Hy all,
today I tried to install Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle (2.1.10) on a
HP-UX 11-Server. On this Server is already TSM-Client 3.7.2 installed for
file-system backups.
During the installation process the program detects a newer version of the
api (3.7.2) and doesn't install TDPoracle.
In t
Hy all,
today again a question concerning Point-In-Time-Restore :
Following situation :
I did make backups of a node for more than half a year. Many files have
prduced versions on the backup-server, a lot of files did not because they
did not change since start of backup. My policy says it will
Hy all,
a collegue of mine has to install the TSM-Client for SUN-Solaris 8.0 .
Client OS-Level is Solaris 8, TSM-Client-Level is, TSM-Server : AIX
4.3.3, TSM 3.7.4
After installation the gui-client on the SUN runs fine if I start it from an
If I start it from CDE it opens the
Hy Diana,
we do have 2 TSM-Servers and backing up on weekdays about 300-400 GB on one,
150-200 GB on the other server.
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG
IT Department
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Diana J.Cline [SMTP:[E
Hy Michael,
I had the same problem 3 weeks ago.
You can use TDP for Oracle on HP 64bit environment, no problem but :
you have to use the correct API.
Here is what I got from the list :
Hi Christoph,
Yes. you can not run the TDPO
Hy all,
Background : 2 AIX-Servers as TSM-Server (TSM 3.7.4). Each server sends its
copy-pool date via Server-to-Server to a storage-pool on the other server
(seq access primary pool --> Magstar-Tape). I have a reclamation threshold
at 80% on the seq acc stg pool and a threshold of 90% for the
Hy all,
we have installed a NDS 8 on a WIN2000 Machine. Does anybody has experience
in backing up such a system (in a consistant manner).
Thanks for help
Hy all,
last days we had (and have) some problems with clients on Novell.
Every night one or two (of about 20) novell-server hang after starting a
scheduled backup-operation.
The logs say 'unable to connect ...' and it looks as if the client
continuesly tries to transfer data (but gets no connect
Hy all,
we have two backup-server, where we write our data to a tape-library. For
all our tape-pools we have defined one copy-pool which links to the other
server where the data are written to a separate tape-pool (pool_extern). We
have defined collocation for all our pools. When I now run reclam
enough maxscratch number to force TSM to start stacking multiple nodes on
> a
> tape. For more informaiton, the Admin Guide has a section describing tape
> selection criteria and precedence.
> Alex
> -Original Message-
> From: Christoph Pilgram
> [mailto:
Hy all,
we are trying to set up TDP for Oracle 2.2 on a HP-UX box.
We do not manage to assign a separate managment class to the filespace
'/adsmorc'. Although we have an include 'include /adsmorc/.../* unix_tdp'
in the inclexcl-list the files are always assigned to the
Hy all,
does anybody know, if there is a 'Performance Tuning Guide' for TSM 4.x
available on the Web. I only have that one for ADSM 3.1
Thanks for help
Hy all,
on our TSM-Server this message appears in the act-log everytime a tape could
not be checked in into the library.
We have just upgraded to Version 4.14 on an AIX 4.33-Server.
Does anybody know, how to get the full-text for this message-number ?
<< Message number 8376 not available for la
Hy all,
I have a problem with the messages in errpt on AIX 4.3.3
Since we installed Maintenance-Level 6 on AIX 4.3.3 messages from the
tape-drives in our tape-library (3490) look something strange. This does not
only happens with new messages, also old (before the
maintenance-install)message are
Hy all,
I'm trying to archive some data from an HP-UX 10.0 box with ADSM 3.1 client
to an AIX 4.3.3 Server with TSM 4.1.4.
I'm using the graphic-interface (no web-interface available).
The amount of date is about 6 Files and 2 GB.
At the beginning the archiving works ok, but after some time i
Hy everyone,
a question concerning the queriing of archives :
is there a possibility in TSM 3.7 to query all client archives without
refering to a FileSpace. A ' q arc -desc="xyz" "*" ' only shows the archived
files from the current working directory.
I want to show all files within an archive s
Hi everyone,
today a question on accessing data from another workstation :
Is there an easy possibility to restore data from another workstation with
same operating system (HP-UX) in a batch job ?
