I will be out of the office starting 24/08/2007 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Monday 3rd September. Pls contact Rik Foote
for any urgent enquiries.
Upgrade your client ..there are know VSS bugs (I think anything above
There has been a few discussion threads, in this list, on Shadow Copy
problems. There are other things to check beyond this.
Go on the mailing list archive and search on the below error ...
How about "virtualmountpoint", for a few folders, in the client options
file and have the tape stgpool collocate by filespace.
Cheers, Suad
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote on 21/03/2007
09:03:06 PM:
> Hi everybody,
> I am trying to backup a very large FS with 32 terabytes, for that I ha
There's not a single tasklist you can work on because of differing
(are both TSM servers using the libraries themselves? is there
non-standard inventory... like backupsets?)
The last time I did it, it was something like this.
On the old Library Manager (LM)...
- Identify(generate a l
something like:
select node_name,sum(physical_mb) as "Physical MB" from occupancy group by
node_name order by "Physical MB" desc
You could be more specific and mask on the stgpool name (that is, if you
have a consistent descriptive naming scheme for stgpools)
Recommended to use the Automatic Cleaning method.
It's in the Planning and Operator guides of both the 3583 and 3584.
Cheers, Suad
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote on 22/12/2006
02:14:32 PM:
> Those of you who have the IBM 3584 tape libraries - please weigh in on
> pros/cons of using either
Messages fileset are corrupt.
Get the messages filesets from another source (ask your Tivoli rep)
Cheers, Suad
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote on 19/12/2006
10:53:07 AM:
> Hi all,
> We are right now upgrading from TSM 5.2.3 to 5.3 .. however we encouter
> this prob .. .anyone could help??
We opted to logically partitioned the library (within TSM).
Drawbacks are managing 2 scratchpools and having to migrate some stgpools
from one logical library to another.
Haven't had many other problems, apart form that.
As Richard says, the Readme covers options in reasonable detail. You have
I will be out of the office starting 08/05/2006 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Tuesday 9th May. Pls contact Rik Foote for
any urgent enquiries.
I will be out of the office starting 09/03/2006 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Monday 13th March. Pls contact Rik Foote
for any urgent enquiries.
I will be out of the office starting 03/12/2005 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Monday 13th November. Pls contact Bruce
Campbell for any urgent enquiries.
I will be out of the office starting 31/10/2005 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Thursday 4th November. Pls contact Rik
Foote for any urgent enquiries.
I will be out of the office starting 07/10/2005 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Tuesday 18th October. Pls contact Rik Foote
for any urgent enquiries.
I will be out of the office starting 05/08/2005 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Monday 8th August. Pls contact Rik Foote
for any urgent enquiries.
Why not put in some 3592 drives in the 3494?
Unfortunately the number of files is going to be the limiting factor.
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote on 19/06/2005
06:08:42 AM:
> From the movie "Blazing Saddles" ... You use your tongue better than
> a $20 ...you-know-what. Couldn't have said it bet
I will be out of the office starting 04/05/2005 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Thursday 5th May
I will be out of the office starting 22/04/2005 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Tuesday 26th April.
I will be out of the office starting 15/04/2005 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Monday 18th April
For storage related problems/questions/requests, contact Rik Foote
I will be out of the office starting 08/04/2005 and will not return until
I am away from the office until Monday 11th April
For storage related problems/questions/requests, contact Rik Foote
Sounds like a network issue..
#define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */
bit of a bummer.
cheers, Suad
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/11/2004
09:27:01 AM:
> Sunday AM, after running 15 hours and transferring
: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Suad Musovich
> Sent: 08 November 2004 09:16
> Subject: Re: Storage pool
> Are there more nodes/filespaces defined using that stgpool?
> Maybe you want to switch off collocation for that stg
Are there more nodes/filespaces defined using that stgpool?
Maybe you want to switch off collocation for that stgpool.
Cant really say beyond that as you have supplied little extra info.
Cheers, Suad
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/11/2004
02:02:26 PM:
> Hi all,
> I
I had a similar problem, I ended up physically pulling it out,
re-inventorizing and checking it back in.
