Hello - I wrote the following select statement (with a lot of plagiarism).
/* --- Query Summary Table ---- */ select cast(entity as varchar(12)) as "Node Name", \ cast(activity as varchar(10)) as Type, \ cast(affected as decimal(7,0)) as files, \ cast(bytes/1024/1024 as decimal(12,4)) as "Phy_MB" \ from summary where end_time>=timestamp(current_date -1 days, '09:00:00') \ and end_time<=timestamp(current_date, '08:59:59') \ and (activity='BACKUP' or activity='ARCHIVE') \ order by "Node Name" The problem is, if a node performed 10 backups and 5 archives over the 24 hour period there are 15 lines for that node in the output, 10 for backup and 5 for archive. Is there a way I can add the affected columns and bytes column for a node which has activity=BACKUP and again for those with activity=ARCHIVE ? Basically, what I want is at most 2 lines per node... 1 line can be the sum of affected files and bytes for all backup activities And the other line for that node can be the sum of affected files and bytes for all ARCHIVE activities. I think I'm over my head. Regards, Denis L. L'Huillier 212-647-2168