Sigh. Here I am, on my way out the door to 'retirement' when
we get a logfull situation overnight.
Looking at the log we see, after 5 DB backups (half INCR)
it finally clears up.
So I'm about to teach my successor how to do DSMSERV Extend LOG when
a question pops into my mind about AIX limitati
What do you want to accomplish???
There is no such thing in TSM as Point In Time Backups.
There is only Point in Time RESTORES.
What are you really asking for? (I know Monthly, Weekly, etc)
IS A FILE you backup today any more valid then the copy you
backed up yesterday IF IT HASN'T CHANGED???
On Mon, 2 Apr 2001, Prather, Wanda wrote:
> You can set mount retention to 0.
> I don't know of any reason not to, in a robotic library.
I know of a reason. A bad TSM version (3.7.x)
In observing my 3.7.x system with mountret=0, I have found during TAPEPOOL
migration WITH Collocation that mult
If its the same or similiar problem I had in converting from
a 3466-C00 (tsm 3) to a 3466-C01(tsm 4) but using the same 3494/3590s
then its because your system thinks the tapes are ONLY capatible in
READ/ONLY mount modes.
Even though you are mounting a tape for RESTORE if you look closely
you wil
I have just 3 weeks left of my 17 years here a UC Berkeley and then I
will be running out my vacation time until I qualify to retire at 50.
And so I say "So long!"
I'm taking some time off and don't know if I'll be returning to do
computer work. Lately I've been practicing:
"Would y
We replaced our twin DLT boxes (7337's?) a couple of years ago with a 3494
and a couple of 3590s and would never go back. Reliability is good.
Other than a couple dropped tapes we have not had any robot problems until
recently. I'm not surprised. I tune my 3466 to be using the tape dri
Would your situation be a good reason for a separate domain
and offsite pool that would keep everything on their 'own' tapes??
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
All the previous points about NOT doing fullbackups and only
incrementals are good and valid and I agree with them.
I want to add what's been said here in the past but missed this time.
We are not in the backup business we are in the restore business.
Any update on this information?
thanks ... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
(510)642-7638 (w) (209)483-JOEF (M)
On Fri, 3 Aug 2001, Richard Sims wrote:
This is dis-heartening, confusing, agravating, etc.
When it comes to unix and Windows-NT/2K/XP I don't know if its a client or
a server. And until hearing this I didn't care. Only cared about how
much data in how many changed files they were sending me.
So when the 5001 free clients are take
Oh .. its server to server and not REAL tapes.
On Thu, 6 Dec 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Sorry but I can't resist to ask the obvious:
> Did you checkout the tape from the exporting server and
> checkin the tape to the importing server?
> :-)
> cheers ... joe.
Sorry but I can't resist to ask the obvious:
Did you checkout the tape from the exporting server and
checkin the tape to the importing server?
cheers ... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
Has 3466 NSM's stop including 5001 free clients with the setup?
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
(510)642-7638 (w) (209)483-JOEF (M)
105 days until re
Interesting ... maybe even marvelous BUT ...
Can you tell us how to SHRINK the headers??? In specifying " " for
volume_name I still get the - underlines.
-- -
> The reality is VTS
> runs ADSM under the covers, at least that is what the tape drives say.
AND ! .
would you want a system that's already doing VTS-like logic be using
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, U
I would start by asking the requestor what is the goal???.
What are they (really) trying to accomplish???.
Then look at the features in TSM and try to match the goal/
requirement with the feature.
(archive, backupset, copypool,mirror'd DB, roll-forward log
offsite db backups, etc, etc)
We have two domains. Its a carryover artifact from when we had
a 3466 with one DLT-7337 and we upgraded to two DLT robots.
Now with our 3494 both domains point to one copypool, tapepool, diskpool.
I merged everything during the conversion except the domains.
Don't remember it being much of a p
It is done magically. :-) well not really.
Reclamation of a tape from an offsite pool when not present is done by
referencing the same data that's onsite. (can you say: know-it-all DB?)
