>This weekend I'm moving my ADSM server to a new AIX box and the only part
>I'm really nervous about is the 3494 library. Can someone point me to a
>good set of procedures for configuring and setting up this library on a
>host? The particular piece that concerns me is that the new host is on a
>different subnet than the current server. Will that involve some routing
>configuration changes on the 3494 itself?
Hi Gina
First you may want to check that you have the newest Atape and atldd
installed on your AIX system.
Get the drivers from here :
You may also want to have a look at this book for the procedure of how to
set up the 3494 on an AIX system.:
Especially Part 5 in this manual should be what you are looking for.
On the 3494 itself you will have to define which hosts are allowed to talk to the
library controller
over the control LAN (asuming you are using a LAN connection to control the library).
If the subnet of the controlling host has changed, you'll most likely have to make some
changes to the network configuration on the OS/2 machine inside the library to reflect
the changes in the network..
Basically, the OS/2 library controller must be able to talk to the controlling AIX
over the LAN
and the AIX must be defined in the OS/2 library controller as being allowed to control
the library.