I tried it with the restore option 'virtualnodename', but didn't manage to
send the id and password
Hy experts !
A question about tape-drives :
we have in our tape-library (IBM 3494) Magstar 3590 Modell E drives (E1A).
Because they were bought one year ago, they don' t have the facility to
read/write the extended-length-cartridges, so we use the normal cartridges
with 20 GB uncompressed.
Hy all,
we use TSM since 05/2000 for backing-up NT-Servers. The last weekend was the
change from summer to winter time on all our computers.
The first incremental-Backup on all of our NT-Servers (and only on
NT-Servers, not on Novell,Unix,VMS) after the time-switch backed up all
files in the file
Hy everyone,
we are discussing the possibilities of archiving data with TSM or other
products (from NT,UNIX).
Our requirements are to archive data for about 30 years. TSM is in
discussion because we use it already for backup ( and in some cases we use
the archive-command ).
The policy domains for
Hy all,
last week I had to restore a Netware-Client completely (TSM-Vers.: 3.7.2).
Because I am not familiar with Netware (our Netware Administrator was ill),
I decided to restore the data with the Web-Interface. After several breaks
and retrys (the Web-Window stopped doing anything while the Res
Hy all,
within the next few days I have to restore some large disk-volumes to new
disks on a Netware-Server. Because its in production, I can't stop the
server for the whole restore time. The volumes are about 260GB in size. The
backup-data are spanned over about 24 tapes (3590E), so restore take
Hy all,
I started a restore from our AIX 4.3, TSM 3.7.4 Server to a Netware %.1
Client (TSM 3.7.2). We restored a complete Volume to a new clean Volume ( '
restore daten:* newdata:/ -subdir=all ' ). I started the restore yesterday
evening to run over night. Today in the morning the netware-server
Hy all,
last weekend we had to restore a NT-Terminal-Server completely.
Restoring the Registry from any tested client ended with a message similar
to "Unable to restore one or more registry keys". You could click on a
button and the message has gone.
My question : Is this a normal message or doe
Hy all,
I have a question concerning the postschedcmd-option :
on new installed HP-UX 11.0 Clients we allways got an error like this when
calling any dsmc-command :
"aCC runtime: ERROR: _main() not called. "
Client-Version of TSM was : 3.7.2 on HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)
Server-Version of TSM
Hi all,
a question to copy-pools :
today I have one copy-pool where the copies of all stg-pools go in.
For performance issues I would like to split this pool (different
device-classes ...).
I can now define a second copy-pool, and start copying one of my stg-pools
to this copy-pool.
But how can
Hi all,
today we have two servers connected via server-to-server. Both server have
defined their copy-pool on the other server.
I would like to split the copy-pool into two different ones. Reason is to
run stg-pool-backups in more than one session parallel..
Does anybody know, if this is possible
> Betreff: Re: server-to-server copy-pools
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Christoph Pilgram
> > today we have two servers connected via server-to-server. Both server
> have
> > defined their c
an additional question before setting up the configuration :
second copy-pool with same device-class means that the data physically go to
the same tape-pool on the other server, because it works with the default
management-class for that server ( where the pool name is defined). Is this
Hi ,
in a first aproach, I changed the following settings :
data-source-server :
copy-pool device-class (server device class) : mount-limit set to
client-settings for client-node (node-type 0 server) : mount-limit
set to '2'
data-target-server :
device class
Hi all,
a question about increasing the performance of my TSM-Server:
TSM-Server : IBM H80 ( 2-way RS64III-450MHz-processor, 2GB memory ), AIX
4.3.3 , TSM 4.1.4
I see with the monitor-tool that my server has over a longer period a
cpu-utilization of more than 80%. This server only handles TSM,
Hi Guillaume,
there is a utility from Tivoli called TDPOSYNC (I think only in Version 2 of
TDP for Oracle).
With this tool you can easily delete old backups. It is in the install
directory and in the Installation and Users Guide you find the description.
Best regards
> -Ursprüngli
Hi Zbyszek,
what is the setting for the reclamation threshold for the storage pool ?
Have you run "inventory expiration" ?
And take a look at the Pct.ReclaimabelSpace on the tapes.