So reclaming an offsite tape X is done by copying the data that is still
valid on X from each of the onsi
NO. I don't think so. The offsite pool should not be collocated unless
you have a service level agreement that says a file that's backed up has
its copy sent offsite withing 12-24 hours. But if you need to do that
then why isn't the tape drive remotely IN the offsite vault(like a
Try changing a few tapes to READONLY and then doing a move data
to scratch tapes. If this works then you've got the problem I had
where the upgraded system sees all previous system tapes as incompatible
for writing but acceptable for readonly.
.. joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer,
on the VM to AIX we started new and fresh. Harassed our users to switch
months in advance and kept the vm system around for 2 extra months.
On the same aix but DLT to 3590 we hooked up both and pushed on the system
to get it to migrate the onsite pools but had to start a brand new offsite
Yes, I figured out you can do this with EXPORT judicious use of
rename node *before* AND *after*. The trick is to 'keep your wits'
about it.
FILESPACE-X from UserA to UserB.
Rename UserB to UserHold. Rename UserA to UserB.
Export FILESPACE-X . Rename UserA back to itself from B
Rename UserHold
You say you audit vol all your onsite tapes.
Maybe its not a problem with the tapes but a DB glitch???
,,, joe.f.
On Tue, 13 Nov 2001, Mark Stapleton wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 09:53:51 +0100, it was written:
> >RESTORE VOLUME did not fix anything here.
I didn't see an answer to this so I tried it
by specifying this:
ba db type=full devc=3590 volumenames=200700,200016
where 200700 is already in the volhist as a db and 200016 is scratch
and after a bit of time waiting it started to mount and write on 200016.
Hope this answers your question.
Hate to be a bearer of bad news and I may be mistaken so double check.
About 1 year ago I got 'harassed' like all heck by our IBM reps
because they thought we had B1As and there was a deadline back then
to allow B1As get 'head' upgraded to E1As.
If I'm remembering that rightly and IBM is ke
cted to :
(510)642-7638 (w) (209)483-JOEF (M)
149 days until my retirement!!
On Wed, 7 Nov 2001, Kauffman, Tom wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Joe Faracchio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent
If you are using collocation then you may come across what I've seen.
I find setting the LOW migration to a very low number causes the system
to take an 'inverse proportional' amount of time to empty. (or whatever
(I like to call these things 'approaching the speed of light' problem.)
What I
Try this:
( with a parm of 0 (zero) and change TAPEPOOL to match your setup.)
select volume_name pct_reclaim,status,pct_utilized,access from volumes -
where stgpool_name='TAPEPOOL' and pct_reclaim>$1 -
order by pct_reclaim desc
then change the rec= to be something within range.
also check devc
I'm looking for a second opinion, caveats and any "we've been there
(and its good/bad)" about tape sharing . Sharing that's NOT SAN stuff.
In speaking with a level 1 (1.5-2!) TSM/3466 support person about
something else, we got around to the topic of 3590's cabled to two systesm
and he said I co
Apollogies for being slightly off-topic. (and a lousy speller!)
I've been upgrading my system piece by piece this summer and
have come up against a stubling point installing 3590s.
and am looking for a 2nd opinion.
We installed a 3494-D12 last spring that was ordered with
the FC9630 feature. Th
If you do change the node name in the OPT file then be sure to
only do restores and to avoid any backups (INCLUDING scheduled)
until you change it back
Gets really messy if you forget.
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic s
When I migrated all my tapes became non-writeable.
System thought they were a different density.
Mounting them for READONLY was OK but not READWRITE.
Had to run a lot of Move data and reclamations to recover.
I still have about 90 tapes that are READONLY now but
they are 'FULL' so I'm recylcing
Yes the 3466 comes with 5001 clients.
BUT that being said, it should be noted that the 3466's
IBM configures and supplies could never handle 5000 clients
unless the clients are very small with little changes.
As opposed to large and many chaning files clients
Also pricing of extra (non-tape-med
Same thing happened to me. Same solution.
