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>Met vriendelijke groeten,
>Remco Post
>SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam
>High Performance Computing Tel. +31 20 592 8008Fax. +31 20 668 3167
>"I really didn't foresee the Internet. But then, neither did the computer
>industry. Not that that tells us very much of course - the computer industry
>didn't even foresee that the century was going to end." -- Douglas Adams
Ray Schafer VERITAS Software
Field Sales Strategy[EMAIL PROTECTED] +1 512 433 3300
formation contained in the
message. If you have received this message in error, please advise the sender by
reply email and delete the message.
Ray Schafer The Kernel Group
Sr. Sales Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]+1 512 433 3300
e are even manual fresh W2K installations cheaper for me.
>Facit: it depends :)
>best regards
>Juraj Salak
>Asamer Familienholding
>-Original Message-
>From: Ray Schafer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2
email and delete the
Ray Schafer The Kernel Group
Sr. Sales Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]+1 512 433 3300
t;Thanks in advance,
>Alex Lazarevich
>Systems Administrator
>Imaging Technology Group,
>Beckman Institute,
>405 N. Mathews, Urbana IL 61801 USA
>Ph: (217)244-156
if the machine is upgraded from 4.1 to 4.2, but not
>from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3. ). The boot image creation does not take a long
>time, and it can be done regardless of the state of the client. The BMR
>database holds enough information about the client to help you build the
>correct boot
3 2MB
>File Server
>Shared Root Tree (SRT) 3 600 MB
> Total 606MB
>Thanks in advance.
>"Do or Do Not, there is no try"
>-Yoda. The Empire Strikes Back
not disclose or use the information contained in it.
>If you have received this mail in error, please tell us
>immediately by return email and delete the document.
Ray Schafer The Kernel Group
Sr. Sales Engineer [EMAIL PROTECTED]+1 512 433 3300
The Bare Metal Restore product from The Kernel Group
( has the ability to use the backup
data in TSM to recover your server. The "prepare to restore" operation
can be issued with a single command and will create a customized restore
procedure that will automati
> main server.
> Do you have plans to bring out a version that sits on an NT machine, so that
> I will not need to include another OS in my backup server cluster ? I really
> can't go to management and sell this to them.
> Mike
> > -Original Message---
"Stephen A. Cochran" wrote:
> Someone pointed TKG's product out a few months ago to me, and I looked at their
> site. If you read the FAQ carefully, you'll see that you will need one server
> for every type of system you need to restore. So if want BMR capability for both
> Solaris, AIX, and NT
"Walker, Thomas" wrote:
> Also in the FAQ, I noticed that is does not *yet* support restoring to
> dissimiliar hardware. Considering that a true Disaster Recovery will
> probably take place in slightly different systems, I find it a little odd
> the BMR still doesn't support that yet. The hardest
> > Subject: Re: bare metal restore for NT...
> >
> >
> > Ray,
> >
> > Do you have some idea when you will have BRM that will work when the TSM
> > server is an NT server ?
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > > -Original Message--
It will - in early August the next version of BMR will be
released and will support Windows 2000.
Rob Schroeder wrote:
> Does BMR support Win2000?
> Rob
> Famous Footwear
tel;cell:+1 (512) 426-3188
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This is NOT true. While it is true that the Bare Metal Restore Main Server must
sit on a UNIX machine (AIX, Solaris, or HP), it does not matter to BMR what type
of platform is used for the TSM server - so long as TCP/IP communications are
used between the BMR Server and the TSM server, and
Thank you, Jack. While we do offer BMR, The Kernel Group is an independent
software vendor that has numerous relationships with IBM/Tivoli. In this
particular case, our Bare Metal Restore product is re-marketed by IBM/Tivoli to
extend the recovery capabilities TSM currently has with the system
Another trick is to use the "at" command to run things unassociated with the
print "dsmc sched 2>&1 >/dev/null" | at now
Robert Clark wrote:
> inittab shouldn't have the problem in the first place.
> And a way to work around the "nohup" problem is to not
> use ksh to run dsmc.
I admit I am biased. I work for The Kernel Group (TKG) and I am proud of our
Bare Metal Restore (BMR) product and of the capabilities that BMR has provided
to TSM.
TKG's BMR generates restoration procedures during the "Prepare to Restore"
operation. These procedures are customized for the parti
I work for The Kernel Group, and we have a product that will allow you to to a Bare
Metal Restore of AIX, Solaris, HP, and NT using the data in ADSM/TSM. The recovery is
highly automated.
We have solved the issues you found and more. You can check out our web site:
My name is Ray Schafer. I work at The Kernel Group (TKG) and have been
a member of the Bare Metal Restore development team, and am currently a
Sales Engineer specializing in the BMR product.
I would like to respond to the list about some of the points that
Richard Sims brought up.
> It
ommand-line sessions... or maybe an overall treatment.. ?
> > >
> > > Is there another way of doin this ? because a 14 hours restore is
> > > necessary
> > > to restore all filesystems with collocation enabled... I think that is
> > > very
> > > poo
ow BMR works with NT. See Other
documents are in: And another link
for contact information:
Ray Schafer |[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
The Kernel Group <=-=-=-=-=
e used on a daily basis over time. For example, after measuring
backup times each day for a month in a controlled environment, how do they
Ray Schafer |[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
The Kernel Group <=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-> Core Confidence for E-Business
or if it's way out of date, then you may have some more work
on your hands. You may have to install the ADSM client software, and then do a
restore, hopefully you'll come up to a stable state.
Good luck!
Ray Schafer |[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
The Kernel Gr
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