The bugs in the 3494 are there but more subtle :)
- Original Message -
From: "Prather, Wanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 6:50 AM
LANfree, effectively, allows you to directly attach the tape device to the
client node.
So it can run either near the speed you can directly stream to the device
(as you would from a
TSM server) or however fast the node can push data out in a single stream.
Pick the slower of the 2.
We have found
a.k.a I dont want to reinvent the wheel.
Can anyone suggest an elegant way of feeding SQLBT summary data through to
TSM so we
can see it on the activity log?
Cheers, Suad
The FAStT flashcopy is very easy to use. It's the same as most snapshotting
features on other storage subsystems.
It creates a pseudo volume that utilizes cache area to record any changes in
the original volume.
You can mount the pseudo volume as you can the original to make a backup
For a d
Um, you neglect to say how much gets backed up nightly, how long is you
backup window, is all backups going to diskpool, or how many nodes there
Can you saturate that network connection without guilt?. (It helps if
it's full duplex)
150Mbit sounds like an OC-3 connection (155Mbit). I find tha
On Fri, 2002-11-01 at 06:59, Andrew Raibeck wrote:
> I can still get to it, and though I work for IBM, I am not aware of any
> magic powers that enable only IBMers to look at it.
... unless your internal DNS servers are still caching tivoli stuff.
Looking for the NS entries in the WHOIS database
We are about to set up a 2nd server running Linux.
My main issue, so far, is I/O related.
I haven't been able to find anyone running sustained high I/O on a IA32
box (except for a NUMA-Q).
The new vendor offerings look promising but they have only been able to
supply database TPC style stats, whic
I hear your frustration. They have fragmented it in the typical IBM
non-intuitive way.
The Support Downloads is playing magic roundabout. So you have to go to
the client requirement pages.
The client requirements/search page has separated the platforms by age
and their is no hyperlinks to the dow
How about other older versions/platforms?
Has anyone tested older 3.1/7 clients with the 5.1 server?
On Wed, 2002-10-23 at 08:22, Dirk Billerbeck wrote:
> Sorry, OS/2 (BTW: IBMs OWN operating system!!) is no longer supported! :
> -(( The latest client version is v3.7.2.27, you can find it here:
Realistically, if Array B dies, you lose the Database "and" recovery
log. The mirroring ain 't giving you protection from that.
I would separate the recovery log to array A and lose the mirroring on
both DB and log(maybe mirror log between arrays).
Restoration of a broken DB should only mean a coup
Depends if you are running other processes (especially expiration).
Also you havent mentioned your HW configuration.
On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 04:54, Dearman, Richard wrote:
> I haven't done aTSM DB backup in the last few days. So I started one today
> and it is moving very slow I have a 30GB databa
It's probably adjusting to the narrow frame width of the browser.
Redirect to a file (" > filename") and look at the output. Not sure if
you can do this with a browser
You can also run a commandline script and use the -commadelimited flag.
Cheers, Suad
On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 07:27, brian wel
Nice in theory but backup windows tend to stretch over the original
boundaries to suit customer needs and balance the external environment
(backup demand is now bottlenecking the network).
On Fri, 2002-10-11 at 07:51, Miles Purdy wrote:
> A better solution is usually to schedule these events so t
Had the below happen to me last night. It actually happens when a node
backs up a large data file (larger that the stgpool Max) that streams
directly to tape, then takes it's time.
The job was a routine migration to empty the diskpool making way for the
night of the bulk backups
Is there anyway f
Hmm, I tried running the "cleanup backupgroups" command and got the
ANR0106E imutil.c(8262): Unexpected error 0 fetching row in table
Seems to be a known problem. (and I'm running
Just a note, we are running quite happily on (from
They fixed some common bugs in parallel on both 4.X & 5.X series.
You will need to Install baselevel, which means not being able
to go back (short of a full DB restore). Remember to do a full DB backup
immediately befor
On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 22:11, Halvorsen Geirr Gulbrand wrote:
> Hi All,
> this sounds good, and I'd like to test it.
> Do you have a link to where the software can be downloaded?
