This year we have performed two ADSM server recoveries at Sungard in
Philadelphia. Here is an overview of what we performed:
Restore node from mksysb (in our case it was an SP node)
Export our old volume groups clean out /etc./filesystems
Create volume groups and filesystems for database, storage pools, etc. Sungard
gave us the exact layout of what we would have, so we created scripts that
would create appropriate filesystems. In our case, we have 9 GB SSA drives at
our site, but Sungard only had 4.5 GB drives.
>From this point on, we followed the documentation in the Admin guide on DRM
Burst apart the DRM plan. We send ours off site every day on a floppy, so we
used the copy from the floppy. Our Mksysb did not have the plan for the day we
were restoring to.
Instead of running the main script, we chose to run each script individually to
ensure that any errors we encountered wouldn't get buried in log files.
Chris Wickham
System Admin (UNIX and ADSM)
Bayer Corporation, Pharmaceutical Division
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" on 09/01/2000 09:03:18 AM
Please respond to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" @ X400
To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us"@X400
Subject: Re: Disaster recovery on AIX
I am doing the same thing now (Sungarde too).
But I am not restore AIX, because before we restore DB it is impossible
(except using other media or tar which required more daily operation).
1. install AIX
2. install library
2 install TSM
3 follow your DRMPLAN (Which is part of your DRM) copy Devconfig,
dsmserv.opt and volhist files,
4. do dsmfmt -db and dsmfmt -log (make sure the db size and log size)
5. dsmserv restore devc=devclass_name vol=vol_name1,vol_name_2 commit=yes
6. then you can restore the AIX.