Best wishes
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Zbyszek Borgosz [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet
iginal Message-
> %> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> %> On Behalf Of Christoph Pilgram
> %> Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 11:03 AM
> %> Subject: AW: TSM 4.2, Private won't go into scratch
> %>
> %>
Hy Rob,
I don't know how you deleted the tape from database. If with "discard data =
yes" the data includung the copies are deleted from database. Than you don't
have the data on copy-storage-pool.
If a volume is damaged and a move data doesn't get all data from that tape
make a 'restore volume xx
Hi Thomas,
I tried it on my machines (AIX 4.3.3 H80)
this is what I got :
ftp> put "|dd if=/dev/zero bs=32k count=1" /dev/null
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for /dev/null.
1+0 records in.
1+0 records out.
226 Transfer complete.
32768 bytes sent in 16,33
Hi all,
I remember a document (Red-Book) where was written how to restore the
Operating-System and all data to a WIN-NT-Server (By starting with an extra
partition with TSM-Client and restoring the other partition ...).
I can not find this document anymore on any Web-page from IBM. Does anybody
This is an experience, I made too.
Server AIX 4.3.3 and TSM-Server 4.1.4
After some time no messages apear anymore in the log, but it runs. At the
end the summary-messages are written again.
The loaddb tells you if no auditdb is necessary (I reorganized the database
twice and no auditdb was
Hi all,
I have a strange Problem with our W2K-Servers : TSM-Client
When starting an interactive Backup-Session I select some Files out of the
explorer-like window for backup (e.g. KERNEL32.DLL from winnt\system32 ).
I start the backup session and it completes without error, but all object
Hi all,
on one of my TSM-Servers ( TSM-Vers : 4.1.4 / AIX 4.3.3 ) I have a problem
with one volume of my disk-pool :
I wanted to reorganize my pool-volumes, so I deleted all existing
disk-volumes of that storage-pool. All but one volumes could be deleted.
For this volume the Message came :ANR2
Hi Rob,
I have seen that some people have sent scripts to you. So you don't need my
But there is one point I would like to tell you : if your client sends
compressed data and the file-information shows the original size there can
be a lot of data on a tape if the reclaimable space is 90 %.
Hi all,
sometimes it happens, that while backing up a client to my server ( Vers
4.1.4 / AIX 4.3.3 ) the error message "ANS1228E Sending of object
'/u02/home/iv/test/*' failed" is written in the client-error-log.
The problem seems to be that he wants to update the information for this
file on the
Hi all,
on my testserver (AIX 4.3.3 / TSM 4.14 ) I tried to get the local DAT-drive
as output-device for a test of unloaddb/loaddb going.
Defined a 'manuel library' called 'LOC_DEV'
Defined a 'manuel drive' called 'DAT1' pointing to '/dev/rmt0' with Library
Name 'LOC_DEV'
Defined a '4mm device cl
You didn't describe wethear or not you inserted the tape again.
> Best Regards
> Daniel Sparrman
> ---
> Daniel Sparrman
> Exist i Stockholm AB
> Bergkällavägen 31D
> Växel: 08 - 754 98 00
> Mobil: 070 - 3
Hi all,
on Unix-Systems a running dsmcad-process is necessary to work with the
On one of my systems (Solaris 5.7; TSM 3.7.2) I work with two
In the dsm.sys file i have two sections with different servername-entries
and different nodename-entries.
How can I manage
Hi Bo,
I remember getting a simmilar error when I used only the 'dsmfmt' not the
'dsmserv loadformat' for formatting the volumes
Hope it helps
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Bo Nielsen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet am: Dienstag, 19. März 2002 12:35
Hi all,
I am trying to test an unload/load of my production-database to get
information on how long it takes and how big the reorganization-effort is.
I stopped the production database, copied the db-files, copied the log-file,
and transfered it to my testserver.
On testserver (physically on the
Hi Andy,
my idea is similar to yours :
halt the server
copy my databases and logs (for fallback)
unloaddb to devclass=file
I don't think you have to make an auditdb if your unloaddb works with the
consistant-option (default) (Administrators Reference 'dsmserv unloaddb').