> I couldn't find it on Tivoli's (IBM) ftp site.
You won't find any full releases on the ftp site, only updates. They
To see how many scratch tapes in that pool run;
select count(*) from volumes \
where stgpool_name='TECH_TAPE_POOL' \
and scratch='Yes'
On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 18:20, Steve Harris wrote:
> Murthy
> Check the maxscratch parameter on the tech_tape_pool storage pool with q stg
>tech_tape_pool f=d
On Mon, 2002-10-07 at 03:34, David Longo wrote:
> If I understood your note correctly, you still have to put
> the disk in a volume group, then create Raw LV's on that disk as
> opposed to Fielsystems.
Thats what I was afraid of. Adding another layer of complexity and
Why can't AIX all
It's apparently out now. We are at the mercy of Tivolis blindingly fast
distribution network.
On Fri, 2002-10-04 at 06:48, West Suhanic wrote:
> Hello All:
> Any idea when the TSM server for Linux on an IA32 box will be available?
> regards,
> west
Architecturally, Intel based servers have gone a long way in the last
couple years to close the gap on their RISC server counterparts.
Can they handle the load though?
We have a lot of Intel servers deployed in our organization, but none of
them are running anything that you could consider the h
We are planning a similar implementation by using 2nd server
specifically for clients with small files (desktop/workstations) as it
is choking our main server.
The below comment about tracking a lot of smaller volumes is trivial
compared with the cost of larger volumes on network load.
A restorat
Have you tested it from the OS? Large file test / small file test / mixed files
Whats your movebatchsize/movesizethresh set to in TSM?
The LTO drives work well with bigger files and start to suffer on small ones.
I get only aggregate 5-10 GB/hr when I migrate a stgpool with small
For those that are interested, we just completed a unload/loadformat/load of our
TSM database.
Our system is a RS6K-F80 running AIX4.3.3 running TSM The database is
60GB in size with a 97% utilization. Disk is on an ESS connected via FC.
We used an LTO drive to run the unload/load.
Have a look at the Label Specification document on the 3584 doco page:
As quoted:
"Human readable characters are allowed provided there isn t a conflict or interference
with the automation code. The format, colors
on the TSM server
> (in the dsmserv.opt file or using "setopt").
> The default value for AIX is 25, which is probably too small for the
> number of
> clients you have.
> Cheers
> Dmitri
> -> -Original Message-
> -> From: ADSM: Dis
The main listener on port 1500 of our TSM server is open but not acknowledging
when clients connect. They hang on "SYN_RCVD"
Actually, it only allows a small proportion of connections.
When the TSM server starts up, everything works as normal. But when a volume of
clients st
legged variety.
> >
> >Cheers, Suad
> >--
> >
> >
> >On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 11:22:11AM -0500, William Boyer wrote:
> > > Check the MOUNTRETENTION in the device class.
> > >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: ADSM: Dist
heck the MOUNTRETENTION in the device class.
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Suad Musovich
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 4:12 AM
> Subject: Re: TSM Upgrade-
Upgraded to (AIX) from this morning and it went well. All of the
old problems seemed to go away, but...
I just had a wierd thing happen.
We have 6 drives in our library and 5 drives in use (1 move data and 3 backuppool
Then the move data and one of the migrations ge
I've had the same thing happen a couple times before. Restarting dsmserv
still shows those phantom sessions.
You can do a 'netstat' to see what hosts are trying to connect.
I ended up rebooting the system to fix it.
I didn't investigate properly as it happened at the most inopportune
moment. I'd
And make sure you don't have locked ports down in the OS.
On Tue, Nov 27, 2001 at 04:09:34PM -0600, Davidson, Becky wrote:
> Make sure that under the dsm.sys they exist and then use
> dsmadmc -se= to connect
> -Original Message-
> From: Chan, Kien [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tues
Please turn off html editing of your e-mail messages, some of us don't
have browser capable mail readers.
On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 02:01:37PM -0400, Jorge Rodriguez wrote:
Look at the cooling requirements of HP drives, apparently they caused problems
in some environments that did not have a decent air reticulation environment.