I.E> when a move data to same stgpool fails then
tryed a move data to a different stgpool and it worked
disk to tape worked.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
SIGH. yes another bug surfaces in a new release.
I've gotten around it by changing all my commands to include quiet=yes
the server opt file option doesn't work.
.. joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
We get them all the time and just increase the cleaning frequency
and/or put a couple of new cleaning tapes in the robot.
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
On Tue, 28 Aug 2001, Bruce Kamp wrote:
Hi Guys!
I've been studying my newly upgraded TSM (3.7.2 to 4.1.3)
and noticed an anomoly that is different. And wondering if
its B.A.D. or a bug that needs fixing.
If I have a DISKPOOL at 86% migratable and I change the
hi/low settings from 100/99 to 85/70 a migration proceess
(or two) kicks
What if your onsite-TAPEPOOL is one DEVCLass and your offsite-COPYPOOL
is a different DEVClass? Combined with defining the library as two
LiBR's with different private/scratch cataegories?
.. joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be dir
Also check to see if you have any pending RESTORES.
Restores will 'lock' the data on a tape or disk in which
attempts are being made to copy or move.
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
On Tue,
We run on a basis of constant data sent.
So a backup stg diskpool copypool
is run every half hour or so.
Backups are heaviest (but not exclusive) overnight.
In the morning its:
backup db type=full(takes 1 hour)
a backup stg diskpool copypool usually runs simultaneously
We orginally used our 3466 with 7337s and I don't remember any door.
(That is the DLT box with 15 cart slots right?)
We would routinely open up the 7337 and pull out the tapes after
checking them our of the library and replace with scratches.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Lucky you. I got on the 4.1.3 system for 3 days and then found out
all the filling tapes from the 3.7.2 system were not mountable
in readwrite mode and had to be set to readonly "permanently"
until recycled. I'm using a 3494 w/3590s.
Sounds to me they changed the internal designation for 3590
THe end note of my migration / conversion from a 3466-C00 w/3.7.2 to a
3466-C01 with 4.1.3 was that none of the original tapes coming from the
3.7.2 system could be opened in read/write mode on the 4.1.3 system and
had to have access permanently set to READONLY.
Now I have to do a mig
Thanks for everyone for writing. My mail system was down at the same time
so I had to solve it without adsm-l 's help. (But IBM was helpful!!!)
Its the tapes from the old system. They 'appear' to be incompatible
with the (same) drives after
Just moved my 1200 user production system to a new system and
I've gotta solve this before my diskpool fills up completely!!
I'm having a whole lot of problems with tape mounts and was wondering
if anyone can summarize the known problems fixes for this.
(what combination of devices.rte and TSM wo
I've just been informed by lvl2 that the UNLOADDB command of TSM 4.1.3
can not handle a DB that goes to more than one tape.
How can they ship a 3466 with TSM at a level with KNOWN PROBLEMS!
I'm using 3590s with a 30 Gig DB and it stalls at the same
place every time.
Recommended fix is to go
Well if you've been following along you know I have a new 3466-C01
I've made a test snap shot of my current TSM DB running there
and while I'm waiting to do it 'for real' on this coming w/e
I thought I'd 'kill' time doing a dry run of possible scenarios.
So I am now trying to do an UNLOADDB and
Wanda : thanks!
NOW - Can a 3466 owner answer this question and save me the cat-and-mouse
I'll get from Level 1:
What, if anything, and especially in the way of run-scripts, is preloaded
on currently shipped C01 's ???
What I mean is, what will I (err, have I) overlaid in the wa
I just called IBM Level 1 ( dial-a-pray ) and asked for advice
about migrating a user population from a 3466-C00
with TSM 3.7.2. to a 3466-C01 with TSM 4.1.x.
ANd essentially the answer was:
"good luck, we won't help you,
unless you want to pay our consultants more money.
I would try :
preschedulecmd 'net stop "App Service"'
IBM stuff tends to want start/stop quoting rather than 'escape' character
BTW Can you let us know what you get working???
