backup of Solaris Client

2003-09-18 Thread David McClelland
gs or disk contention etc... Also, have you checked the CPU on this client - have you compression turned on at the client, which could be slowing things down on a heavily loaded box? Rgds, David McClelland Global Management Systems Reuters Ltd -Original Message- From: Bill Fitzgerald [m

TSM Journalling Engine - experiences and MEMORYEFFICENTBACKUP needed?

2003-09-24 Thread David McClelland
or some of our file servers, yet my experiences so far suggest it might not be as easy and robust as I would ideally like it to be (i.e. cancelled backups forcing restart of journal, process bombing out midway through backup etc.), especially as a full or normal incremental backup can run into days t

Re: More TSM journaling stuff

2003-09-24 Thread David McClelland
ecification. I'd be very interested in having a look at the journal proofing utility - please feel free to point me at it/mail it off-list if necessary. Pete - thanks for all your help so far... Rgds, David McClelland Management Systems Integrator Global Management Systems Reuters 85

Journaling - not updating 'Last Backup Start/Completion Date/Time'

2003-09-29 Thread David McClelland
use the output of this for some reports... Rgds, David McClelland Management Systems Integrator Global Management Systems Reuters 85 Fleet Street London EC4P 4AJ Telephone +44 (0)207 542 4670 Mobile +44 (0)7711 120 931 E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Journaling - not updating 'Last Backup Start/Completion Date/Time'

2003-09-29 Thread David McClelland
rgest size > required, but won't shrink again when not needed? Is there anything I > can do to shrink it? > > Rgds, > > David McClelland > Global Management Systems > > -Original Message- > From: David McClelland > Sent: 29 September 2003

TSM Journaling - Any Performance Degradation?

2003-09-30 Thread David McClelland
but is this significant or quantifiable, and should he be concerned? Many thanks, David McClelland Management Systems Integrator Global Management Systems Reuters 85 Fleet Street London EC4P 4AJ E-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reuters Messaging [EMA

Re: Hyper-threaded CPU's

2003-10-09 Thread David McClelland
earn of others' experiences or thoughts, as we too have some Win2K hyperthreaded servers (DL380 G3's) running TSM Server. Rgds, David McClelland Management Systems Integrator Global Management Systems Reuters 85 Fleet Street London EC4P 4AJ

Re: delete filespace takes >24hours

2003-10-29 Thread David McClelland
Gosh, That's the first four letter word I've seen on this list for a long time. Excuse me whilst I blush and faint from shock... ;o) David McClelland Global Management Systems Reuters Ltd, London -Original Message- From: Remco Post [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 29 October

Re: Include/exclude not working

2003-10-31 Thread David McClelland
nk that if I've understood you, you'll be wanting something like this: Exclude e:\* Exclude e:\...\* Include g:\inetpub\* Include g:\inetpub\...\* As a result, everything on the g: will be excluded, except g:\inetpub\ and its children. Is this what you were looking for? David McClella

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