Hi Rainer!
Probably 4th. quarter this year. Checkout the informal statement from Andy:
Kindest regards,
Eric van Loon
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
-Original Message-
From: Rainer Holzinger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 02,
TSM 5.2.1
Library Firmware
RMU Firmware
4 LTO2 drive @ 53Y2
Our library seems to have a problem checking anything out while drive 3 is
in use - the operation always fails.. In other words it seems to only want
to use Drive3 to check vols out, which seems a bit strange.
We rec
Thank you Eric.
Regards, Rainer
> -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
> Von: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von
> Loon, E.J. van - SPLXM
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. August 2005 09:45
> Betreff: Re: [ADSM-L] OFS for Win2003 clients
> Hi Rainer
Hi *SMers,
TSM 5.2.1 server
W2K sp4
3583 L72
I can't get my head around why this is happening...
A number of SQL clients back up to the SQL_TAPEPOOL, with collocation
turned off. However, we are only storing 68 MB from all the sql clients
so I would expect all that data to fit on one tape, which
Hi all,
I have a question regarding hardware migration:
Our current system is TSM on a Win2k server with a SCSI attached
3583. We have purchased new server hardware (we will be using Win2k3)
and an ADIC i2000 library with 4x LTO2 SCSI drives. The library is being
attached to the new ser
hi all,
just a quick one, when mixing LTO1 and LTO3 drives
do i need to make a new device class for LTO3 drives ?
i mean ... confused ... how TSM knows that LTO1 tape
must put into LTO1 drive if he wants to write onto that
tape ...
BIG thanks for any answer
goran konjich
I'm looking for a monthly executed report that displays for each
host the
following informations:
... Try the one at http://people.bu.edu/rbs/TSM_Aids.html .
I run it each month for our site.
Richard Sims
By request, I've added sample report output to that web page,
where node a
I would say yes, since a device class contains device type and format.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: 3. august 2005 13:45
Subject: LTO1 / LTO3 mixing
hi all,
just a quick one, when
Hello Richard,
excellent reports. There's almost everything in which I need.
Unfortunately we haven't turned on accounting which is the base of your
reporting. I have to convince my customer to enable accounting but they are
afraid about the overhead.
Thanks a lot.
> -Ursprüngliche
I have LTO 1, 2 & 3 in ONE 3584 Logicial LIbrary.
Have devclass for each LTO class and it works great.
David B. Longo
System Administrator
Health First, Inc.
3300 Fiske Blvd.
Rockledge, FL 32955-4305
PH 321.434.5536
Pager 321.634.8230
On Aug 3, 2005, at 10:15 AM, Rainer Holzinger wrote:
Hello Richard,
excellent reports. There's almost everything in which I need.
Unfortunately we haven't turned on accounting which is the base of
reporting. I have to convince my customer to enable accounting but
they are
afraid about the
Hello everyone!
Is there a way to find a listing of a particular file & the size of the
file and all backup versions which resides on the NAS? Our data mover is
defined as nas_server_2 and the filespace it resides within is /opensys and
the full path is: /opensys/os2/snap and the filename is:
I am hoping I will be able to run a
db backup on the current system and restore to the new system
>>Yep, that is what you'll do.
... (I'm assuming I will need to delete and redefine drives, library,
paths and
storage pools once 'Server1' is started on the new system?).
Has anybody
nice to hear that ...
- Original Message -
From: "David Longo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: LTO1 / LTO3 mixing
I have LTO 1, 2 & 3 in ONE 3584 Logicial LIbrary.
Have devclass for each LTO class and it works great.
thanks for answering,
i it somehow clear to me, but you can change the "RECORDING FORMAT" on
device class properties
so this is confusing me ...
thanks again
- Original Message -
From: "Henrik Wahlstedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 3:39 PM
what is the reclamation parameter set to on SQL_TAPEPOOL ?
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 1:09 PM
Subject: More tapes used than necessary
Hi *SMers,
TSM 5.2.1 server
W2K sp4
3583 L72
I can't get my head aroun
If your TOCs are being created successfully, you can QUERY NASBACKUP
nodename /vol/-whatever- to find the creation date and time of the
TOC, then try something like this :
dsmadmc -COMMADELIMITED -se=$server -id=$admin_id -password=$admin_pw
"q toc nodename /vol/-whatever- creationdate=06/
You have to set the FORMAT= in the devclass to ULTRIUMC and LTO-1 and ULTRIUM3C
for the LTO-3 if you want to keep them separate.