Hi all,
I'm just testing unloaddb (TSM 4.14 / AIX 4.3.3) :
about 2 hours the unloaddb is now running. It always writes out the
following message with increasing the number of entries :
ANR4013I UNLOADDB: Dumped 125629758 database entries (cumulative)
But now it doesn't write this message anymore
Hi Bassam,
you can define as many processes as you like, but the limitation is the
number of free drives. If you define more procs then you have drives, the
migration processes wait until there is a drive available (this also happens
if some of your drives are used by other processes).
For using
> Betreff: Re: Utilizing All My drives
> Can 1 process write to multiple drives... i.e. maxproc=1
> mountlimit=drives?
> -Original Message-
> From: Christoph Pilgram
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, March 22,
Hi all,
I have a client (SUN OS 5.7) with TSM Vers. 3.7.2
I run some dsmc selective commands in a script on the client and allways the
last one tells me in the summary ANE4968I (Session: 15905, Node: BC0CDBSM)
Objects compressed by: 100%
while all other commands write ANE4968I (Session: 15905, N
Hi all,
since 2 days we have Problems on one of our Novell-Server with Backup. When
Backup is scheduled from Server, the client (Netware 5.2 SP2, TSM
breaks and reboots. No backup is done. The last messages in dsmsched.log is
the list of the filesystems the backup has to handle.
Try "show volumeusage * "
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Gesendet am: Donnerstag, 20. September 2001 16:01
> Betreff:
> All,
> I need some quick help, I need the show command that shows all
> tapes
is it possible that you have in your include list ( defined in dsm.sys ) the
old entry ?
Normally a storage-pool is associated to an active management class. So if
you use the same management-class as before I think you don't have to change
anything on the server.
Best wishes
Try this on the Server :
"select ll_name,class_name, backup_date from backups where node_name='X'
order by backup_date"
where X is the client_name of your exchange-server.
Best regards
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Gerald Wichmann [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesendet
in our installation we have 2GB RAM, BUFFPOOLSIZE=65536,LOGPOOLSIZE=512
With these settings we have a DB-CACHE-HIT-PCT between 98.5% and 99.5% (we
reset the values every day).
Best regards
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: Pothula S Paparao [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Gesen
Hi all,
is there any place where I can set the priority for a system process like
"backup stg" or "migration".(or is there any place where the priority of the
processes is written down).
My problem is, that if on my server several processes are running using all
tape-stations, one more started e.
Hi all,
I have a a question concerning performance on a W2K-Client.
On our W2K-fileserver (2 processors, 80 files, w2k-compression on) we
get a very poor performance with our backup (Vers. With the
performance monitor there seems not to be an problem with memory or CPU
The bad time
Hi all,
my question is about TDP for Oracle running on HP-UX 11.0
On our database-server is a logfile written in the .../udump-directory which
contains messages with number SBT-13167. I cannot see who is writing these
messages but there are a lot of these messages.
I would like to stop the writin
hhold" transfers data direct to
tape (while disk pool is migrating) and whow to stop this behaviour.
Thanks for help
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG
IT Department
Christoph Pilgram Tel. +49 7351 54 4051
Birkendorfer Str.65 Fax. +49 7351 83
Hi all,
today I have a problem with one of my tapes in the tape-library (3494).
A tape didn't come out of the drive, the technican came in, and he managed
to bring out the tape. But unfortunately the tape broke, so it is now (after
restoring the data from copy-pool) set 'destroyed'. I deleted th
Hi all,
Does anybody know, if there is a TSM-client for Linux and/or HP-UX on a
Hardware with Intel-Itanium Processor available or is the normal
HP-UX-client ok ?
I saw an IA64-api for Linux on the download-side.
Thanks for help
Hi all,
I do have problems, backing up one of our W2K-Nodes within the given
timeframe of 10 Hours.
It is a very big node ( 350 GB Filespace, 6 000 000 files, all files under
one mountpoint) and we always make full incremental. I plan to use
journal-based-backup to get it done in time.
Does anybod
combination of
backung up the sytemobject?
Try to separat the Backup of Systemobjects with an separated scheduleand
exclude it in the regulary backup.
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Auftrag von
Christoph Pilgram
Gesendet: Montag, 13
Hi all,
We have W2K-Clients with (in general 2) very big filesystems ( more than 5
million files each) ( 2 GB RAM). They run with TSM-Client Because
memory runs too long in the night, we tried to do it with 'resourceutil 4'.
