99 times out of 100 it's a broken NFS mount. I've also never seen
nfstimeout make any difference whatsoever.
On Thu, 6 Oct 2016, 17:19 Zoltan Forray, wrote:
> It was as suspected, the NFS mount. Eventhough we tried dsmc
> -nfstimeout=10 it still hung/never comes back. Once the server owner
Don't forget if you do that, you will loose all of your schedule assoc's,
so will need to re-assoc them.
On Tue, 19 Apr 2016, 14:50 Skylar Thompson,
> The problem is that a domain that has any nodes in it and is out-of-sync
> cannot be fixed; I believe that operation is functionally like
Hi all
I have some long term archives of Lotus Notes/domino databases, and need
one back.
Is it possible to recover it straight into a filesystem and not need a
working Domino server as the restore target?
Can you show your changes in dsmsta.opt please?
I'm not aware of a way of telling the storage agent to listen on a specific
address only. However as the STA def on the TSM instance states the backup
address, I'd expect to see data going across that link anyway.
On 26 August 2015 at 07:36
Share perms are stored in the registry, so backed up with a system state
backup. If all the files are getting backed up again he must have changed
the filesystem perms too.
On Mon, 11 May 2015 22:13 Paul Zarnowski wrote:
> This is a problem for NTFS because the amount of metadata associated wit
> >
> > which mentions
> >
> > http://sourceforge.net/projects/tsmtape/
> >
> > as an open source possibility to read TSM written tapes:
> >
> > "TSMtape allows recovery of files found on TSM v5.x (tested against
We had a data loss "incident" a couple of years back. There is no way to
re-populate the TSM DB from a tape.
You have 2 options:
1. Do a DB restore to before the data was deleted from the TSM DB
2. Use a data recovery process to re-read the tapes.
We used Option 2, and got most of it back. IBM s
As the rest of the gang have said, thanks for the valuable assistance, and
have a great retirement!
Don't miss us too much ;)
On Sat, 4 Apr 2015 17:47 J. Pohlmann wrote:
> Hi Wanda. All the best for your retirement.
> Best regards,
> Joerg Pohlmann
> -Original Message-
> F
We have the same scenario. Oracle, db2 and MSSQL clients all prefer to do
their own backups.
It comes down to accountability. If they want to run their own backups
then THEY are responsible for reporting on them.
Maybe a harsh stance, but if I can't schedule it I will not report on it or
be acc
What does "q co vmctl active vmctl_mc t=b f=d" come back with?
As the number of vols is damn close to Max scratch. I'd say you ran out.
No thing in actlog? Bung it up and see what happens.
On Fri, 13 Feb 2015 17:15 Zoltan Forray wrote:
> Up until recently, I have always used DEVCLASS=DISK for disk storage and
> always preformatted/allocated the disk volume
An alternative to the export node option (and works well if you want the
active data sum for everything, is to set up an empty active data pool and
do a preview of a stgpool copy.
It'll be faster than multiple exports.
On 4 February 2015 at 12:08, Rhodes, Richard L. wrote:
> Yes, that w
I've done it just like that in the past (Unix host lost its root disk) it
does work.
On 28 Jan 2015 07:07, "Remco Post" wrote:
> > Op 28 jan. 2015, om 00:25 heeft Andrew Ferris het
> volgende geschreven:
> >
> > Thanks for the reply Rick.
> >
> > Pointing the new TSM server at the old db and log
I've done it - generally in an emergency though.
I've found all of the IBM libraries to be very forgiving of rather
amateurish looking lables. I've only ever done them on a laser printers
Getting them to stick (and stay) on is always the most challenging bit!
On 16 January 2015
Now I'm interested! What are the packages Frank? ;)
On 2 Jan 2015 16:37, "Frank Tsao, email is ts...@sce.com" <
frank.t...@sce.com> wrote:
> This is a multipart message in MIME format.
> --=_mixed BD24E56E6135EADD88257DC1005B1C58_=
> Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="=_related
> BD24E56
Where are these tapes you want to label? In the library or in the I/O
On Tue, 23 Dec 2014 16:38 Jeanne Bruno wrote:
> Hello. hhmmm. I tried status=private. Results were the same.
> I tried:
> label libv xx search=yes checkin=scratch labels=b
> volr=A00560L5,A00561L5
> same resu
The point of that technote is that you do not need DIRMC anymore.
