Re: Tape mount failures result in schedule failure

2004-02-13 Thread bab
Hi Neal, I am also getting same errors, my storage node is windows2000(TDP for SQL)backup is through LAN free,how to know frivesare gen1 or gen2? my microcode is: $ lscfg -vl rmt0 DEVICELOCATION DESCRIPTION rmt0 1D-08-01 IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape

LAN free backup giving timeout error on drive

2004-02-13 Thread bab
I have 3584 library on one client window 2000(TDP for SAL)is configured on lan free,sometimes I am getting these errors on actlog: 2/11/04 21:30:37 ANR0408I Session 440 started for server STORAGESQL (Windows) (Tcp/Ip) for library sharing.

q mount show two volumes mount in same drive2

2004-02-09 Thread bab
>q mount show two volumes mount in same drive2 ANR8330I LTO volume T00016 is mounted R/W in drive DRIVE2 (/dev/rmt1), status: IN USE. ANR8329I LTO volume T00017 is mounted R/W in drive DRIVE2 (/dev/rmt1), status: IDLE. ANR8334I 2 matches found. in actlog: 2/09/04 04:15:30 ANRD p

Re: TDP for Oracle and TSM

2004-02-09 Thread bab
be sure, node use for tdp has backdelete=yes On Mon, 09 Feb 2004 tsmadmin account for Excaliber Business Solutions wrote : >Hi > >I am running TDP for Oracle Version 2.2.1 on an AIX server. >Current version of Oracle is version 8 >We are using RMAN to backup the database to TSM. > >My question is

TSM node data backed up,but not able to list on TSM server

2004-01-29 Thread bab
TSM node data backed up 13 GB,but not able to list on TSM server.My copy destination is tapepool show volumeusage shows no volumes * from backups shows it has node has backed up,but where??? where is my backup going?

TDP for SQL copygroup

2004-01-20 Thread bab
Hi, I need to know information on how to set copygroup parameter for taking server log hourly and full db backup everyday. should I create different domain for tdp-sql node or should I create different mgmt class in same domain.

Re: RMAN type sbt_tape?

2004-01-16 Thread bab
I have two mgmt class in one policy domain,one is use for tdp for oracle(1,0,0,0)other mgmt is use for backup-archive client(7,1,60,90). If I change copygroup copy destination to tapepool,tdp backup works fine.but if i points it to diskpool,it still looks for tape and backup dont go on diskpool.

RMAN type sbt_tape?

2004-01-16 Thread bab
Hi, I am taking backup from tdp client of Oracle database,RMAN type should be "sbt_tape"? is it possible to I can specify type DISK.I want backup should go to diskpool and then data should migrate to tapepool.My copygroup- copy distination is pointing diskpool,but at the time of backup,it is ask