Re: Can data be read from scratch tapes?

2006-06-01 Thread Brenda Collins
                                                          Brenda Collins Storage Management IBM Global Services Phone: 763-390-5627 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can data be read from scratch tapes?

2006-05-31 Thread Brenda Collins
Does anyone know whether data can be read from tapes that are expired and brought back from off-site? Is there any documentation stating how this data is protected? Brenda Collins Storage Management IBM Global Services Phone: 763-390-5627 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Database backup

2006-04-06 Thread Brenda Collins
We are running a database backup that has been going for approx. 4 hrs. now, it has been on the final page for 1 1/2 hrs. Are others seeing this same issue? If so, is there anything that can be done about it? TSM Server - AIX 5.2, TSM5.2.6.2 Database size 100GB + Brenda Collins Storage

DB2 Configuration Issues

2005-10-11 Thread Brenda Collins
, they are putting different databases into different volume groups so instead of the entire system failing over, they may just do some of the databases vs. all. This means that at all times, they want to be able to access their data from either system. Brenda Collins Storage Management IBM

[no subject]

2005-08-03 Thread Brenda Collins
Is anyone using ERRM with TSM at their locations? If so, and you would be interested in sharing the process of what you have done, please contact me. Thanks, Brenda Collins, [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ph: 612-342-3839


2005-06-06 Thread Brenda Collins
We use password access generate on all of our configurations. In the past, we have used expiration 0 so that we do not run into issues with expirations. We are now being asked to set up an expiration period and I am wondering if the 'passwordaccess generate' is going to create a new password itsel

Re: Cannot restore Database

2003-11-06 Thread Brenda Collins
We just ran into this same situation yesterday at a D.R. test. We found that it was because we set up the new server with raw logical disk volumes and the production server was actually set up with it's disk as filesystems. Brenda Collins, ING - Americas Infrastructure Services Office: (612

Re: Shared mem with Solaris LAN-Free

2003-11-06 Thread Brenda Collins
Rowan, I don't know the exact answer but if you go to and in search field 'anr9600 EINVAL', it comes up with various articles of information you can check out. Brenda Collins, ING - Americas Infrastructure Services Office: (612) 342-3839 Cell: (612) 290-0785 [

Veritas Volume Mgr./TSM

2003-11-06 Thread Brenda Collins
.We just tried it again last night with 42 GB volumes. Now I am sitting here with our backups still running and the users are not happy! Environment: Solaris 8, Sunfire 880, TSM Server, clients - various levels of ver. 5, Any help would be greatly appreciated. Brenda Collins, ING

Re: How does TSM know to backup file? Thanks for the info.!

2003-11-04 Thread Brenda Collins
Thanks to those of you that replied, I will check out the recommended information. I appreciate the help in pointing me the right direction! Brenda Collins, ING - Americas Infrastructure Services Office: (612) 342-3839 Cell: (612) 290-0785 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How does TSM know to backup file?

2003-11-04 Thread Brenda Collins
looking at with Microsoft tools to see how many files had changed. TSM Server - Solaris 8 TSM Software - Client Thanks! Brenda Collins, ING - Americas Infrastructure Services Office: (612) 342-3839 Cell: (612) 290-0785 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: tape going unavail

2003-09-05 Thread Brenda Collins
It did not dismount the tape. It says that it may still be in the drive, which it probably is. Open up the library when possible and check out that drive and you will probably find the tape. We have had a lot of this lately due to bad drives and changer in the library. Brenda

High Availability for TSM

2003-08-28 Thread Brenda Collins
H! Has anyone out there created an environment with the following or is it possible? TSM Veritas Cluster Files Services Solaris Server The only information I can find for a High Availability environment is forAIX. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Brenda Collins Sr. Systems

Re: DRM - Can't do a restore - I must be missing something

2003-08-22 Thread Brenda Collins
Start a another telnet session to the TSM server. Run 'dsmadmc -mountmode' We had the same issue recently at a D.R. site that didn't have enough slots for all the tapes. Brenda "Hart, Charles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Intel on TSM

2003-08-21 Thread Brenda Collins
Thank you to all of you that provided feedback on this issue! Brenda