On Wed, 17 Dec 2014 16:17 Hans Christian Riksheim wrote:
> Thanks, Nick.
> Of course this was the one TSM server where I forgot to create the DIRMC
> diskpool and that explains the restore behavior.
> Regards,
> Hans Chr.
No they don't. I have Linux to AIX.
On 15 Dec 2014 16:20, "Bill Boyer" wrote:
> Been RTFM'ing trying to find out whether the source and target TSM Servers
> for node replication have to be the same OS or can be different? Like I
> have
> a customer with AIX as production, but would like to set
What's your colocation set too for that stgpool?
On 22 Oct 2014 16:50, "Martha M McConaghy"
> We just installed TSM 7.1 during the summer and have been working on
> migrating our backups over from our old v5.5 system. We are using
> deduplication for our main storage pool and it seems to
It's the max number of vols that can be used from the scratch pool by the
particular stgpool. so in your instance (assuming you have a single
stgpool with all 4000 private takes in it AND it got them from the scratch
pool), if you set it to 1000 you won't be able to use anymore new scratch
Start by excluding TSM, does it run from a cron or at job?
It's most likely a variable thats set when you run it as a user that isn't
when run from TSM
On 19 July 2014 13:44, Saravanan wrote:
> Hi,
> TSM scheduler service is running as root user in the background
> But when we trigger orac
The 1st thing I'd do is get a call logged with your vtl vendor. You need
to find out if this corruption is more widespread.
On 22 Apr 2014 16:13, "Loon, EJ van (SPLXM) - KLM"
> Hi TSM-ers!
> In one of my virtual libraries I found 4 tapes which were unavailable. I
> updated them to read-on
Bill, what was the outcome?
On 1 April 2014 23:22, Bill Boyer wrote:
> V5.5.7.0 on AIX converting over the network to V6.3.4.0 on Linux RedHat.
> The V5 DB is 260GB at 90%.
> The TSM DB is defined on 4x100GB file systems /tsmdb01 - /tsmdb04. Active
> log is 32GB and archive log file sy
There are quite a few operations that take the VTL offline. The word
"temporary" is a bit of a stretch too. Mine take 25 mins to go offline
and back. Though I understand the time relates to the size of the VTL.
Agreed though, hardly "enterprise class".
On 24 Feb 2014 14:44, "Remco Post" wrot
If your go no-go decision for TSM is just this one server, is it the only
one to backup? If so, then maybe TSM is not the best product. Not for
backing up a single server.
Either way, you've not given us enough detail. We don't even know your
backup window.
On 4 Feb 2014 20:31, "madu...@gmail.c
We have quite a few large oracle nodes that backup via RMAN & TDPO. They
currently run LAN Free.
Does anyone know if it's possible to do the main DB LAN Free and specify a
different management class for the archive redo logs? they are ~1GB each,
so a disk pool is a better destination.
There isn't a straight answer to that :)
loads of little files DIRECTLY to tape will be slow.
Loads of little files to disk, then tape may not be.
600GB is not that much data, but I think the group would need more
information before giving better guidance.
On 4 February 2014 10:17, madu
In my opinion (and IBM's if you ask) you should use vss anyway, regardless
of your systemstate preference.
We backup the systemstate so we can recover the whole system. No
systemstate and you have to reinstall apps etc.
Just my $2
On 9 Jan 2014 18:13, "Zoltan Forray" wrote:
> A que
As others have said, the best way is to recover the old server (assuming
you can get the hardware).
IBM do offer a recovery service (I've used it), assuming the tapes have not
been overwritten, I'd expect you to get everything back.
It's not cheap though and I'm pretty sure you'll need a server a
Hello all
I have a requirement to backup scheduled tasks on a couple of windows
servers. I though I may be able to get away with just C:\Windows\Tasks
(and a list of the relevant passwords), but that dir is an OS exclude on
2008 (only one I've tried so far)
Has anyone else needed to do this? If
gt; > These are all well after the scripted command ran to start replication
> > of a group had finished.
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf
> > Of Steven Langdale
> > Sent: Wedn
ll well after the scripted command ran to start replication of
> a group had finished.
