Hi All, we are having issues in one instance for one of the vlt , which is going to waiting for mount point volumes.
we checked no rmt mismatch, paths are online and done resync from both library client and library manager. what else we can do other than this. server version 5.3 vtl version is - IBM dataprotectier 2.3 and vtl model is SUN x4600 below are device class properties, what is the ideal value for Mount Retention and Mount Wait(in this instance it has got 562 instances, in which we are having issues) Device Class Name: VLTO-E3 Device Access Strategy: Sequential Storage Pool Count: 3 Device Type: LTO Format: DRIVE Est/Max Capacity (MB): Mount Limit: DRIVES Mount Wait (min): 5 Mount Retention (min): 1 Label Prefix: ADSM Library: VLIB-E3 Directory: Server Name: Retry Period: Retry Interval: Shared: High-level Address: Minimum Capacity: WORM: No Drive Encryption: Off Scaled Capacity: Last Update by (administrator): Last Update Date/Time: 01/25/2010 10:39:17 please let us know if anybody has answer to it? Thanks Yuvaraj