TSM on Intel

2003-08-20 Thread Brenda Collins
experience so that is why it is under consideration. Thanks, Brenda Collins Sr. Systems Engineer ING - Americas Infrastructure Services (612) 342-3839 (Office) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Merging data from one node to another

2003-08-18 Thread Brenda Collins
Is there a way to merge archived filespaces from one node to another? We are obsoleting one node but would like to save specific filespaces. It appears that 'move nodedata' will only move the data from one stgpool to another. Export node appears to move data from one TSM server to another. TSM

Empty Tapes

2003-08-07 Thread Brenda Collins
ty T40326BKUP1COPY9840 0.00.0 Empty T40421BKUP1COPY9840 0.00.0 Empty TSM Version 5.1.7 Solaris 8 Any ideas on why they remain at empty and do not get reclaimed or called back from off-site? Thanks, Brenda Collins Sr. System

Re: Tape performance

2003-07-29 Thread Brenda Collins
Thanks to all who responded. We will try testing with this process also to see difference it shows in our performance tests. Brenda |-+> | | Zlatko Krastev | | | <[EMAIL PROTECTED]| | | ET>

Re: Multiple mounts for reclaimation/stgp backup

2003-07-28 Thread Brenda Collins
maxpr=# maximum processes = # Add this to your command to start reclamation. Brenda |-+> | | Gordon Woodward | | | | | || | | 07/28/2003 02:09 | | |

Re: Tape performance

2003-07-22 Thread Brenda Collins
The test to move data from the operating system was just a 10GB file, although it was all zero's. The tape performance on TSM was achieved by doing a disk to tape. We took the ratings from doing a backup storagepool to tape. We tried it with storagepools that had filesystems and databases, the r

Tape performance

2003-07-22 Thread Brenda Collins
: TSM 5.7.0 on Solaris 8 Server: Sunfire 880 Tape drives are 9840 Fibre attached. As a result, we are questioning the value of putting in the more expensive tape drives when we can't seem to pump the data through as expected. Any ideas of what I might look at would be appreciated. Thanks, B

Windows 2000 - not backing up all drives

2003-04-03 Thread Brenda Collins
ng up this drive until about a month ago. I am unsure what changed on the server at that time. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Brenda Collins Sr. Systems Engineer ING - Americas Infrastructure Services (612) 342-3839 (Office) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dirdisk stgpool volume deleted

2003-03-13 Thread Brenda Collins
s yet. Do we have to run a full backup on every server? (300+) Thanks, Brenda Collins ING 612-342-3839 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DB2

2003-03-11 Thread Brenda Collins
Thanks! "Gyula Bereczky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent by: "ADSM: cc: (bcc: Brenda Collins/US/AMERICAS) Dist Stor


2003-03-11 Thread Brenda Collins
separately for every database instance? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Brenda Collins ING 612-342-3839

UDB Assistance Needed

2003-03-06 Thread Brenda Collins
I have a few questions regarding TSM and it's use with UDB. Specifically I am trying to run backups (and the db2adutl utility ) to run under a 'global' id we use for Udb support. In that manner I can mange backups better with one version of scripts to backup and delete older versions. Is this

anr9999 Message on

2002-11-12 Thread Brenda Collins
Good morning! Has anyone seen this message before? 11/12/02 01:04:48 AM ANRD smnode.c(19810): ThreadId<17> Session exiting has no affinityId cluster We are running on Solaris 8, TSM - I have called it into support but seeing as I have to wait for a response,

Re: Tuning to backup Millions of files

2002-11-07 Thread Brenda Collins
Thanks for the tips!

Tuning to backup Millions of files

2002-11-07 Thread Brenda Collins
do on the TSM side, that would help also. Thanks, Brenda Collins, Sr. Storage Administrator ING 612-342-3839

Migrating data from other applications

2002-07-09 Thread Brenda Collins
Hi! Does anyone have any tips on how they migrated their archived or 'long term retention' backup data from other backup applications? We have multiple years worth of data and on various tape formats. Thanks in advance for any information you can provide. Brenda Collins, ING 612-342-3839

Re: Db2 on AIX

2002-06-13 Thread Brenda Collins
Check your activity log during the time period that the error occurs. You may find that there were not enough tape drives available for what you were requesting in the backup or possibly there was an I/O error on the tape. Brenda "Borja Borrego"

