Re: database deadlock

2001-06-15 Thread Leijnse, Finn F SSI-ISES-31
attrup Tivoli Systems TSM Server Development "Leijnse, Finn F SSI-ISES-31" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 06/14/2001 02:19:04 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED

database deadlock

2001-06-14 Thread Leijnse, Finn F SSI-ISES-31
hello all, I have encountered a database deadlock and I was wondering if anyone can explain to me how to read the following output. Is it possible to find out what causes the deadlock? Operation Results A Deadlock was found: Transaction 0:34806584. Waiting for Lock mode sLock on: Type=19001, N

Re: only one migration process :-(

2001-06-13 Thread Leijnse, Finn F SSI-ISES-31
claudio, If you want to start more processes for the migration you have to look at two things: first is the migpr parameter, this is what I use: UPD STG ARCHIVEPOOL LOWMIG=0 HIGHMIG=0 MIGPR=3 Second in your device class there is a parameter called mountlimit this should be put to for example t

Re: client errors

2001-06-13 Thread Leijnse, Finn F SSI-ISES-31
hello, we also got these messages saying that multiple schedulers are running for a server and the schedule gave a status failed while clearly the backup went OK. My solution was to enlarge the duration parameter of the schedule. Although this should be the given startup time for the start of the

Re: backup tsm db

2001-06-07 Thread Leijnse, Finn F SSI-ISES-31
This message is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain information that is privileged and confidential. > -Original Message- > From: Leijnse, Finn F SSI-ISES-31 [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 11:53 AM > To: [EMAIL

backup tsm db

2001-06-07 Thread Leijnse, Finn F SSI-ISES-31
Fellow *SM specialist, I have made a script to check what one of our TSM servers has done over a period of about 24H, here the result: count Num Bytes (17h till 17h)act. --- -- -- 3162540Gb ARCHIVE