We want to implement a shutdown/turnoff procedured here to save electrons
overnight. :-)
cheers! ..joe.f.
Let me see if I can remember this off the top of my head.
1) checkout all tapes from old library
2) delete library definitions
3) delete drive definitions
4) define new drive and new library
5) check tapes into new library
N.B. you are NOT deleting the tapes or the data just checking out.
No n
The command defaults to midnight. So if the tapes were generated
after midnight they you have to say tot=now-0something, etc.
It won't let you delete the last one.
BTW : I noticed it will let you delete a full and then not its subsequent
INCR. BAD you could end up in a situation where you onl
does anyone know how this pricing affects 3466-NSM where the box comes
with 5001 client licenses???
thanks ... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
On Fri, 11 May 2001, Steve Hnath wrote:
> Hi Roy
I just had a weird problem brought to my attention and it got weirder.
I plan to call this in to IBM support tomorrow. ASAP.
A user called to say he was trying to do a restore on a Mac and it
failed with connecting to server. Suspecting the mac restore problem
I said try a new folder backup to
staggered EXPIRE INVENTORY ( to conserve cpu cycles
... etc
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
On Thu, 10 May 2001, Paul Zarnowski wrote:
> The reason I would do it w
thanks Frank McClean , This worked! (now can I get it into
As you said I did:
%vi strtsched
"strtsched" [New file]
start_sched O
dsmc sched > /dev/null 2>&1 &
trap start_sched O
I now see the discussion is about offsite=COPYPOOLs
and my previous note was about TAPEPOOLS. I never have any
offsite tapes go offsite while in FILLING. They only go on
Wednesdays and only if they're FULL!
AND probably the part about what number you set reclamation to
and how it choos
I find the opposite with my system at 3.7.2.
FILLING tapes are candidates for reclamation.
Maybe its the way I do it. I don't set the reclamation
to a number far below the first candidate. I use perl.
When I have a few tapes with 22% reclaim and that's the lowest
(or highest, read: first candid
Thanks! Now I understand the funny feeling I had while poking at
this empirically. I am dealing with something neither fish nor fowl!!
cheers .. joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
On Fri
Sorry for going off topic but I trust &SMers using AIX can help.
I'm looking to 'buy time' until the new system arrives and want to add
external DASD ... err I mean DISKS to my AIX-RS6K-H50. I'm going to 'give
back' 18 Gig's of SSA to th DB and Staging by using cheap external for
one-drive reclam
This has not been my experience. In fact its quite the opposite.
(I am using 3.7.2 but was on as well.)
I can reclamate onsite-tapepools with one drive and a FILE area.
For offsite-Copypools I change the rec to 20 every weekend and it
reads ever onsite tape to recreate about 20-30 offsi
Great! ... EXCEPT ... it doesn't mention how a 4.1 windows 2000 client
can't backup the registery and other "SYSTEM OBJECT"s to a 3.7.2. (non-4.1
Is this B.A.D. (broken as designed) ... or a known problem???
Is there an APAR for it???
I'd love to get on the IP (interested parties) list.
larry's got the correct form (correct syntact to checkl instead of
ckeckl) but add devt=3590
I know because we use it ... we don't have an operator i/o station
so we open the door and shove scratches into the available slots
(less n where n=tapes in drives) but only in desperation.
pe drives.
> I'm told this incurs quite a bit less than the 2x overhead you would
> normally expect from making two copies. Does anybody know of a way to get
> ADSM (or even just AIX) to do that?
> Alex Paschal
> Storage Administrator
> Freightliner, LLC
> (503) 745
Did you at all consider COPYPOOLs? Or are you unaware of them?
Copypools were made for DR. Just setup a rotational plan to send
tapes out as the fill up and reclam on weekends all the ones that get too
fragemented during the week.
Call me if you liked to here what we do.
On the other hand if y
Checkout 3466-C01 it includes 5000 clients license.