Re: Solaris Performance Problems

2002-05-24 Thread Brenda Collins
05/24/2002 09:03 AM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" Could u pl send what is ur hme or er parameters in /etc/system. Balanand -Original Message- From: Brenda Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PRO

Re: Solaris Performance Problems

2002-05-24 Thread Brenda Collins
on TSM. Eventhough they were Windows oriented, they can provide some good insight how to isolate the problem. It could be anything. There is not a tenth the required information here necessary to isolate where the problem is. Paul D. Seay, Jr. Technical Specialist Naptheon, INC 757-688-8180 -----Origin

Solaris Performance Problems

2002-05-23 Thread Brenda Collins
ld be greatly appreciated to understand what we are doing wrong. Thanks! Brenda Collins Storage Administrator ING - Americas Infrastructure Services (612) 342-3839 (Phone) (612)510-0187 (Pager) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DB2 hot backups

2002-05-13 Thread Brenda Collins
I believe this is because the directory structure of TSM changed between versions 3.1 & 3.7 so you will have to reconfigure the db2 client. Brenda "HEMPSTEAD, Tim"

Re: TSM Database Location

2002-04-24 Thread Brenda Collins
e DB volume (original one.) I am being simplistic, but it is well covered in the Admin Guide (Available online from Rgrds Richard -Original Message- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Brenda Collins Sent: 24 April 2002 14:56 To: [EMAIL

Re: TSM Database Location

2002-04-24 Thread Brenda Collins
anet : Storage Web <http://intranet/cis_bstb/html_content/sm/index_sm.htm> _ - Everybody has a photographic memory, some just don't have film. - -Oorspronkelijk bericht- Van: Brenda Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Verzonden: woensdag 24 april 2002 13:37 Aan: [EMAIL PROTE

TSM Database Location

2002-04-24 Thread Brenda Collins
We are just setting up a new TSM server. It appears to load the default database under /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin. Is it common practice to leave it there or to move it to it's own separate location? Any recommendations? Thanks, Brenda

Re: ANS1312E

2002-04-23 Thread Brenda Collins
It's possible you are just out of scratch tapes in that particular storage pool. Brenda "Joni Moyer" cc: Sent by: "ADSM: Subject: ANS1312E Dist Stor Manager"

Re: TSM and Capacity Planning

2002-04-15 Thread Brenda Collins
tions came out the same as using this process. Have a good day! Brenda Collins ING - Americas Infrastructure Services (612) 342-3839 (Phone) ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Joshua S. Bassi" To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] &l

Re: TSM and Capacity Planning

2002-04-09 Thread Brenda Collins
and if you only have one, it doesnt matter how many tape drives I have because the best rate I can get to the drives is 60MB/sec or 600 Mhz worth of CPU's. Brenda Collins ING - Americas Infrastructure Services (612) 342-3839 (Phone) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: TSM database maximum recommended size

2002-04-04 Thread Brenda Collins
I was told by a Tivoli Engineer at one time that you shouldn't let them grow much over 50 gb. Primarily, because of the reason you state here about having the capability to restore. In a disaster, you need to take into consideration how much time it is going to take you to restore that database

TSM Server Sizing

2002-04-03 Thread Brenda Collins
oving from Mainframe to Unix - and merging two different backup environments into one. TSM on OS/390 - Current occupancy is 18 TB, TSM database = 18gb Upstream - 325 clients Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer. Brenda Collins Storage Administrator ING - Americas Infrastru

Re: Technical comparisons

2002-04-03 Thread Brenda Collins
it if every one runs a product on Windows and it is very successful, they will choose it for their other environments. Watch out Roseville, the Tivoli roller is coming. -Original Message- From: Brenda Collins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 8:41 AM To: [EMAIL

Re: Technical comparisons

2002-04-03 Thread Brenda Collins
Try this.. It doesn't reflect any price comparisons though. "Jolliff, Dale"To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED] cc: OM> Sub

Re: TSM Client Agent randomly stopping on Windows 2000 SP2

2002-04-03 Thread Brenda Collins
Hi! Here's the web site you need to access to register for an ID to get into the support site. You can get to almost everything from the home page: Brenda Collins Storage Administrator ING - Americas Infrastructure Services (612) 342-3839 (