Hy this is what my script looks like:

set sqlmathmode round
select count(*) as "process", -
case -
when sum(bytes) > 1073741824 then -
cast(sum(bytes)/1073741824 as varchar(24))||'Gb' -
when sum(bytes) > 1048576 then -
cast(sum(bytes)/1048576 as varchar(24))||'Mb' -
when sum(bytes) > 1024 then -
cast(sum(bytes)/1024 as varchar(24))||'Kb' -
else cast(sum(bytes) as varchar(24)) -
end as "Num Bytes", -
activity as "(17h till 17h)act." - 
from summary -
where (date(start_time) = current date - 1 day -
and time(start_time) > '17:00') -
or -
(date(start_time) = current date -
and time(start_time) < '17:00') - 
group by activity

any ideas yet?

-----Original Message-----
From: Lambelet,Rene,VEVEY,FC-SIL/INF. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 07 June 2001 12:16
Subject: Re: backup tsm db


can we see your script ?

René Lambelet
Nestec S.A. / Informatique du Centre 
55, av. Nestlé  CH-1800 Vevey (Switzerland) 
*+41'21'924'35'43  7+41'21'924'28'88  * K4-117
Visit our site: http://www.nestle.com

        This message is intended only for the use of the addressee and 
        may contain information that is privileged and confidential.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leijnse, Finn F SSI-ISES-31 [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 11:53 AM
> Subject:      backup tsm db
> Fellow *SM specialist,
> I have made a script to check what one of our TSM servers has done over a
> period of about 24H, here the result:
>       count     Num Bytes              (17h till 17h)act.
> -----------     ------------------     ------------------
>        3162    540Gb                  ARCHIVE
>         811     87Gb                   BACKUP
>           1         0                      EXPIRATION
>           2       1Gb                    FULL_DBBACKUP
>          37      62Gb                   MIGRATION
>          34      52Gb                   RECLAMATION
>          31     217Mb                  RESTORE
>           2          0                      STGPOOL BACKUP
> Please take a look at the database backup and can anyone explain why this
> shows only 1 GB over two full backups when my database is 22Gb!! in size.
> When I run the same script on another TSM server it shows that the full
> database backup is equal to its size?
> any ideas?
> > met vriendelijke groeten, regards et salutations,
> > Finn Leijnse
> > Central Data Storage Management
> > email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >

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