I hear that a two processor 1 G Mem and 144 G SSA
is around $90K. Maybe less. And I am told this will run
twice as fast as my 3466-C00 that is a RS6K-H50
Then all you need to do is plug in a tape media robot.
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio,
Hi! I'm hoping someone has trampled down this path already.
I'm looking for a working solution to running the *SM Client
in schedule mode on my *SM server. Call it belts and suspenders.
I just want to have an extra backup of my Perl work in case of a
disaster. In fact I also EXPORT my CLient
On Thu, 26 Apr 2001, Alan Davenport wrote:
> One of our vendors insists that their product cannot be backed up
> incrementally and insists a selective backup is required. We've
> explained that a point in time restore is possible from incremental
> backups however they still insist that is no good
I think you're right and you're mistaken.
Yes its important to seperate crictical volumes especially ones that
compliment each other like DB and Log does. BUT
It's more important to seperate MIRRORS. Maybe the person at IBM doing
this felt they could do one but not both.
My 346
We have been discovering, on a somewhat infrequent basis,
tapes that go physically to read-only onthe tab in our 3494.
And yet each time I can produce logs that show the file was
written on since the last time the robot door was opened/closed.
In other words I can only believe that the tab is m
I have. I exported some ADSM 2.? users on VM
then binary ftp to aix
then imported there on a 3.1 ADSM
and it worked!! but they were small 1 to 2 gig users.
the critical point is to be sure its a binary ftp.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any top
> I wonder what made this happen hmmm.
> jt
I've seen it with db backups I've canceled.
.. joe.f.
Sorry I know its probably too late to suggest this but for the record ...
Having experienced something similiar recently I would suggest first
trying to just closing the robot door and watching to see if a tape is
In my experience my system has refused connections while running a D
Could somebody elaborate on this teasing tidbit?
what kinda "problem ... not updating the database correctly"
I've upgraded from to 3.7.2. recently and have not seen
any manafestations of this. That I know of.
More info would help ... thanks ...
Joseph A Farac
When it came time to abandon our two (2) 7337-DLT changers (15 slots) we
got IBM to 'downgrade' us from a C10 to a C00 and then we went out and talked
to a company called "IBM" and bought a 3494 to attach to our *(now)* C00.
Sigh ... the only problem was our CE. He wasn't happy and kept standing
In speaking about this I'm assumming collocation for onsite and
no collocation for offsite. I only send FULL tapes offsite once a week.
So with that said
Unless you have an infinite supply of tapes to use for offsite
you really need to manage its growth.
There's other reasons as well. If
I found it didn't work until I included * * for nodename/backupset,
as in :
And that deleted all of 'em!
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Private mail on any topic should be directed to :
On Tue, 10 Apr 2001, Mark
> On top of this, you're probably archiving, in paper format, the original
> stuff that was used to fill the database. The good news about that is you
> could actually read the paper 20 years from now.
Not if the paper is high in acid content.
:-)... joe.f.
(Or hi on drugs :-)
You probably don't need the step 5 because step 4 will define it new and
therefore readwrite. You can use move data /bf... stg=TAPEPOOL if its
gonna get migrated anyway.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, Steve Schaub wrote:
> First, my
Instead of by size (don't think it can be done...) try something like
exclude c:\...\*.vdi
(sorry this is probably not the current syntax for exclude but what I mean
exclude all .whatever-video files from entire filespace.
.. .joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer,
Sorry, my previous answer assumed you where speaking of offsite pool
A quick fix to this (maybe long term in a perl script watcher too) is to
make maxscratch zero until it uses up one of the Filling tapes and moves
on to the other.
I use maxscr=0/max+1 , reclaim to disk-file and a perl program t
And so ... you want to do what some of us do: change to mountl=1
unless / until you doing tape to tape that requires 2 copypool tapes.
(reclam's do tapepool to copypool)
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Nicholas Cassimatis wrote:
> If I reme
Apoligies if this is not "on topic." but I received a note
from my Vice-whatever saying there was a Dell presentation
being given tomorrow in which they will sell us the advantages of SAN.
