I am running Oracle on AIX 4.3.3 with
TSM Server V4, Release 2, Level 2.2
Oracle TDP version
I would like to use the RMAN duplicate function to
duplicate my production datbase on a different node. I
have done this in the past (as recently as 4 months
ago) without any problem. Wh
Thanks David,
Interestingly there is not much point in keeping the
data since to resore would require ebu and an earlier
version of Oracle.
One of the problems I found going to the newer
version, the old backups became useless!
Thanks again
--- David Longo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If
Hi all
Recently I upgraded from Oracle/ebu/adsm connect to
Oracle/rman/TDP to TSM. One thing that I found was
that the ebu software stopped working for one reason
or other after the upgrade but I still have all the
old file spaces associated with the EBU backups.
I created new client nodes for my
Hi Brian,
One thing I found good was running tdpoconf showenv.
I had a few problems getting it going not knowing
where the dsm.sys was located but once I did that I
sorted out my configurations and everything seems to
work except for a problem with my password which
should be easy enough to resol
e reason, there have been
> problems with old driver
> and patch levels.
> -Original Message-
> From: Bernie M [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 2:00 AM
> Subject: problem after upgrding ADSM to TSM 4.2
> Hi all,
Hi all,
I have just upgraded my ADSM server to TSM 4.2 on AIX
4.3.3 and am having problems with the definitions of
my drives. Ther is nothing using the drives, I can
access them using tapeutil but have the following
problems in TSMANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE
issued command: QUERY DRIVE 3
I am looking at upgrading an ADSM 2.? server to TSM
4.2 but am a little concerned that my database backups
will stop working.
I am using ebu to backup my Oracle 7 databases and
have been told that if I go to TSM 4.2 I will also
need to purchase the Oracle TDP. My understanging on
this is not