The "logical error" question has come up before.  With no TSM managed copy
pool you are perhaps at a slightly higher risk.

An option is to still have a copy pool, but on the same DD.  So little real
disk usage, but some protection from a TSM logical error.  That obviously
does not protect you from a DD induced one.

FWIW, when we implement VTL's, and if the bandwidth allows, we use TSM to
create the copy.  Small sites with limited bandwidth, we rely on the


On 4 October 2011 06:41, Daniel Sparrman <> wrote:

> > If someone puts a high-caliber bullet through my Gainesville DD, then
> > I recover it from the replicated offsite DD, perhaps selecting a
> snapshot.
> >
> > If someone puts a high-caliber bullet through both of them, then I
> > have lost my backups of a bunch of important databases.
> And if you have a logical error on your primary box, which is then
> replicated to your 2nd box? Or even worse, a hash conflict?
> I dont consider someone putting a bullet through both the boxes a high
> risk, I do however consider other errors to be more of a high risk.
> Best Regards
> Daniel
> Daniel Sparrman
> Exist i Stockholm AB
> Växel: 08-754 98 00
> Fax: 08-754 97 30
> Posthusgatan 1 761 30 NORRTÄLJE
> -----"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> skrev: -----
> Från: "Allen S. Rout"
> Sänt av: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager"
> Datum: 10/03/2011 23:38
> Ärende: Re: [ADSM-L] Ang: Re: [ADSM-L] Ang: Re: [ADSM-L] Ang: Re: [ADSM-L]
> vtl versus file systems for pirmary pool
> On 09/28/2011 02:16 AM, Daniel Sparrman wrote:
> > In this mail, it really sounds like you're using your DD as both
> > primary storage and for TSM storage.
> I am, right now, using the DD as a target for direct-written database
> backups, only.  So that's not really "primary storage", as I think
> about it.
> > If the DD box fails, what are your losses?
> If someone puts a high-caliber bullet through my Gainesville DD, then
> I recover it from the replicated offsite DD, perhaps selecting a snapshot.
> If someone puts a high-caliber bullet through both of them, then I
> have lost my backups of a bunch of important databases.
> > Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to get an idea how
> > you're using this box.
> No problem. Our conversation is fuzzed by the fact that I am also
> talking about how one _might_ use it for TSM storage.  I'm
> contemplating it, but not doing it at the moment.
> > [ ... if you lose a DD, then ... ] you have to restore the data from
> > somewhere else (tape?).
> In my planning, the DD gets copied / offsited to a remote DD, so
> that's the somewhere else.
> - Allen S. Rout

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