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Steven Langdale
> Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 2:52 PM
Just checked one of my node replication source servers, and I'm only seeing
those messages when it is supposed to be replicating. None at any other
Server is Linux, TSM ver
On 4 September 2013 20:40, Vandeventer, Harold [BS] <
harold.vandeven...@ks.gov> wrote:
> I
I'm about to expand an existing virtual library.
The lib manager is running
I'm assuming I'll just need to restart the lib manager and define the extra
drives & paths (also adding slots). Anyone done this and had to do any
more to get it working i.e. delete and reconfig the whole
I think this came up a few days ago... It's a requirement of libtype VTL
that all clients have all paths to all the drives.
On 7 August 2013 09:27, Robert Ouzen wrote:
> Hi to all
> Today I tried to backup one node connected lanfree thru Data Domain as
> VTL backup, when changing the libty
If you'd said ssh or telnet, the 1st thing I'd say is DNS.
Check reverse lookups are working on the server for the clients IP.
On 31 Jul 2013 20:44, "Ehresman,David E." wrote:
> One customer is reporting a fairly consistent 30 second or so wait after
> entering the dsmadmc command before receivi
Hello Stefan
Have you got cases of this? I ask because I have been specifically told by
our rep that any dedupe saving for capacity licensing is TSM dedupe only,
regarless of the backend storage.
On 26 July 2013 09:16, Stefan Folkerts wrote:
> No, this is correct, IBM does give Protectier (f
TSM4VE does get VMWare to create a snapshot, it's VMWare that then
integrates with the VM to do the VSS stuff.
As you don't have VSS, VMWare will use it's own driver to do this (SYNC).
it has been know for this quiesce stage to kill a busy server:
shoudln't you check them in the 1st time with "label libvol..."?
On 15 July 2013 11:34, Grigori Solonovitch <
grigori.solonovi...@ahliunited.com> wrote:
> Hello Robert,
> Thank you very much for fast response.
> I have a lot of other volumes in the same library and all of them are
> relabeled af
Yes you can.
On 10 Jul 2013 12:56, "Stackwick, Stephen"
> Can I run a BA STGP on the target server, with the primary pool being the
> pool in which the replicated nodes reside? I'd like to replicate nodes,
> then create copypool tapes on the target side. Can't seem to find this
> informati
Got a new LAN Free client, nothing out of the ordinary, but LAN Free perf
is slower than I'd hope.
I'm going to a ProtecTier VTL and have 20 sessions going.
Not started doing any fault finding yet, but the one big difference with
this client is that the tape HBA's are virtual ones (NPIV).
> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/tivolidoccentral/Tivoli
> +Storage+Manager
> https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/mydeveloperworks/wikis/home/wiki/Tivoli
> +Storage+Manager/page/Home
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote on 2013-04-10
> 08:30:28:
A quick one..
Had an admin ping me saying he's installed the client on an AIX box
and dsmcad is missing. Before I spend too much time fault finding this
one, I assume is SHOULD be there?
gt; Yes.
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Steven Langdale
> Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 3:02 PM
> Subject: [ADSM-L] Export to tape, Import on another platform
> Hell
Hell all
A quick one, If I do an export to tape (LTO3), from a Windows TSM 5.5
instance, can I import it into a 5.5 instance on AIX?
Hi All
I need to migrate an SAP enviroment from one country to another - and would
appreciate a sanity check of my thoughts so far...
Current environ is SAP on Oracle on AIX, TSM (5.5) is on Windows.
Target environ is SAP on Oracle on AIX, TSM (5.5) is on AIX.
My bit is the db migration. The cu
Not me Roger, but good luck too you and I hope it goes well!
Keep us informed how you are getting on, I'd be interested in how long it
All the best, Steven.
On Dec 23, 2012 4:16 AM, "Roger Deschner" wrote:
> Anybody else out there spending the holiday upgrading a TSM V5 server to
How about just pick big (ish) number and keep an eye out for mount
waits/failed jobs (i'm assuming you'll get a mount wait if the number isn't
big enough - that may not be correct)
Not scientific I know - but much easier :)
On 5 December 2012 19:09, Arbogast, Warren K wrote:
> Richard,
Absolutely no other messages jsut before the ANRD's?
Either way, I think your looking at logging a call with IBM (if you've not
On 5 December 2012 13:22, Tyree, David wrote:
> I run "reclaim stg offsitecopy thre=60 du=600" to kick off the process.