Then you define a stgpool for the LTO3 devclass. The only gotcha I found was
trying to do a move data from the LTO-1 stgpool to the
LTO-3 stgpool. It just sat there wai
I'm trying to perform a restore between two Novell servers. I need to know
the command line entry to restore pjihelp\vol1\support to
I am doing the restore on pjinwapps01 and my dsm.opt file has a
virtualnodename pjihelp.
Can anyone help?
Need a little clarification here
Are your clients backups going to a disk pool first or directly to
Is SQL_TAPEPOOL your primary tape pool, or a copy pool?
The "normal" sequence of events if you're backing up to disk is something
like this:
- Clients backup to the disk pool th
After upgrading to TSM 5.3.0 on RS6000 with AIX 5.2 we started to us the
newly available MIGRATE STGPOOL command rather than updating the LOWMIG=0
and HIGHMIG=0 setting needed in previous versions. Now when there is
nothing to migrate we get a failure message. There really isn't any
failure. So
You may be running into the Filling problem, as described in ADSM
Your KEEPMP and MOUNTRetention values may cause TSM to dismount the
written volume. But if a volume is dismounting, TSM will shrug its
and call for a scratch to be mounted - ostensibly because it's fas
I was just looking at the 'q status' output on one of my TSM servers
and saw that it is just over 9 years since we installed it. Way back when it
was ADSM v3 :
Server Installation Date/Time: 06/28/96 10:09:23
Server Restart Date/Time: 02/03/05 10:36:0
Server is TSM
Performing a select on the platform_name and client_os_level fields in the
nodes table yields data, but the digits in the client_os_level field do not
match with the actual version of the operating system.
Is there a chart out there that tells what "NetWare 5.7" or " Win 5
5.00 is Win2K
5.01 is WinXp
5.02 is WIn2k3 Server
(don't know why. it just is.)
Wanda Prather
"I/O, I/O, It's all about I/O" -(me)
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Kevin Kinder
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 1:11 PM
Upd stg XX hi=0 lo=0.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Larry Peifer
Sent: woensdag 3 augustus 2005 18:03
Subject: Migrate stgpool fails
After upgrading to TSM 5.3.0 on RS6000 with AIX
I upgraded to TSM Server on AIX 5.3. After the upgrade, processes
couldn't find scratch tapes in my STK library. My IBM library continues
to work fine. The storage pools have max scratch set to 99, and
there's scratch tapes in the library.
Any process requesting a scratch tape in th
If you've ever wanted to know how to figure out the Windows OS version,
here is a link to info on the structure that the Windows GetVersionEx()
function fills in:
Andy Raibeck
Are you sure that it wasn't version 2,
Our install date was in March 97, and we were
running the current version for that time, Version 2.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Ben Bullock
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 10:08 AM
only by a little:
Server Name: DSMSERV2
Server host name or IP address: dsm-server2
Server TCP/IP port number: 1500
Server URL: http://dsm-server2:1582
Crossdefine: On
Top of message
>>--> 08-03-05 10:39 S.SHEPPARD (SHS)Re: Who has the oldest
I've got that beat:
Server Installation Date/Time: 07/21/1993 08:58:35
Server Restart Date/Time: 07/25/2005 04:38:54
Sam Sheppard
San Diego Data Pro
The NetWare OS version values are about as bad as the windows ones.
NetWare seems to have the folowing version levels:
NetWare 6 - 5.6.XX
NetWare 6.5 - 5.7.XX
The XX value seems to correspond to Service Pack levels. For example,
5.7.03 for an 6.5 SP3 machine. Hope that helps.
Andrew Ferris
You may be right, it might have been version 2. That was way too long ago for
me to recall.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Thorneycroft, Doug
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: Who ha
ANS8000I Server command: 'q status'
ADSM Server for VM - Version 3, Release 1, Level 2.90
Server Installation Date/Time: 07/06/1993 11:53:44
Before that we ran WDSF (ca 1991, IIRC). Gretchen Thiele may remember
better than I.
Mark Wheeler, 3M Company
Thanks all, for the help. Much appreciated. Now I just have to tell a great
number of my clients that they have to upgrade their file servers!
Our is after yours.
Server Installation Date/Time: 03/08/1994 11:33:01
Not sure how relevant this date is, as we started beta testing it in
late 1990 and it was called DATAKEEP.
