Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-02 Thread Joel Fuhrman
Attached is a shell script that was shared by someone on this list a long while back. On Sat, 2 Sep 2000, Stefan Llabres wrote: > Talafous, John G. wrote: > > Excellent outline/recap of steps to recover TSM on AIX. However, I have not > > heard of the 'savevg' mentioned in the second step. Could

Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-02 Thread Stefan Llabres
Talafous, John G. wrote: > Excellent outline/recap of steps to recover TSM on AIX. However, I have not > heard of the 'savevg' mentioned in the second step. Could you please provide > details? Where can I find documentation to lead me on this path? savevg ist part of aix and documented in the os

Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-01 Thread Jolley, Bill
20 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Disaster recovery on AIX Bill Jolley wrote: >restore AIX from mksysb (ADSM code resides here hopefully) >restore adsmvg from a savevg (this creates just the lv for dbv & logv) >dsmfmt dbv and logv >dsmserv format dbv and logv >modify

Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-01 Thread Richard Sims
>Excellent outline/recap of steps to recover TSM on AIX. However, I have not >heard of the 'savevg' mentioned in the second step. Could you please provide >details? Where can I find documentation to lead me on this path? 'savevg' is mentioned on the first page of chapter 14 in the ADSM Client Dis

Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-01 Thread George Yang
yes in the very begining George

Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-01 Thread Talafous, John G.
Bill Jolley wrote: >restore AIX from mksysb (ADSM code resides here hopefully) >restore adsmvg from a savevg (this creates just the lv for dbv & logv) >dsmfmt dbv and logv >dsmserv format dbv and logv >modify devconfig (manual or atl) >dsmserv restore db s>tart server >mirror dbv and logv >update

Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-01 Thread Christine Wickham
TED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us"@X400 cc: Subject: Re: Disaster recovery on AIX I am doing the same thing now (Sungarde too). But I am not restore AIX, because before we restore DB it is impossible (except using other media or tar which required more daily operation). 1. install AIX 2. install

Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-01 Thread Jeff Justus
e or b as you have at your home site. Jeff Justus Shekhar Dhotre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 09/01/2000 09:43:27 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc:(bcc: Jeff Justus/US/Schneider) Subject: Re: Disaster re

Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-01 Thread Jolley, Bill
ject: Disaster recovery on AIX Hi all , we are in the process of testing DRM for our production and devolopment environment, at Sunguard (philadelphia) our environment S-7a advanced server , and h-70 (AIX 433) TSM 3.7.2 ACSLS 5.2 ,STK9710 , now i have given task , to perform this test succesfully , i

Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-01 Thread Shekhar Dhotre
? "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" on 09/01/2000 09:03:20 AM Please respond to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" @ X400 To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us"@X400 cc: Subject: Re: Disaster recovery on AIX I am doing the same thing now (Sungarde

Re: Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-09-01 Thread George Yang
I am doing the same thing now (Sungarde too). But I am not restore AIX, because before we restore DB it is impossible (except using other media or tar which required more daily operation). 1. install AIX 2. install library 2 install TSM 3 follow your DRMPLAN (Which is part of your DRM) copy Devc

Disaster recovery on AIX

2000-08-31 Thread Shekhar Dhotre
Hi all , we are in the process of testing DRM for our production and devolopment environment, at Sunguard (philadelphia) our environment S-7a advanced server , and h-70 (AIX 433) TSM 3.7.2 ACSLS 5.2 ,STK9710 , now i have given task , to perform this test succesfully , in the month of Noeveber