-Joni Moyer wrote: -
>I was trying: select * from archives where node_name='FJSU101' and
>owner='appb2b' and filespace_id=11 and date(archive_date) >
>04/31/2009 as a starting point, but I'm still having no luck. Any
>suggestions are greatly appreciated
I would expect the output fro
Hey Everyone,
I've been trying to get the proper output of archived data for a particular
node, but I keep getting hung up on the archive_date parameter and was
wondering if anyone could help out?
I am trying to get information on all archived data for the following:
I'll take a stab:
select cast(entity as varchar(12)) as "Node Name", \
cast(activity as varchar(10)) as Type, \
sum(cast(affected as decimal(7,0))) as files, \
sum (cast(bytes/1024/1024 as decimal(12,4))) as "Phy_MB" \
from summary where end_time>=timestamp(current_date -1 days, '09:00:00') \
Hello -
I wrote the following select statement (with a lot of plagiarism).
/* --- Query Summary Table */
select cast(entity as varchar(12)) as "Node Name", \
cast(activity as varchar(10)) as Type, \
cast(affected as decimal(7,0)) as files, \
cast(bytes/1024/1024 as decimal(12,4)) as "Phy_MB
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
> Behalf Of
> Lewis, Thomas R.
> Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2001 13:36
> Subject: Help with select statement
> Hello all. I am a ne
Hello all. I am a newbie to TSM and I am looking for a little help with a
select statement. All I want to know is how many copies of a certain file
is in our TSM database and what is its date/time. Is this information
possible to retrieve and if so how?
Thanks in advance.
Tom Lewis
Northrop G