Hi all,

I have a client (SUN OS 5.7) with TSM Vers. 3.7.2
I run some dsmc selective commands in a script on the client and allways the
last one tells me in the summary ANE4968I  (Session: 15905, Node: BC0CDBSM)
Objects compressed by: 100%
while all other commands write ANE4968I (Session: 15905, Node: BC0CDBSM)
Objects compressed by: 0%
On the client is no compression , on the server is no comression in any
option-setting and  the transfered volume seems to be non-compressed..

Another client (SUN OS 5.8) with TSM Vers. where I start only one
dsmc incr within a script ends with the same message ANE4968I (Session:
13538, Node: BC0LFSM) Objects compressed by: 100%.
On this client is  no compression , on the server is no comression in any
option-setting and the transfered volume seems to be non-compressed.

Where does the difference come from, and how can you compress a file by 100%

Kind regards

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