I have 3584 library on one client window 2000(TDP for SAL)is configured on lan 
free,sometimes I am getting these errors on actlog:

2/11/04   21:30:37      ANR0408I Session 440 started for server STORAGESQL        
                          (Windows) (Tcp/Ip) for library sharing.                  
02/11/04   21:30:55      ANR8337I LTO volume T00007 mounted in drive DRIVE4        
02/11/04   21:31:33      ANR0403I (Session: 434, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Session 1404 
                          ended for node HTTXDS008DB (TDP MSSQL).                  
02/11/04   21:32:33      ANR8325I (Session: 434, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Dismounting  
                          volume T00020 - 1 minute mount retention expired.        
02/11/04   21:32:39      ANR8336I (Session: 434, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Verifying    
                          label of LTO volume T00020 in drive DRIVE1 (\\.\tape0).  
02/11/04   21:32:47      ANR8220W TCP/IP driver is unable to set the window size to
                          1048576 for client  The default value will
                          be used.                                                 
02/11/04   21:32:47      ANR0408I Session 441 started for server STORAGESQL        
                          (Windows) (Tcp/Ip) for library sharing.                  
02/11/04   21:32:47      ANR0409I Session 441 ended for server STORAGESQL          
02/11/04   21:33:52      ANR8220W TCP/IP driver is unable to set the window size to
                          1048576 for client  The default value will
                          be used.                                                 
02/11/04   21:33:52      ANR0408I Session 442 started for server STORAGESQL        
                          (Windows) (Tcp/Ip) for library sharing.                  
02/11/04   21:33:52      ANR8336I Verifying label of LTO volume T00020 in drive    
                          DRIVE1 (/dev/rmt0).                                      
02/11/04   21:33:52      ANR8468I (Session: 434, Origin: STORAGESQL)  LTO volume   
                          T00020 dismounted from drive DRIVE1 (\\.\tape0) in       
                          library 3584LIB.                                         
02/11/04   21:33:52      ANR0409I Session 442 ended for server STORAGESQL          
02/11/04   21:37:03      ANR8304E (Session: 434, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Time out     
                          error on drive DRIVE4 (\\.\tape3) in library 3584LIB.    
02/11/04   21:37:03      ANR8336I Verifying label of LTO volume T00007 in drive    
                          DRIVE4 (/dev/rmt3).                                      
02/11/04   21:37:25      ANR8468I LTO volume T00007 dismounted from drive DRIVE4   
                          (/dev/rmt3) in library 3584LIB.                          
02/11/04   21:37:25      ANR1401W (Session: 434, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Mount request
                          denied for volume T00007 - mount failed.                 
02/11/04   21:37:25      ANR0409I Session 440 ended for server STORAGESQL          
more...   (<ENTER> to continue, 'C' to cancel) 

02/11/04   21:37:26      ANR8220W TCP/IP driver is unable to set the window size to
                          1048576 for client  The default value will
                          be used.                                                 
02/11/04   21:37:26      ANR0408I Session 443 started for server STORAGESQL        
                          (Windows) (Tcp/Ip) for library sharing.                  
02/11/04   21:37:26      ANR8337I (Session: 434, Origin: STORAGESQL)  LTO volume   
                          T00020 mounted in drive DRIVE1 (\\.\tape0).              
02/11/04   21:37:26      ANR0409I Session 443 ended for server STORAGESQL          
02/12/04   12:17:18      ANR8337I (Session: 697, Origin: STORAGESQL)  LTO volume   
                          T00017 mounted in drive DRIVE2 (\\.\tape1).              
02/12/04   12:18:35      ANR8336I (Session: 697, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Verifying    
                          label of LTO volume T00017 in drive DRIVE2 (\\.\tape1).  
02/12/04   12:19:08      ANR8468I (Session: 697, Origin: STORAGESQL)  LTO volume   
                          T00017 dismounted from drive DRIVE2 (\\.\tape1) in       
                          library 3584LIB.                                         
02/12/04   12:30:33      ANR2017I Administrator VIVEKJ issued command: QUERY ACTLOG
                          begind=-2 se=tape                                        
02/12/04   12:31:52      ANR2017I Administrator VIVEKJ issued command: QUERY ACTLOG
                          begind=-1 se=tape                                        
02/12/04   13:21:40      ANR8304E (Session: 704, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Time out     
                          error on drive DRIVE5 (\\.\tape5) in library 3584LIB.    
02/12/04   13:22:17      ANR8779E (Session: 704, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Unable to    
                          open drive \\.\tape3, error number=170.                  
02/12/04   13:22:22      ANR8779E (Session: 704, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Unable to    
                          open drive \\.\tape3, error number=170.                  
02/12/04   13:22:27      ANR8779E (Session: 704, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Unable to    
                          open drive \\.\tape3, error number=170.                  
02/12/04   13:22:32      ANR8779E (Session: 704, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Unable to    
                          open drive \\.\tape3, error number=170.                  
02/12/04   13:22:38      ANR8779E (Session: 704, Origin: STORAGESQL)  Unable to    
                          open drive \\.\tape3, error number=170.                  

anybody has idea??

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