Hi all, I have just upgraded my ADSM server to TSM 4.2 on AIX 4.3.3 and am having problems with the definitions of my drives. Ther is nothing using the drives, I can access them using tapeutil but have the following problems in TSMANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: QUERY DRIVE 3575lib1 drive0 f=d
Library Name: 3575LIB1 Drive Name: DRIVE0 Device Type: 3570 Device: ON LINE: Unavailable Since 04/17/02 15:10:17 Element: 16 Allocated to: Last Update by (administrator): SERVER_CONSOLE Last Update Date/Time: 04/17/02 14:45:05 Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE): NONE TSM:WESLEYADSM> update DRIVE 3575LIB1 DRIVE0 DEVICE=/dev/rmt0 ANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: UPDATE DRIVE 3575LIB1 DRIVE0 DEVICE=/dev/rmt0 ANR8420E UPDATE DRIVE: An I/O error occurred while accessing drive DRIVE0. TSM:WESLEYADSM> Does anyone have suggestions on how to overcome this problem? Thanks B __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax http://taxes.yahoo.com/