On Fri, Nov 09, 2001 at 08:56:52AM -0600, Wu, Jie wrote:
> we are trying to decide what LTO drives we should purchase: HP's or IBM'
On Thu, Nov 08, 2001 at 07:43:11PM -0700, Kelly Lipp wrote:
> What we finally wound up doing was using the HP Win2K driver. Still, the
> drive reports as TSM Device Type Unknown, but it seems to work just fine.
> Wow, that damn thing is very fast: ~10 GB in 15 minutes. I'll do more
> comprehen
How about jfs ?
It is now on Linux ;)
Cheers, Suad
On Wed, Nov 07, 2001 at 06:19:26PM +0100, Remco Post wrote:
> Coolness,
> thanks for the hint. It is even in the readme, no hint about ext3 there so we
> must assume ext3 is not yet supported. Luckily ext3 is sort of ext2 release
> 2.5, so
Is there any advantage in creating multiple LUNs from a SAN to an AIX
host for stgpool volumes?
I have created a single large LUN on our SAN and put a bunch of backuppool
volumes within the filesystem.
As the system is growing I'm finding the need to do some tuning (as things
are not as springy
Yep, in dsm.opt file
DOMAIN systemobject
It will backup the system files as well though.
Cheers, Suad
On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 04:12:58PM -0300, Christian Astuni wrote:
> Hello everyone !!!
> I want to know if exist the way with TSM 4.2 to perform a backup only of
> REGISTY. Because I haven't
If you reduce the diskpool to 0 utilization before the beginning of the
window and keep the hi/lo very low for the first half of the window, with
a maximum practicable migpr set, you should be fine.
It's a juggling act we have every night. I know we have set it right when
I get in the morning and
On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 11:24:24AM -0600, George Lesho wrote:
> Suad, Have you considered a strategy where you give the desktops access to
> network drives on a "few" servers that would be backed up incrementally?
> Trying to back up hundreds of desktops in a small window is a bunch more
> resourc
On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 12:45:55PM -0500, Prather, Wanda wrote:
> I think backing up desktops is a good thing, but I wonder why are you
> backing up the System Object if you are only backing up the documents
> directories? How could you restore the System Objects if you don't also
> back up/resto
On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 11:59:54AM +0100, Henk ten Have wrote:
> On 30-Oct-01 Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,GL-IS/CIS wrote:
> > Andy,
> > do you mean and not ?
> Nope. is now available:
You are both dyslexic
> service.boulder.ibm.com/storage/tivoli-stor
ESS via FC, I've set up a LANE ATM connection to the above sector switch
reducing routing overheads for the back-end/private traffic.
Does it sound Kosher??
Thanks, Suad
Suad Musovich ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Unix Support, ITSS Operations
University of Auckland
On Mon, Oct 22, 2001 at 01:46:22PM -0700, Joshua S. Bassi wrote:
> I am in the middle of a W2K 4.2 install. After seeing all the problems,
> I am backing down to 4.2 - can't go to 4.1 because my customer didn't
> buy 4.1!
Most of the problems seem to be from AIX systems, unless someone can say
It's a bug, apparently the PTF had been released.
Status: CLOSED Closed:
Apar Information:
That will imply 3rd party SCSI copy functionality, which I haven't
seen any indication they have incorporated to TSM.
The physical data will still have to go through the TSM server, within the
SAN environment, before it gets put in a storage pool.
On Wed, Oct 17, 2001 at 10:44:36PM -0400
Have a look on the scripts archives on coderelief.
In the TSM Scripts -> Server Monitoring and Admin area there are a bunch
of Perl scripts, with a script called "tsm-node-check"
This parses the previous nights logs and e-mails the contact[s] of the
I've had several incidents where LTO Ultrium tabs slide to the write-protect side
while inside a library (we have a 3584 library, which has a fast robot).
The last one I examined the tape and it wasn't firmly switched.
It's not a major but the last couple of incidents caused a node backup failure
On Sun, Sep 09, 2001 at 11:36:59AM +0800, Pothula S Paparao wrote:
> Hi,
> where do i get more info. on offsite backup.
