Re: Format of output file using select statements

2003-01-07 Thread Peter Bjoern
>People here have suggested various ingenious combinations of >tail/awk/grep to strip out the garbage, and they work fairly well. >But that seems a little Rube Goldbergish, and I'm a little worried >that it might break if something in the output changes. I think I >already know the answer (No), bu

Re: Question about Veritas Cluster and filespace name

2002-12-12 Thread Peter Bjoern
>You know, there seems to be a similar issue with filespace naming with the new Netware cluster aware client. >We're awaiting a server upgrade to pursue it further. Seems as it the 'getservername' API call is at the heart of this. Yes, it seems TSM is not savey of any cluster soloutions except Mi

Question about Veritas Cluster and filespace name

2002-12-11 Thread Peter Bjoern
Hi We have a situation with a Veritas cluster installed on two Win2000 servers. The physical servers are called J2P-CLUSTER101 and J2P-CLUSTER102. There is a virtual server defined with the name WEB1. Each physical server has it's own C: drive which is backed up via a schedule that specifies 'C:'

Re: Question about backup scenario (long)

2002-10-18 Thread Peter Bjoern
Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote : >If you run your client schedules in prompted mode (rather than the default >polling mode), the server initiates the backup, not the client. Hi Mark But as far as I understand it, once the scheduler in prompted mode is initiated by the server to do the

Re: Question about backup scenario (long)

2002-10-18 Thread Peter Bjoern
Alex Paschal wrote : >Let me get this straight. They're willing to do one outside initiated IP-IP >rule on the firewall (your server-server communication), they're just not >willing to multiple IP-IP port limiting rules, one for each client? >Then what about dropping a second NIC in each client

Re: Question about backup scenario (long)

2002-10-17 Thread Peter Bjoern
>Have you thought about having the clients in >question being backed up directly to the internal TSM server? It would mean >having TCP ports 1500 and 1501 open. Hi Mark That was our first preference (seen from a functionality point of view), however having those ports open from all the clients to

Question about backup scenario (long)

2002-10-17 Thread Peter Bjoern
Hi, I have a few questions about a possible backup scenario. The scenario includes two TSM servers, a firewall and a number of clients placed outside the firewall. The exact configuration is a little more complicated than I describe here, but for the sake of simplicity I will try to describe the

Re: Event Report

2002-10-04 Thread Peter Bjoern
Hi Maybe you could use the END_TIME from the SUMMARY table. Something like : select end_time from summary where entity='' and start_time = Regards Peter

ODBC access to TSM from VBScript

2002-09-04 Thread Peter Bjoern
Has anybody actually had any success in accessing the TSM database from a VBScript piece of code (running as asp in IIS) on a Win2K machine via the ODBC connection ? I have installed the ODBC driver from the TSM 4.2 CD and configured an ODBC datasource with a DSN pointing to the TSM server. I k

Re: Bare Metal Restore for TSM

2002-07-18 Thread Peter Bjoern
Hi Tony It's true that TSM itself does not have a real BMR capability (what a shame!) and thus it is probably correct when the TSM folks you have spoken to say that they do not 'support' a BMR method, but instead refer you to a description of some procedures to follow if you have to do a BMR on c

Re: Question about 3590 tape drives

2002-04-02 Thread Peter Bjoern
>I observed some strange behaviour of a 3590-E1A tape drive. During a >migrate operation from a disk pool to a sequential pool I watched the >operator panel. There I could see that the device after a write operation >did a locate followed by a read and then resumed writing. I observed this >behavi

Re: Listserver question

2001-10-03 Thread Peter Bjoern
>Is it possible to see also your own postings to the listserver? Sometimes >the posting doen't arrive, so now i must check it with an other account. Maybe you can use the web interface to the list at to check your postings ? Regards Peter

Re: TSM Client for SINIX

2001-10-01 Thread Peter Bjoern
>what the hell is SINIX??? >linix on steriods??? SINIX is/was the Siemens Nixdorf flavour of UNIX.

Re: Is there a way to delete all files that were backed up last night for certain clients

2001-09-19 Thread Peter Bjoern
One way might be to get a list of the object_id's with a SQL statement something like : select object_id from backups where node_name='MYNODE' and backup_date > = '2001-09-18 00:00:00.00' or some other selection criteria which may select what you want. Then edit the list to produce a script

Re: SSA disk configurations

2001-09-12 Thread Peter Bjoern
>Anyone have an idea where I can find documentation baout replaceing a >failed drive in a SSA disk configuration. >The documentation I've found tells you you need to logically remove the >data adn drive first, unfortunately we've phjysically removed the drive and >now the subsystem won't allow us

Re: New M80

2001-08-08 Thread Peter Bjoern
Hi Geoff Four months ago we moved from and old ADSM server on an AIX 4.2.1 system to a new TSM 4.1 server running on a new AIX 4.3.3 system. The old server was using a 3494 library with 3590 (non-E) SCSI attached drives and the new server was to use the same library with 3590E fibre chan

Problem with DB2 space reservation in API backup

2001-07-30 Thread Peter Bjoern
Hi We are running backup of a DB2 database thru the API interface to our TSM 4.1 server on AIX. We are using compression on the client side, but space is reserved in the disk storage pool on the server for the size of the uncompressed data. This makes the space reservation exceed the available s

Re: dsm.sys file not being read in aix

2001-06-15 Thread Peter Bjoern
>So adding exclude and include options to the dsm.sys should work according >to the manual. I haven't tried it myself, but either the manual is wrong >or... you are? Hi Eric Well, we only have our include/exclude entries in the dsm.sys files on our AIX nodes, and that works just fine, so ... Be

Re: 3494 setup on new host server

2001-05-16 Thread Peter Bjoern
>This weekend I'm moving my ADSM server to a new AIX box and the only part >I'm really nervous about is the 3494 library. Can someone point me to a >good set of procedures for configuring and setting up this library on a new >host? The particular piece that concerns me is that the new host is on

Re: 3590 question

2001-05-03 Thread Peter Bjoern
>We want to use both FC ports of the 3590 drives (connected via a FC >fabric)in parallel for automatic path fail over. Is this supported by AIX >and how could this be implemented in AIX. At the moment I see for the same >drive two definitions in AIX. They are both available but they doesn't work >

Re: Quick 3590 question

2001-05-02 Thread Peter Bjoern
Hi Steve We just had two new 3590E with fibre channel installed and two older 3590s upgraded to E model with fibre channel attachment and all of our drives have two ports each. We are only using one of them on each drive currently, though. Regards Peter

Re: IBM 3494 ATL driver.

2001-04-23 Thread Peter Bjoern
>We're moving adsm server to same platform but different machine >(IBM Netfinity 7000). What driver is required for IBM 3494 ATL? Is there any >site where i can download this? >Here some details for info. >new server: IBM Netfinity 7000 >old server: Compaq proliant 5500 >alts:

Re: ATAPE drivers

2000-10-27 Thread Peter Bjoern
You can get the Atape drivers from here : Best regards Peter