Re: Deleting data older than a certain range

2011-06-07 Thread Richard Sims
The client command Delete BAckup is the surgical way to dispose of old backups. Alternately, you may find older backups isolated to tapes which you can Delete Volume at the TSM server, or perhaps use Move commands to isolate the old backups for such treatment. Richard Sims, sitting in the d

Help with tsm script

2011-06-07 Thread Lee, Gary D.
I have a script which under tsm 5.5.4 server gives a report of The storage pool name, count ov reclaimable volumes, and reclaimable space for the specified percentage. You execute as follows: Run reclaim-check 55 Under tsm 6.2.2, I get an arithmetic exception sqlstate 22003. I don't see the pro

Re: Help with tsm script

2011-06-07 Thread Vandeventer, Harold [BS]
Do you have the document "Changes to the SELECT command" from The last section is Data types for arithmetic operations. Compare your "cast(sum(cast((est_capacity_mb / 1

Re: Help with tsm script

2011-06-07 Thread Schneider, Jim
I have a script that lists reclaimable space by volume for a given storage pool. I've added line numbers so I can see how many tapes would be reclaimed at a given percentage. It runs on Unix from a command prompt. === #!/usr/bin/ksh

Re: Help with tsm script

2011-06-07 Thread Prather, Wanda
This works: select distinct stgpool_name as "Pool", count(volume_name) as "No. Volumes", cast( sum(est_capacity_mb / 1024 * pct_utilized/100) as decimal(9,3))as "GB Reclaimable" FROM volumes WHERE pct_reclaim > $1 GROUP BY stgpool_name I don't know why. May be a bug: ht

Re: TSM & client machine renames

2011-06-07 Thread Huebschman, George J.
Paul, Regarding the characteristic where the TSM Scheduler remembers the nodename. For Windows: " The service seems to remember the node name in effect when the service was created, even in the absence of a 'nodename' option in dsm.opt. I don't know whether there is a way to change the node nam

Help with tsm script

2011-06-07 Thread Lee, Gary D.
Thanks to all I got the script working. Harrold sennt me the link to the select changes doc, and after casting all the subresults to decimal, things worked out. I don't understand, as all the specified columns are defined as decimal, but it is as it is. Thanks to all, richard, Wanda, etc. for

Re: TSM & client machine renames

2011-06-07 Thread Paul Zarnowski
Thank you for all of your suggestions. To answer some of your questions: - The nodename is usually specified in the dsm.opt, not defaulted from the machine name; - Our nodenames are generally NOT related to the machine name (but this may change as a result of our AD reorg); - We do not have cent

Re: TSM & client machine renames

2011-06-07 Thread Hughes, Timothy
What happens if you don't rename the filespaces at the same time period of a machine rename? regards -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of Paul Zarnowski Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 2:31 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: TSM

Re: TSM & client machine renames

2011-06-07 Thread Paul Zarnowski
You get a second new filespace on the server. Confusion & waste. At 03:06 PM 6/7/2011, Hughes, Timothy wrote: >What happens if you don't rename the filespaces at the same time period of a >machine rename? > >regards > >-Original Message- >From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.M

Re: Netware backup restores

2011-06-07 Thread Howard Coles
No, you can run 1 NetWare server without a license. For recovery or whatever purposes. And, what you're terminating is probably your enterprise agreement, if you bought the licenses for the servers (doubtful with anything past NW 4) you can still run the servers for archival purposes, you just wo

q occupancy or query file space which one shows the completeness of the export command data for verification?

2011-06-07 Thread Hughes, Timothy
Hello all, I exported a node ( and it's Data) from TSM SERVER A to TSM Server B, I checked the activity log and the export completed successfully. I did a q occu for the node and the numbers are different however a query file space and the numbers matchup exactly. Question Which one do I use t

Re: q occupancy or query file space which one shows the completeness of the export command data for verification?

2011-06-07 Thread ADSM-L
Q OCC is what I would go by, and my interpretation of those numbers (very scrunched up/misaligned on my iPhone screen) don't look right to me. I might expect some minor variation in physical/logical space occupied between source and target servers, but the number of files per filespace should

issue in mounts points

2011-06-07 Thread Yuvaraja Shivarama
Hi All, we are having issues in one instance for one of the vlt , which is going to waiting for mount point volumes. we checked no rmt mismatch, paths are online and done resync from both library client and library manager. what else we can do other than this. server version 5.3 vtl versio