> here are some questions.
> 1) if i wanna setup offsite backup. how many tapes do i need. presently, we
> have 3575 tape library with 323 catridges. 40% of its space is occupied
On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 04:48:58PM -0700, Joshua S. Bassi wrote:
> >From what I can tell it is not a bug. Instead IBM/Tivoli no longer ship
> license files with multiple increments (i.e. 1mgsyslan.lic,
> 5mgsyslan.lic). Instead there is now just mgsyslan.lic and a flag
> "numberlicenses=the_numb
HP now are in the process of buying Compaq so never isn't the operative word
On Tue, Sep 04, 2001 at 07:02:50PM -0400, Adolph Kahan wrote:
> I don't believe that the HP support for IBM LTO is available yet. I
> could be wrong. Are the drives in the 3584 native fibre drives? If they
The easiest way is to put it in a CGI executable directory (in Apache it's
a directory with ExecCGI option in the httpd.conf file) and make sure the file
has executable permissions set.
Cheers, Suad
On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 01:00:44PM +0200, Stan Vernaillen wrote:
> Robin,
> Thanks for you p
My approach is modular, get the person learning one aspect for a few days
e.g. anything to do with backup schedules.
I lay a whole bunch of tasks in increasing complexity/thought until that
person starts being confident in it, then I start with a different one.
If you are training several people,
Looks like you have a database inconsistency.
I had a similar problem last year and ended cleaning it up with an AUDITDB.
Check with Tivoli support to confirm this is the case (didn't have sessions
die on me so it might be a newbie)
On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 10:55:06AM +0200, Reinhard Me
Has anyone noticed when doing a restore from tape it almost grinds down
to a halt when another process/session requests the same tape?
We had this happen when an impatient client decided to run 2 restores, where
the data on the 2nd restore was on the same tape. The restore slowed from
5MB/s to 30
Your questions on the drive don't make sense unless you are talking about a
LTO library as most physical interactions with drives usually rely on a couple
of buttons(and maybe a lever).
Competing with DLT they do well as they are a newer, faster, more economical tape
format, but they do have thei
i don't see a reply, so I can answer.
Yes, there is an old ADSM client for linux, which was unsupported but
worked OK. Just do a search for it on google.
You should be able to run the newer clients but am unsure about licensing
Cheers, Suad
On Thu, Jul 05, 2001 at 12:06:24PM -0500, J
Is there any way to backup a Open AFS filesystem?
I see AFS support for AIX but I can't tell if it extends to Open AFS.
There is also a reference in the developerworks site that you can
compile in Support via the TSM api but aren't sure whether that is
equivalent to a TDP, or I'm barking up the
On Sat, Jun 23, 2001 at 10:55:40PM -0400, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote:
> What EXACTLY do you mean by VGA ?As in 640x480x256colors or anything
> less than SVGA or XVGA ?
Careful, it might be a ploy to supplement their new creative licensing
(We use crappy Wyse terminals)
> Home Office Open Systems Engineering
> Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
> -Original Message-
> From: Suad Musovich [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 4:16 AM
> To: [EMAIL P
On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 10:19:03AM -0400, Magura, Curtis wrote:
> See a few folks are using ESS. So are we.
> Does anyone know of a good forum to discuss ESS subjects. We have some
> questions regarding VPATH's and HACMP.
It would be good, but wouldn't discussion be leaning more towards the SAN
The drives are the same as a standalone to a 3584.
There have been problems with firmware levels
One of the firmware levels gave me errors on a few tapes that did not
go away. The drives ended up freezing on "3" and would not go away until
they got power cycled.
Check you firmware level (latest
ev/rmt3 - element 260
> Ruud van Ruler, Shell Services International BV - ISES/31
> Our Central Data Storage Management home page:
> http://sww2.shell.com/cdsm/
> > Room 1B/G01
> > Dokter van Zeelandstraat 1, 2285 BD Leidschendam NL
> Tel : +31 (0)70 - 3034644, Fax 4011,
Can you do a "tapeutil -f /dev/rmt0 inquiry" ? (i.e. can you see it from AIX?)