We got an 'out of memory' abend. We gave 8 GB of RAM to the Cli
Hi all,
Is it necessary to have the parameter "Maximum mount points allowed" set to
a value higher than "1" if I use the function of "Copy Storage Pool" on the
"Disk Storage Pool" for simultanous backup.
I want to define my "primary tape pool" as "copy storage pool" under the
"disk storage pool".
Hi Karin,
Is it possible that you have restored a virus. I remember the same symptoms
(error in process lsass.exe followed by an automatic reboot) were caused by
a virus (was it the virus called sasser ? Don't know exactly).
Best wishes
Chr. Pilgram
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG
Thanks for any help
Christoph Pilgram
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG
IT Department
Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Christoph Pilgram
Sent: dinsdag 1 maart 2005 9:33
Subject: Del copy-pool volume
Hi all,
For some time I have problems with the 'reconcile volumes'. Now I found
one copy-pool volume (Server-to-Server Virtual Vol
lume on a remote TSM server. Is that physical volume available?
Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Berbee Information Networks
Office 262.521.5627
>-Original Message-
>From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
>Behalf Of Christoph Pilgram
>Sent: Tuesday, Ma
Hi all,
With the last restart of the TSM-Server a message come up in actlog :
ANR1425W Scratch volume 03 is empty but will not be deleted - volume
state is "mountablenotinlib".
The volume is in the library, I see in with q libvol in Status=Private, it
belongs to a tape-storage-pool, but it ca
I tried the "move media * stgpool=POOL_EXTERN wherestate=MOUNTABLENOTINLIB"
03/03/05 08:20:57 ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: MOVE
03/03/05 08:20:57 ANR0984I Process 326 for MOVE MEDIA start
eems to be required for empty volumes.
Bill Smoldt
STORServer, Inc.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Christoph Pilgram
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 12:47 AM
Subject: AW: Volume : "mountablenotinlib"
Hi all,
Is there a TSM-client available for Solaris 10 (I cannot find the
compatibility-matrix in web) and if so, has anybody experience with it ?
Thanks for help
Chr. Pilgram
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG
IT Department
Hi all,
In my VolumeHistory I have an entry for a "dbsnapshot" to a
tape-device-class (for analysing an error by IBM) :
Date/Time: 11/25/04 18:12:19
Backup Series: 1
Backup Operation: 0
Volume Seq: 1
Device Class: 3590DEVCL
Volume Name: 000805
Volume Location:
I t
Hi all,
TSM-Server : V.4.1.4 on AIX 4.3.3
TSM-Client : V on Netware 5.00.09 Supp-Pack 02
During restoring of data on a novell server we got the following error for
about 4000 different objects ( of 1.100.000 restored objects) :
10/22/2002 16:40:27 ANS1905E NetWare SMS error processing
Hi all,
since some days the 'reconcile volumes' does not run anymore on one of my
servers (AIX4.3.3 TSM-Server V 4.1.4).
We use server-to-server virtual volumes and the job breaks with following
messages :
11/05/02 13:56:46 ANR4344I RECONCILE VOLUMES start
Hi all
due to the changes in the download-procedures from the TSM-WEB-Server I have
problems with login on that side. Because my call at IBM has not yet solved
the problems I ask here :
What is the newest maintenance-level on TSM Server Version 4 for AIX ?
I see a level of but I have hear
Hi all
I have to upgrade my TSM-Servers (AIX 4.3.3) from V 4.1.4 to 4.2.3. In the
readme for 4.2.3 is written under "TSM
Server Upgrade issues for version" that if you upgrade from 4.1.x.x
you have to uninstall the current version.
For me its not clear if this chapter belongs to all operat
Hi all,
since 3 days my TSM-Server (AIX 4.3.3 , TSM 4.1.4) crashs at night.
In dsmserv.err the following messages are written :
11/21/2002 01:31:06 ANR7834S Thread 72 (tid 482c) terminating on signal 11
mentation violation).
11/21/2002 01:31:06 ANR7834S GPR 0: 0x, 1: 0x36a586b0
Hi all,
my customers want to set up a HSM-System.
