Re: Duplicate include/exclude option error

2015-02-06 Thread Sims, Richard B
When debugging include-exclude specs, don’t look first at your client options file: do ‘dsmc q inclexcl’, which will both evaluate the specs and look for server-side contributors and intrinsic OS contributors - which may have interactions with what you coded on the client. And always issue that

Re: TSM issue with RedHat

2015-02-06 Thread Sims, Richard B
From my experience, this likely has nothing to do with the TSM server, but rather either configuration issues with the client or permissions on the dsmerror.log, or its location. Start with a simple command like ‘dsmc q fi’, as an ordinary user and then root, to see if there are issues with dsme

Re: req: tsm db backup completed with failure and taking all scratch tapes fro DB BC

2015-01-28 Thread Sims, Richard B
The simple answer is that you have to provide scratch tapes, else your TSM system will be crippled. Look around your system. Examine the Activity Log for the past week. Find out what has been happening to your scratch tapes. Look particularly for lots of tape volumes in Filling status and in Rea

Re: TSM on Linux Box

2015-01-21 Thread Sims, Richard B
The common services/daemons management arrangement in Linux is a start/stop/reset/status script in /etc/init.d/ for each service, kicked off by trigger specs in /etc/rc.d/, which in turn is managed via the chkconfig command, conventionally via corresponding chkconfig numbers coded near the top

Re: Mac OS X 'Yosemite' and client: dsmcad won't start

2015-01-20 Thread Sims, Richard B
Ruth - Go into the Mac’s Utilities folder and run the Console utility, which likely will reveal logged indications of problems encountered. Having that active when you try to start the process should show immediate messages. Richard Sims, Boston University

Re: TSM Table Index

2014-09-25 Thread Sims, Richard B
SELECT * FROM SYSCAT.COLUMNS at least in TSM 5. Richard Sims

Re: ANS0361I error on Linux Box

2014-09-12 Thread Sims, Richard B
A bad mount can cause a ‘df’ command to hang, and general file systems list processing via system calls to have problems. Make sure that your computer systems have monitoring to catch these things, to prevent general functionality problems. On Sep 12, 2014, at 3:11 PM, Jeanne Bruno wrote: > Do

Re: ANS1809W-messages using shared memory communication?

2014-07-08 Thread Sims, Richard B
There can be other causes of this message, such as preemption by higher priority tasks (particularly restores, retrieves, and recalls). See what the server Activity Log contains at the time that the client encountered its error, and examine the log prior to that for resource consumption (drives,

Re: Help in Mac client

2014-07-02 Thread Sims, Richard B
On Jul 2, 2014, at 3:34 AM, Robert Ouzen wrote: > INCLUDE “Volumes/Drobo/Movies/…/*” mgsign Robert - One thing I can see is that the above line should instead be: INCLUDE “/Volumes/Drobo/Movies/…/*” mgsign You may be able to use command ‘dsmc query inclexcl’ to check the contents. Ric

Re: Relabel/checkin Tapes marked as "empty"

2014-04-16 Thread Sims, Richard B
On Apr 16, 2014, at 12:15 PM, Nick Laflamme wrote: > I'll bet today's lunch money that what's going on is that these aren't > scratch volumes; they're volumes that were assigned to the pool with a DEF > VOLUME command. But then the volumes would not show as Scratch Volume?: Yes Leonard needs

Re: reclamation

2014-04-14 Thread Sims, Richard B
By extension, a logical question: Has Expiration been running? (In a neglected TSM server, it might not be, and getting that going could free a bunch of space.) If Expiration has been running, a recourse is to go looking for obsolete nodes and filespaces to dispose of. If your system has USB, y

Re: Prevent client backups from failing over to tape stgpools

2014-01-30 Thread Sims, Richard B
Brian - The most common way to achieve your goal is to do an UPDate STGpool, with ACCess=READOnly. Richard Sims

Re: Bad tape question

2014-01-29 Thread Sims, Richard B
Standard procedure in a TSM implementation is to have a copy storage pool as a safety, which allows a defective primary storage pool tape’s contents to be recovered, as via Restore Volume. Ricnard Sims

Re: Tape rotation

2014-01-28 Thread Sims, Richard B
The purpose of sending tapes (or, more generally, data) offsite is as part of a disater recovery regimen. IBM Redbooks provide a wealth of practical guidance, where the TSM DR redbook at is and older one, but worth reviewing. (Search on “TSM” a

Re: ANR8944E and move data

2013-12-16 Thread Sims, Richard B
Standard procedure is to repeat the Move Data on the possibly bad tape such that the next attempt will use a different tape drive, which may be able to get a few more entries off the tape. Repeat further within reasonable bounds. Thereafter you can perform a Restore Volume (assuming you have a C

Re: Windows HSM Recall Dialog syntax

2013-11-27 Thread Sims, Richard B
Commonly, HSM archives are backed up as well. If that’s the case, restoral would be the much less painful method. Richard Sims, still at Boston University

Re: TSM database randomly failing backup

2013-03-12 Thread Sims, Richard B
Having abundant physical memory in your system doesn't mean that your server process will get to use it. Operating systems can impose per-process limits, according to configuration values. See

Re: tsm scripts time of day

2012-12-18 Thread Sims, Richard B
Do SELECT * FROM SYSCAT.TABLES WHERE TABNAME='___' on a given table name to see what columns it has. (Table schema can change over time.) Richard Sims On Dec 18, 2012, at 11:32 AM, Jeannie Bruno wrote: > Is there a 'current_day' column on the status table? just curious, it's > giving me

Re: label volume does not work properly

2012-12-16 Thread Sims, Richard B
It seems that some process in your shop managed to give the tape an internal label which differs from its barcode label, possibly by a mis-labeling episode, or some kind of physical tape copying. I would do a Move Data to get the contents off that tape and onto a legitimate cartridge, to get it

Re: free space on tsm

2012-11-16 Thread Sims, Richard B
First, make sure expiration is running regularly, and run an Expire Inventory to try to clear some more space now. Look for any filespaces not receiving new data recently, and check with the owner to see if obsolete, where junkers can be deleted. Given your limited capacity, you should turn collo