Has it worked before?
If it hasn't, can you send the library/devclass/drive defs.
On Wed, Jun 06, 2001 at 01:29:49PM +0200, Van Ruler, Ruud R SSI-ISES-31 wrote:
> Hi
> Equipment involved:
> IBM 2108-G07
The TSMXX.README.SRV file has the instructions to set up the LTO library/drives.
Yes, you should use /dev/smc0 as the library controller device.
On Mon, Jun 04, 2001 at 03:09:44PM -0500, Jeff Bach wrote:
> I need some specific help on defining a new LTO library to ADS
For the archive option I was going to set date specific directories
(e.g. /staging/2001/06/02/) rather than unique filenames.
Cheers, Suad
On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 09:17:23AM -0400, David Longo wrote:
> One question pops up to consider in the planning. Do the files they put in the
>staging ar
We are about to start backing up our enterprise databases.
They are comprised of about 15 Oracle instances ranging from 7GB to 25GB.
About a third are being backed up nightly and the others are either 1 or 2 times
On the server side, we will set up a seperate stgpool hierarchy as they the
The install readme says use ultrium or ultriumc.
Also, as Richard mentioned, look at the microcode on the drives.
Cheers, Suad
On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 02:18:23PM +0100, Fab System wrote:
> All
> We have 4 LTO drives in a 3584 libary which is connected using a SAN Data
> Gateway. When I look
Before we got proper labels we made a bunch of labels on a crappy $200 colour
inkjet printer using light card that are stuck on with a glue stick, they are
hand cut so they are slightly crooked.
I can definitely say they none of them had problems (except a couple labels fell off
when we used infer
> some time ago I complained in a mail to this list that the recovery log
> utilization is not reset after a database backup. APAR IC30181 was generated
> for this problem. Its status is "open".
I complained about the problem too. The response I got was, when the system was
too busy it took a whi
I have no idea how the library controller/tape drive communicates with the
TSM server, but it works.
Cheers, Suad
> Jeff Bach
> Home Office Open Systems Engineering
> Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
> -Original Message-
> please let me advice, if anyone has some experience with automate drive
> cleaning in TSM 4.1. in 3583 library. In 3583 user guide is written, that is
> desirable clean the drive only if drive recognize it itself (on display
> appears special symbol).
> 1. Does 3583 make some notification to TSM
You just create different sequential access storage pools.
What reason would you want them to handle their own tapes?
(..just in case one of them purges their own tapes?)
The data on those tapes cannot be used in another server.
Have a look at the "Tivoli Storage Manager Concepts" redbook
from h
We have a similar situation..
Incrementals Mon-Sat and Full(+DBS to go offsite) on Sundays.
This is done on our DDS drive (created a manual DATclass).
The incrementals are DDS2 tapes and the full/DBS are DDS3.
(BTW. our DB is 18GB and hasn't filled the tape yet)
We have a compressed file (~8Meg)
> Suppose that I have an environment with TSM and SAN (Storage Area
> Network). Can I do backup/restore only with TDPs ?
> or Can I do backup/restore of files without TDPs?
You will have to explain this a little better.
Are you talking about backing up _through_ the SAN?
i.e. File level Lan-Free
> Be wary of upgrading the firmware on LTO drives. See the thread last week
> entitled "Re: LTO restore performance - seek problem?", there are some
> major read performance problems in the last 3 releases of the LTO drive
> firmware.
> In the past two weeks i've gone from OBN1 to OCE1 to 12U7,
On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 12:23:57PM +0200, Ruddy STOUDER wrote:
> Thanks for the info but ...
> My first reaction was also to replace the 2 first cartridges giving this
> problem but it's happening on 6 tapes between the 18 loaded in the
> library. Is it really possible that 6 tapes on 18 are fau
You only need to run an Incremental backup to reset the recovery log.
Our regime is a full backup + DBSnapshot(sent offsite) on Sunday on hi-density
tapes and incrementals once a day (or twice, if recovery log fills up during the
day) on low-density ones using a 2 week rotation.
It is manually
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