Re: Select-question

2001-11-27 Thread Larry Way
Just a suggestion but instead of runing the SQL command against the ACTLOG table I would reference the SUMMARY table for failed objects..Just a thought >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/27/01 11:30AM >>> Hello, One of my daily checks is the select-query below: select DATE_TIME,NODENAME,MESSAGE from ACTL

Re: anyone else notice, log doesn't clear duringexpiration...(even w ith logmode normal)

2001-11-08 Thread Larry Way
You need to set your log trigger to expand when an identified percentage is reached. You also will specify by what percent it will grow when needed. We recently experienced this problem because we had to turn of rollforward becuase of the reported problem. Larry Way 916-339-4076 Desk 408

Server 4.1.40

2001-11-07 Thread Larry Way
nyone experience any similiar situations with this release? I have an open problem with support but no help yet. TIA Larry Way 916-339-4076 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell

APAR Question

2001-11-01 Thread Larry Way
Need to know if documentation is available for APAR's ? If so, where would I find them ? Thanks in Advance Larry Way 916-339-4076 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell

Re: Windows clients slow

2001-10-26 Thread Larry Way
Its not just aggregate ...Its also Network transfer rate Larry Way 916-339-4076 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/25/01 01:51PM >>> We just recently upgraded to TSM 4.1.4 and have noticed a degredation in aggregate network transfer rate for the Windows clien

Re: Problem deleting a storage pool volumes

2001-08-28 Thread Larry Way
This is a known problem...Try AUDIT FIX=YES >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/28/01 07:55AM >>> Can someone make sense of this? It's not making sense to me... I'd REALLY appreciate some insight. 08/28/2001 10:48:33 ANR2017I Administrator O8X issued command: MOVE DATA SYS2.ADS

Re: Question about Maxscratch (Collocate/No Collocate)

2001-08-28 Thread Larry Way
Your assumption was correct...Collocate will attempt to place every new node onto a different scratch tape. If the tapepool is at max it will then use existing tapes defined within the pool. Larry Way 408-743-4242 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08

Re: TCP error 10053

2001-07-20 Thread Larry Way
moves with device. If not, you know its not with the client machine itself but something else probably related to your network connection. Larry Way 408-743-4242 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/20/01 05:50AM >>> Good steps. Support

Re: Library Audit Unsuccessful

2001-07-10 Thread Larry Way
My guess would be that there is a mismatch between the internal label and barcode. Just a guess though.. Larry Way 408-743-4242 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/10/01 08:25AM >>> I've had this happen in the past but this time is diffe

Write Protect

2001-04-25 Thread Larry Way
ening... Larry Way 408-743-4242 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax

Re: Expire Inventory

2001-04-19 Thread Larry Way
Thanks for response. By upgrading does it fix the current database ? Larry Way 408-743-4242 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/19/01 10:53AM >>> Upgrade to We had the same problem. >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 04/19/01 01:14PM

Expire Inventory

2001-04-19 Thread Larry Way
Recently upgraded from ADSM 3.1 to TSM 3.7.2. I believe there is a problem with Expire Inventory not updating the database correctly. Anyone else experience this or know of any problems ?? Thanks in advance Larry Way 408-743-4242 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax

Re: Netware 5.6 & SunOS 5.6

2001-02-22 Thread Larry Way
I believe the reason why is there is no release above 5.1... Larry Way 408-743-4242 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/22/01 07:14AM >>> Hi guys, Does anyone know if TSM is compatible with Novell Netware 5.6 and Sun Os 5.6 ?! When I was

Re: Scheduler fails: TSM for MS Exchange

2001-02-15 Thread Larry Way
Both running off same service ? >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/15/01 09:13AM >>> I have installed TSM client on Win2K and TSM for MS Exchange (Exchange Application Client is NOT is a cluster environment), I have two separate schedules running on that system, scheduler for Win2K works fine but on same

Re: BMR Software

2001-02-13 Thread Larry Way
Anyone have there URL ? Larry Way 408-743-4242 Desk 408-655-3512 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/13/01 07:05AM >>> Hi Arthur, We are getting ready to test their software, but from what I have heard/read/seen, the software is quite impressive. Se


2000-11-14 Thread Larry Way
Larry Way SL09/100D 408-743-4242 Voice (California) 703-345-7143 Voice (Virginia) 408-690-2327 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax

Re: Client ver 3.7.2 - no SA software

2000-11-09 Thread Larry Way
It basically does work but there are things that don't..Just an FYI Larry Way SL09/100D 408-743-4242 Voice (California) 703-345-7143 Voice (Virginia) 408-690-2327 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/09/00 07:00AM >>> Sadly the SA GUI is gone, I'm not

Re: how is a weekly FULL bkup scheduled?

2000-10-31 Thread Larry Way
My question to you is why would you want to ? >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/31/00 07:37AM >>> Check "selective" backups. "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" on 10/31/2000 10:32:55 AM Please respond to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" @ X400 To: "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/P=Internet/A= /C=us" @

Re: TSM 3.7 Macintosh scheduler

2000-10-18 Thread Larry Way
Richard Have a general question since it appears you are a Mac person. Under current release of TSM what do they say about backing up Mac Volumes ? Is it supported ..We still are running ADSM but will be upgrading next week and wonder if things changed...Thanks Larry Way SL09/100D 408

Re: 3570C error code 46

2000-10-11 Thread Larry Way
Has your library always contained Model C tape drives ? Larry Way SL09/100D 408-743-4242 Voice 408-690-2327 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 10/11/00 05:15 AM >>> Hi *SMers, have any of you seen this? At one location we have two exactly the same AIX (4.3.2


2000-08-08 Thread Larry Way
I actually have an opening ..Brand new ..Bay area Larry Way SL09/100D 408-743-4242 Voice 408-690-2327 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/08/00 12:45PM >>> Joyce, Try Not one ADSM or TSM position listed. Oh, you actually want to go somewhere

Re: Windows 2000 backup

2000-07-26 Thread Larry Way
Hi Andy , I have another question...Does ADSM backup ADS ? If not, i/NDSs there a timeframe when it will? Do the current short comnings of backing up system objects exist today with the Netware client ? Larry Way SL09/100D 408-743-4242 Voice 408-690-2327 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax

Re: Windows 2000 backup

2000-07-26 Thread Larry Way
Is there a document describing the current short comings with backing up Windows 2000 ? And, are these short comings with all versions of ADSM/TSM software ? Larry Way SL09/100D 408-743-4242 Voice 408-690-2327 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/26/00 08:11AM >>

Re: backup several NT domains with out trust

2000-07-24 Thread Larry Way
Backups don't depend on the NT structureInstall the client software with the services...Add clients to a scheudle and let em rip .. Larry Way SL09/100D 408-743-4242 Voice 408-690-2327 Cell 408-743-4201 Fax >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/23/00 03:13AM >>> Hi all i