> Sometime I v
Fellow TSM'ers
I'd appreciate some feedback on a question.
We are currently roling out 6.3 to a few facilities, and also need to role
out the storage agent to a number of AIX boxes.
Previosuly I'd have the 5.5 STA on an NFS export and the individual admins
just mount it and install themselves.
Not sure on advantaged, but the only "supported" way of getting a V6.x TSM
instance back from a DB backup is one done with "ba db..."
On 6 November 2012 14:11, Meuleman, Ruud wrote:
> All,
> One can make TSM database backups within the TSM application (ba db
> dev= t=f), since ver
I get these from time to time in a completely hands off environment (so no
opportunity for an incorrect checkin)
Every time so far it's been down to a bad tape - TSM will grab a scratch
tape, encounter an error and mark it private.
What are you trying and what errors/messages are you getting?
On Jul 26, 2012 1:06 PM, "Victor Shum" wrote:
> Dear all :
> We were trying to use the TS-3200 I/O station to handle checkin and
> checkout
> of tape. After we change the TS3200 library to enable I/O station; then
> rebo
We moved over to per TB licensing last year, and were told categorically
that the only dedupe they would take into account was TSM's dedupe. We
also have ProtecTIER, and they would not take that into account.
On 16 July 2012 19:22, Stackwick, Stephen wrote:
> Thanks, Rick. The link I pro
Well it's good (sort of) to see this is an issue a few of us have.
Whilst the guys have come up with some good suggestions there, I notice you
said "contractors". Maybe it's just me after a long day, but I'd be back
to the agency and get some new contractors.
On 6 June 2012 13:24, Nick Laflamme
Ray, on top of what Remco posted, woudl you also post your call ref?
I'm about to implement a new 6.3 environ using dedupe so would like to
press our IBM technical rep on the issue. You never know, with a few
people asking about it, it mya get fixed quicker.
Best of luck with your issue though!
It sounds, from your post, that you are ejecting PRIMARY volumes to put in
the safe, this is not really how it's supposed to work.
Whilst you can of course take them out of the library, TSM expects to be
able to use them whenever it wants.
You are seeing incresed tape usage because TSM ca
I assume you are seeing the "Completed" when you look at the schedule?
All that means is that the schedule ran, and not that you have a good &
complete backup.
A return code of 8 indicates you had at least one warning - depending on
what the warning is about, it could well be that you do
It is valid but will send data to one or the other drive based on the
management class you use to do the backup.
As i'm sure you know one device class per storage pool and one target
storage pool per copy group, per management class.
On 23 May 2012 16:24, Mehdi Salehi wrote:
> H
How about putting that command into a small script on the host and just run
That does work 100% (as I use it alot)
On 17 May 2012 14:13, Guenther Bergmann wrote:
> Hi TSM'ers,
> I am trying to do backups with the TSM Client,, running on AIX 5.3,
> TL11 against a TSM Server 5.5.6.
> dedupe of pool 1 should not affect pool 2 or 3 and vice versa. so that in
> case of a restore of a node, only one pool is needed. not the others
> because a chunk is stored there.
> so dedup of a chunk within a pool is ok, but not across all pools.
> Dedupe is not across pools. Even if all 3 p
gt; those that don't." - ??
> -----Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Steven Langdale
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 2:21 PM
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Mor
Not really answering your question (sorry), but have you thought about
client side de-dupe and backing up to a TSM instance in your main DC?
For something that small, I'd look to a local TSM server as a last resort.
On 22 March 2012 16:29, Bob Levad wrote:
> Greetings!
> I'm looking a
They restored because the client had an encryption key, delete that, or
possibly the encryptiontype line and you will be prompted for it.
As for testing to see if they ARE encrypted, i think the client may say
with a q backup (but not sure). The test I used was to try a restore after
I had remove
> Thanks for the reply.
> But I want to initiate multiple session in parallel (concurrent).
> I mean to say, 4 Active parallel restore session.
> If I cancel the restore session, it will defeat my objective.
This has come up before, but i can't remember the outcome.
Not sure it it make
I'm assuming the number of filling tapes isn't increasing, it's higher than
you want, but stable. yes?
As i'm sure you are aware, this is "normal" behavior. I've also been there
and tried to fight it. In that instance I ran a job after the migration
that did a move data on the smallest volumes.