-Jonathan Siegle
Mark Wheeler wrote:
ANS8000I Server command: 'q status'
ADSM Server for VM - Version 3, Release
Other options that you could do to speed up the migration:
- used shared storage for the DB (create a mirror on the shared
storage), shut down old and hook up or present the storage to your new
server (then create a mirror on local disks if you want the DB there)
- if the servers support the same
Server Installation Date/Time: 08/22/1995 21:10:37
Server Restart Date/Time: 07/10/2005 08:52:00
Donna Myers
Software Systems Engineer
Westar Energy
Ben Bullock
We started after you -- but with ADSM 2.1
Server Installation Date/Time: 10/07/96 16:09:03
Tom Kauffman
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Ben Bullock
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 12:08 PM
Under dsmadmc version and earlier, this command issued would
result in no output:
bash-2.04$ dsmadmc -pa=blah -id=blah -comma "select process_num, process,
status from processes where process='Some Process'" | tail +10 | grep ,
Where "Some Process" did not exist in the process table.
Also, in the Windows world, WinVer.exe will give you the kernal version. 5.01
being XP.
Andy Huebner
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 12:55 PM
At 01:08 PM 8/3/2005, Ben Bullock wrote:
Can anyone beat that?
We ran WDSF on VM for awhile, then did the QIP for ADSM 1.2 (or
2.1?). First version that ran on AIX.
Server Installation Date/Time: 03/08/94 17:40:05
Paul Zarnowski Ph: 607-255-4757
Server Installation Date/Time: 08/22/410 B.C. 00:10:05
Server Restart Date/Time: 07/10/2005 08:52:00
YES, that's right 410 B.C. We were one of the early beta sites for what
was then call "UGH". It was very popular in all of the cave data centers
where backup and recovery of mission critical d
I'm not sure I understand what needs to be corrected... I don't know the
history of the ANS8000I message, but from what I can gather, it is working
correctly in 5.3.
If you look up ANS8000I, you'll see it is issued when running a macro or
when running in batch mode. Since that message contains the
Is anyone using ERRM with TSM at their locations? If so, and you would be
interested in sharing the process of what you have done, please contact
Brenda Collins,
Ph: 612-342-3839
I have been instructed to find out if there is any other TSM environments
backing up Cisco Unity for voicemail to TSM. Looking for feedback on any
gotcha's, whitepaper, info, etc.
I looked and didn't find any info on Tivoli IBM site, ADSM site.
Background: Cisco Unity
Cisco Unity Versio
This doc offers alot of information about improving performance. I'm
especially interested in this because it took 56 minutes to restore 6.24G
of data, from Novell server to Novell server, over a 100MB pipe.
Our TSM version is 5.1.1 ( I know,,,we need to upgrade)...and the client
version is 5.2.
Per Cisco, TSM is not a supported backup software for Unity servers.
The supported backup software are Veritas BackupExec 8.5 or NetBackup
4.5 and later.
-Original Message-
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Nancy L Backhaus
Sent: Wednesday
What did the tranfer rate show as?
1024 x 6.24 = 6389MB (megabyte)
Network is usually in Megabit, yes?
6389MB x 8 = 51112 (megabit)
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/03/2005 3:49:17 PM >>>
This doc offers alot of information about improving performance. I'm
especially interested in this because it took
Oops, I meant to include that in the email. The bottom of this doc shows the transfer rates..
Lawrence Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
08/03/2005 04:10 PM
Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
It looked to me like it could just be a case of lots of small files spread out
across lots of tapes. Average file size was ~200k, with ~27,500 files. With
that many small-ish files, if they were spread out across many tapes, you'd
spend most of that 56min waiting for tape mounts/seeks. Short
The outputs an extra header line -- the ANS message just happens
to be the last line displayed.
Changing the tail +10 to tail +11 and the output is the same between
Andrew Raibeck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
08/03/2005 03:10 PM
Please respon
we stated on VM - V1 Server in 1995 and migrated to AIX in 1998...
Thorneycroft, Doug wrote:
>Are you sure that it wasn't version 2,
>Our install date was in March 97, and we were
>running the current version for that time, Version 2.
>-Original Message-
We first installed adsm on VM in the 1993 timeframe and have since
migrated to AIX come to think of it, it is time for another
Take care,
Amateurs backup, professionals - restore!
Rainer Tammer
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