The server should run a small library and should be the only client of that
system. It should be a unix-server.
What software-modules ( from TSM ) do I need to make this server/client run
Thanks for help
Hi all,
I have a problem on our W2K-Servers :
to have a faster restore on user profiles we used to backup the
profiles-directory of the users more often then the rest of the machines.
That was when we had novell-servers. The selective statement was easy.
Now with w2k we have the problem that the
Hi all,
we plan to set up an archiving-system with TSM.
Does anybody can give me some pros or cons for AIT3 versus LTO.
Can anybody tell me something about his experience with EDIC Scala 100 and
IBM 3583.
Thanks for any help
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma KG
IT Department
Email : [EMAIL PR
Hi all,
as I have to migrate to Server Version 5.x.x (from 4.2.3 on AIX 4.3.3) I
have to check wether our used client-version can remain the same as before
or have to be migrated to version 5.x-clients.
Is there anywhere a list of which client-version does work with which
server-version (we are so
Hi all,
a second try :
what is the syntax for selectively backing up the following (using
wildcards) from a W2K-Client :
Hi all,
since installing the level (after 4.1.4) on my AIX-server (AIX
4.3.3) I have the problem that in the summary-table the field "BYTES" for a
backup-session of NT and W2K-clients is filled with "0" even though the
client has transfered GigaBytes of data. Restore-sessions of the same c
Hi all,
We use TDP for Exchange in Version (Exchange V 5.5 on w2k)
We have an TSM-Server running V.
Policy for Exchange is : Version Data Exists : 2
Version Data Deleted : 0
Retain Extra Versions : 20
May be youre tsmerror.log does not have write access for the oracle-user
Best wishes
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von
Axel Kiessig
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2005 08:09
I had errors like that, when there was no license file (agent.lic)
Best wishes
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von
Axel Kiessig
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2005 08:09
Hi Axel,
Yes you need this file. If you have another server with this file, you can
copy it for testing. I don't know if tdpo is available in a test-version.
Chr. Pilgram
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co.KG
IT Department
Hi Axel,
Tell us on which operating system you are working with which version. I know
on some operating systems you had to handle the libobk.so in a special way
(make a softlink, or copy ...).
Best wishes
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTEC
Hi all,
I'm running TSM on an AIX 5.1 server.
In the last 2 weeks it happened twice, that the servers scheduler seems stop
working. In the night after having correctly completed some client backups
(scheduled from the servers scheduler) all following client backup schedules
went to "missed
the backups running in polling or prompted mode on the clients? It is my
experience that less troubles occur when they run in prompted mode.
best regards,
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager on behalf of Christoph Pilgram
Sent: Wed 16/11/2005 9:21
Hi all,
Is there a possibility to get the drive_serial number (tapedrive) with an
sql-command from TSM-db . I see the serial_number with "q drives
f=d" but the column drive_serial in table drives is empty.
Since this morning (5 hours) I am running a PIT-restore for a user-profile
on a w2k-client (TSM V TSM-Server is a IBM p450 with AIX 5.2 ML6
and TSM-server-version There are about 11 Mio files stored on the
backup-server from this node.
Since begin of rhe restore no access o
Hi all,
We use TSM-Server V on AIX 5.2 ML6. Problem with w2k-clients TSM /
A restore of even a small directory with 1 file and 4 empty subdirectories
takes about 2h 10 min if I use the Web-Cli and select the complete
Directory. If I select the complete directory and excl
I had the same problem after reorganize my DB. Seems to be IC47516 fixed
with 5.2.7 . So I had do do an auditdb (with TSM-Support). Look at your
loaddb log : are there any "bad database records" reported ?
Best wishes
-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [m
I had the same problem, and as Wanda wrote I tried it with the TESTFLAG
DISABLEQR and it finished in about 5 minutes. Another test was : do the
complete restore with the exception of one file in one of the subdirectories
: did run in 5 minutes.
Best wishes
-Ursprüngliche Nachric
Hi all,
Since some days (since using tsm-client we have problems on one of
our w2k-clients. Sometimes the client crashes during backup of 'System and
Boot Files', just close to the end of backup. The w2k-system stands without
having the possibility to enter the console and has to be reboo
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