It looks like Allen has had a better experience, but in my recent
experience with ProtecTIER, 2 logical libraries with NetBackup & TSM
feeding in the "same data" (we were migrating to TSM) the data WAS
"different" and dedupe ratios dropped like a stone.
As for using it as a justification to migra
Hi Eric
Using your selects on my local TSM instance I am getting between 761 to
1057 obs/s the vast majority are round 800.
The DB is a tiddler @ 92GB and 77% util. I have 12 DB vols at about 12.2GB
each (don't recall why that size tbh) across TWO filesystems. Most of the
in use volumes are on
Hi All
I can't seem to find a definitive answer on this one, so thought I'd ask
the wider group.
I have some nodes i'd like to export from one instance to another. The
nodes use 3-4 different managemant classes and also some archive data with
7 year retention.
If I have a target domain with all
I had similar problems when using snapdiff. The fix was to have a pre-exec
map all of the volumes you wanted to backup. It doesn't matter what the
drive letters are as you carry one backing up the UNC.
Worth a try if you're not ding it already.
On 31 January 2012 15:41, Prather, Wanda
A backupset would be the 1st thing that crossed my mind - though you may be
stuck if it's a backup done with a TDP, as I don't think they are supprted
for backupsets.
Failing that another option would be to rename the node and start again,
though the useability of that can depend on the node occup
Am I missreading this technote:
That is saying virtual NPIV adapters are OK.
Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Remco Post
> Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 3:20
Did it ever work? What messages are you seeing on the TSM server log?
Not sure about CPU, but I may be able to check that tonight with a server
whilst it's backing up, but currenly the memory footprint is small @ approx
On 5 January 2012 06:09, Steve Harris wrote:
> Hi All and a happy 2012 to everyone. May all your DR plans be ready for
> Dec 21 ;-)
How are you currently excluding it? Perhaps you have a "domain" line in
your dsm.opt file.
If so remove from there, and don't forget to restart the scheduled.
On Dec 22, 2011 8:47 AM, "Minns, Farren - Chichester"
> Morning all
> I'm trying to add a filesystem back in to the
with a virtual tape, but until
> then, this is what it is.
> Gary Lee
> Senior System Programmer
> Ball State University
> phone: 765-285-1310
> -Original Message-
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU] On Behalf Of
> Stev
e two TSM
> servers, or do they need to be divided).
> Best Regards
> Daniel Sparrman
> Daniel Sparrman
> Exist i Stockholm AB
> Växel: 08-754 98 00
> Fax: 08-754 97 30
> daniel.sparr...@exist.se
> http://www.existgruppen.se
> Posthusgatan 1 761 30 NO
be divided).
> Best Regards
> Daniel Sparrman
> Daniel Sparrman
> Exist i Stockholm AB
> Växel: 08-754 98 00
> Fax: 08-754 97 30
> daniel.sparr...@exist.se
> http://www.existgruppen.se
> Posthusgatan 1 761 30 NORRTÄLJE
> -----"ADSM: Dist Sto
A library manager is mandatory to coordinate library access. Than can be a
standalone instance or the existing instance that has exclusive access (the
latter being the easier option with an environment of this size)
On 14 December 2011 14:22, Lee, Gary D. wrote:
> I have t
Anyone feel free to correct me, but I don't think you can. Have you tried
running up a BA client to see what is actually there?
On 13 December 2011 08:29, Stefan Folkerts wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am looking into restoring DB2 (version 7) data of a node that has since
> been physica
one for a Move Data,
for example).
> I guess the thing to do is assess what the actual significance is of
"destroyed" in this volume's case.
> Richard Sims
> On Nov 29, 2011, at 5:42 PM, Steven Langdale wrote:
> > Hi all
> >
> > Can someo
Hi all
Can someone confirm my thinking...
Client backs up to a volume (stgpool has NO copypool)
Volume is marked destroyed.
So now restores will fail (obviously) but i'm assuming incremental backups
will NOT re-backup the missing files because TSM still knows about them.
I'm also assuming they w
IBM can do a POT (Proof of Technology), where you can go to an BM site and
play with it yourself. Create VM's delete them, restore them. anything you
want really.
I'm just taking some of our VMWare folks to one in a couple of weeks.
Press your IBM rep, they are not doing their job.
Hi all, I'm hoping we have some config manager experts here.