SO I shot back a note to him asking when/why/if IBM would be giving the
same presentation that showcases the
428 is probably more that half my paying customers.
I'm charging $10/gig/mth and bringing in $20K each month.
And at least 20% of my users are non-revenue insiders.
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Gretchen L. Thiele wrote:
Ditto ditto ditto
we have 428 mac customers that we will lose if TSM doesn't
support OS/X
And once I lose the macs in a department the pc's will follow sigh
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Jim
I noticed this same effect but only after moving from to 3.7.2
Can someone confirm this to be a design change that occured between the
two service levels above??
thanks .. joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Sat, 24 Mar 2001, Talafous, John G. wrote:
Is this 1 client per mig process true if you're using collocate=filespace
instead of collocate=yes??? (and, of course, you bothered to get
filespaces on seperate volumes)
.,.. joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Davidson, Becky wrot
It's 1:30 am and I just got a log full msg for the first time.
somebody out there say a prayer for me. I'm going in!!!
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
Good question. I'd like to know from someone that has experienced a
Somewhere it implies that you have to have the same disk layout because
its a record backup and not logical.
Is this true? Is it documented? I haven't found it, yet!
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Program
Just to be clear. We DON'T do a move data to tape or disk.
We use the reclamation tape-to-disk (file) feature and then migrate the
data back to tape.
And so if the do a doc it should include:
(4) Reclaim ( tape pool to disk-file and then back to itself)
... joe.f.
that's what we do: 3 months and then delete filespace
but we have it as a perl program that runs overnight
because it takes a lot of time and cycles.
Come to think of it that's the worse time!!!
I need to change it from 3 am to 8 pm !!!
.. joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berke
1000 1-Gig pc/mac users ....
it works.
... joe.f.
On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Geoff Fitzhardinge wrote:
> Joe Faracchio wrote to me:
> >Try using a disk-file area and one tape reclamation.
> >
> >... joe.f.
> >
> >Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Ber
We do it manually. We decided that any/all/only offsite COPYPOOL tapes
that are FULL would be sent offsite first thing Wed a.m. We mark them as
access=offsite. We have perl scripts that follow these rules.
COPYPOOL tapes that are offsite & pending a
No but humm a few bars and I'll try to fake it ... :-)
On my C10 (now a C00) the DB and log are about 25 Gig and 2 Gig
On Wed, 7 Mar 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does anyone know the default size of the dbvols and logvols on the 3466 C01?
> Thanks
Neat trick.
I 'simulate' a disaster situation and give myself a CD-Rom in which I have
burned a (less then 650M) backupset of my last backup and a new 4.1.2
client downloaded from Tivoli.
I take it home to my testing maching (no network) and try to 'restore' it.
Guess what! The client won
Would a simple Query FILESPACE * also work for you???
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Shekhar Dhotre wrote:
> hey there try this works for me..
> 'select Entity,Successful,Bytes,Examined,Affected,Failed from summary where
> activ
check the volhist with :
Q volhist type=backupset
Its there
BOY we finally solve the VOLHIST problems of DB Backups with DBSNAPSHOT
and now we're having similiar issues with BACKUPSETS!
... joe.f.
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Gill
Yes and its getting rather annoying ...
but we noticed this when we went to ECA015 on our 3466
that's 3.7.2 from ...
Joseph A Faracchio, Systems Programmer, UC Berkeley
On Fri, 23 Feb 2001, Jennifer I. Moore wrote:
> Gentle Greetings,
> Has anyone noticed any situations
Or to put it another way:
1) did they tell you the tape capacity is 80G after compression or
when NATIVE??
2) if you compress at the client (and almost everyone does?!?!!) then you
will only see NATIVE capacities reported.
I've seen this for DLT IV's (35G) in the past and presently I see
Boy! When they say there's more than one way to skin a cat its true .
One more:
if you sometimes accidently checkin scratches as Private
you can find them, along with any truly Private tapes check'd in but not
mounted nor used even once with :
select volume_name,status from libvolumes
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