I'm trying to resolve an issue where a distributed domain will not update
after I've added a node to it (which I know should work).
looking at the profile on the config manager the domain is there, but on
the managed server it is not th
IBM hold these things pretty regularly. The ones I have attended have been
I'm Pretty sure if you email David Daun (djd...@us.ibm.com) he can add you
to the notification list. They are also advertised on this list.
Hope in the future we can get more IBM webcast .
> I've j
These are DB2 dumps. Assuming you don't need them, and by the dates you
don't, they are OK to remove
On 25 October 2011 15:17, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote:
> I have been looking around on our servers to cleanup large/unnecessary
> files and came upon the /dumps/FODC_Panic_ fo
I assume there really isn't a tape in the picker when it says it's full?
Could be microcode, could be hardware - either way the easiest thing is to
log a call with your hardware vendor.
On 20 October 2011 15:19, Mehdi Salehi wrote:
> Hi,
> TSM server grumbles that cannot mount media, but the a
It's not just the bandwidth, if latency is high the backups will be dog
Whats the ping time to the host?
On 11 October 2011 21:08, Vandeventer, Harold [BS] <
harold.vandeven...@da.ks.gov> wrote:
> Thanks for the advice
> My only reason for considering compression is based on the fact
The "logical error" question has come up before. With no TSM managed copy
pool you are perhaps at a slightly higher risk.
An option is to still have a copy pool, but on the same DD. So little real
disk usage, but some protection from a TSM logical error. That obviously
does not protect you from
This one has come up before. I'm pretty sure there isn't I'm afraid.
> Hi All
> One of my accounts has just had a unix admin tried to run something
> like
> chown -R something:something /home/fred/*
> but he had an extra space in there and ran it from the root directory
> chown -R somet
Simple really. We have a seperate primary stgpool for archives (because if
the much lower reclaim reqs), and the offsite is on a remote site with FC
On 14 September 2011 05:13, Mehdi Salehi wrote:
> Thanks Steven, would you please explain more how you vault "archive" data?
My definition of "Electronic vaulting" is using electronic means to transfer
backup/archive data to your offsite repository. This is really regardless
of what the target is.
I currently electronically vault to both ProtecTIER and TS3500 libraries.
So, in essence if your primary to copy stgpool i
Hi all
I need to transport a backup set and need at least some basic encryption.
Before I do a load of testing, I thought I'd ask the group
Does anyone know if client side encryption "include.encrypt" works with
backup sets, or rather, can you restore the stuff!
I'll be restoring via a loca
> Is there any way to prevent b/a clients from backing up files bigger than
> specific value in TSM? Say always files smaller than 10 MB are backed up.
Not as far as I know. unless you wrap some logic around the backup to
list/find the required files and then back them up.
That error is saying that there is no label, as you have nothing to loose,
you could always check it out and back in again with a "label libvol ..."
And see what happens.
On 14 August 2011 09:02, Mehdi Salehi wrote:
> Thanks Daniel,
> Yes, what TSM database shows means that the volume co
> Can TSM support having two libraries in a single stgpool? Looking to add
> another library but would to make sure it is used in tandem with our current
> library and not just sit there.
> Thank you,
> Vince
No you can't, it's one devclass in a stgpool and a devclass can only point
On 29 June 2011 14:09, Saravanan Palanisamy wrote:
> select volume_name from contents where node_name like '%nodename%' and
> FILESPACE_NAME like '%Filespacename%' and FILE_NAME like '%Filename%'
> On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 3:48 PM, molin gregory >wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Try : q nodedata NODE
On 29 June 2011 13:39, Tim Brown wrote:
> Is there a select statement that will list all tape volumes that have files
> for
> a given TSM node.
select distinct VOLUME_NAME,STGPOOL_NAME from volumeusage where
= the node name in upper case.
It also returns the stgpool
Is is technically feasible to put the tablespace of a database on an
HSM-managed filesystem? For example, if there are some rarely-accesed huge
tables, is it possible/feasible to define their tablespace(s) on a disk
space that can be migrated to tape by HSM?
Feasable, yes. Advisable, probably no
I guess I don't see the difference.
If logical corruption (rm -r * in the filepool or tsm screws up and
deletes vols), the copy pool could be just as corrupt as the main pool. if
the copy pool is in the same dd, then a dd failure would trash both anyway
and you're in a DR situation. The snapsho
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